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Channels Resource

Channel Object

Represents a guild or DM channel within Discord.

Channel Structure
Field Type Description
id snowflake the id of this channel
type integer the type of channel
guild_id? snowflake the id of the guild (may be missing for some channel objects received over gateway guild dispatches)
position? integer sorting position of the channel (channels with the same position are sorted by id)
permission_overwrites? array of overwrite objects explicit permission overwrites for members and roles
name? ?string the name of the channel (1-100 characters)
topic? ?string the channel topic (0-4096 characters for GUILD_FORUM and GUILD_MEDIA channels, 0-1024 characters for all others)
nsfw? boolean whether the channel is nsfw
last_message_id? ?snowflake the id of the last message sent in this channel (or thread for GUILD_FORUM or GUILD_MEDIA channels) (may not point to an existing or valid message or thread)
bitrate? integer the bitrate (in bits) of the voice channel
user_limit? integer the user limit of the voice channel
rate_limit_per_user?* integer amount of seconds a user has to wait before sending another message (0-21600); bots, as well as users with the permission manage_messages or manage_channel, are unaffected
recipients? array of user objects the recipients of the DM
icon? ?string icon hash of the group DM
owner_id? snowflake id of the creator of the group DM or thread
application_id? snowflake application id of the group DM creator if it is bot-created
managed? boolean for group DM channels: whether the channel is managed by an application via the gdm.join OAuth2 scope
parent_id? ?snowflake for guild channels: id of the parent category for a channel (each parent category can contain up to 50 channels), for threads: id of the text channel this thread was created
last_pin_timestamp? ?ISO8601 timestamp when the last pinned message was pinned. This may be null in events such as GUILD_CREATE when a message is not pinned.
rtc_region? ?string voice region id for the voice channel, automatic when set to null
video_quality_mode? integer the camera video quality mode of the voice channel, 1 when not present
message_count?** integer number of messages (not including the initial message or deleted messages) in a thread.
member_count? integer an approximate count of users in a thread, stops counting at 50
thread_metadata? a thread metadata object thread-specific fields not needed by other channels
member? a thread member object thread member object for the current user, if they have joined the thread, only included on certain API endpoints
default_auto_archive_duration? integer default duration, copied onto newly created threads, in minutes, threads will stop showing in the channel list after the specified period of inactivity, can be set to: 60, 1440, 4320, 10080
permissions? string computed permissions for the invoking user in the channel, including overwrites, only included when part of the resolved data received on a slash command interaction. This does not include implicit permissions, which may need to be checked separately
flags? integer channel flags combined as a bitfield
total_message_sent? integer number of messages ever sent in a thread, it's similar to message_count on message creation, but will not decrement the number when a message is deleted
available_tags? array of tag objects the set of tags that can be used in a GUILD_FORUM or a GUILD_MEDIA channel
applied_tags? array of snowflakes the IDs of the set of tags that have been applied to a thread in a GUILD_FORUM or a GUILD_MEDIA channel
default_reaction_emoji? ?default reaction object the emoji to show in the add reaction button on a thread in a GUILD_FORUM or a GUILD_MEDIA channel
default_thread_rate_limit_per_user? integer the initial rate_limit_per_user to set on newly created threads in a channel. this field is copied to the thread at creation time and does not live update.
default_sort_order? ?integer the default sort order type used to order posts in GUILD_FORUM and GUILD_MEDIA channels. Defaults to null, which indicates a preferred sort order hasn't been set by a channel admin
default_forum_layout? integer the default forum layout view used to display posts in GUILD_FORUM channels. Defaults to 0, which indicates a layout view has not been set by a channel admin

* rate_limit_per_user also applies to thread creation. Users can send one message and create one thread during each rate_limit_per_user interval.

** For threads created before July 1, 2022, the message count is inaccurate when it's greater than 50.

Channel Types

warn Type 10, 11 and 12 are only available in API v9 and above.

Type ID Description
GUILD_TEXT 0 a text channel within a server
DM 1 a direct message between users
GUILD_VOICE 2 a voice channel within a server
GROUP_DM 3 a direct message between multiple users
GUILD_CATEGORY 4 an organizational category that contains up to 50 channels
GUILD_ANNOUNCEMENT 5 a channel that users can follow and crosspost into their own server (formerly news channels)
ANNOUNCEMENT_THREAD 10 a temporary sub-channel within a GUILD_ANNOUNCEMENT channel
PUBLIC_THREAD 11 a temporary sub-channel within a GUILD_TEXT or GUILD_FORUM channel
PRIVATE_THREAD 12 a temporary sub-channel within a GUILD_TEXT channel that is only viewable by those invited and those with the MANAGE_THREADS permission
GUILD_STAGE_VOICE 13 a voice channel for hosting events with an audience
GUILD_DIRECTORY 14 the channel in a hub containing the listed servers
GUILD_FORUM 15 Channel that can only contain threads
GUILD_MEDIA 16 Channel that can only contain threads, similar to GUILD_FORUM channels

* The GUILD_MEDIA channel type is still in active development. Avoid implementing any features that are not documented here, since they are subject to change without notice!

Video Quality Modes
Mode Value Description
AUTO 1 Discord chooses the quality for optimal performance
FULL 2 720p
Channel Flags
Flag Value Description
PINNED 1 << 1 this thread is pinned to the top of its parent GUILD_FORUM or GUILD_MEDIA channel
REQUIRE_TAG 1 << 4 whether a tag is required to be specified when creating a thread in a GUILD_FORUM or a GUILD_MEDIA channel. Tags are specified in the applied_tags field.
HIDE_MEDIA_DOWNLOAD_OPTIONS 1 << 15 when set hides the embedded media download options. Available only for media channels
Sort Order Types
Flag Value Description
LATEST_ACTIVITY 0 Sort forum posts by activity
CREATION_DATE 1 Sort forum posts by creation time (from most recent to oldest)
Forum Layout Types
Flag Value Description
NOT_SET 0 No default has been set for forum channel
LIST_VIEW 1 Display posts as a list
GALLERY_VIEW 2 Display posts as a collection of tiles
Example Guild Text Channel
  "id": "41771983423143937",
  "guild_id": "41771983423143937",
  "name": "general",
  "type": 0,
  "position": 6,
  "permission_overwrites": [],
  "rate_limit_per_user": 2,
  "nsfw": true,
  "topic": "24/7 chat about how to gank Mike #2",
  "last_message_id": "155117677105512449",
  "parent_id": "399942396007890945",
  "default_auto_archive_duration": 60
Example Guild Announcement Channel

Bots can post or publish messages in this type of channel if they have the proper permissions.

  "id": "41771983423143937",
  "guild_id": "41771983423143937",
  "name": "important-news",
  "type": 5,
  "position": 6,
  "permission_overwrites": [],
  "nsfw": true,
  "topic": "Rumors about Half Life 3",
  "last_message_id": "155117677105512449",
  "parent_id": "399942396007890945",
  "default_auto_archive_duration": 60
Example Guild Voice Channel
  "id": "155101607195836416",
  "last_message_id": "174629835082649376",
  "type": 2,
  "name": "ROCKET CHEESE",
  "position": 5,
  "parent_id": null,
  "bitrate": 64000,
  "user_limit": 0,
  "rtc_region": null,
  "guild_id": "41771983423143937",
  "permission_overwrites": [],
  "rate_limit_per_user": 0,
  "nsfw": false,
Example DM Channel
  "last_message_id": "3343820033257021450",
  "type": 1,
  "id": "319674150115610528",
  "recipients": [
      "username": "test",
      "discriminator": "9999",
      "id": "82198898841029460",
      "avatar": "33ecab261d4681afa4d85a04691c4a01"
Example Group DM Channel
  "name": "Some test channel",
  "icon": null,
  "recipients": [
      "username": "test",
      "discriminator": "9999",
      "id": "82198898841029460",
      "avatar": "33ecab261d4681afa4d85a04691c4a01"
      "username": "test2",
      "discriminator": "9999",
      "id": "82198810841029460",
      "avatar": "33ecab261d4681afa4d85a10691c4a01"
  "last_message_id": "3343820033257021450",
  "type": 3,
  "id": "319674150115710528",
  "owner_id": "82198810841029460"
Example Channel Category
  "permission_overwrites": [],
  "name": "Test",
  "parent_id": null,
  "nsfw": false,
  "position": 0,
  "guild_id": "290926798629997250",
  "type": 4,
  "id": "399942396007890945"
Example Thread Channel

Threads can be either archived or active. Archived threads are generally immutable. To send a message or add a reaction, a thread must first be unarchived. The API will helpfully automatically unarchive a thread when sending a message in that thread.

Unlike with channels, the API will only sync updates to users about threads the current user can view. When receiving a guild create payload, the API will only include active threads the current user can view. Threads inside of private channels are completely private to the members of that private channel. As such, when gaining access to a channel the API sends a thread list sync, which includes all active threads in that channel.

Threads also track membership. Users must be added to a thread before sending messages in them. The API will helpfully automatically add users to a thread when sending a message in that thread.

Guilds have limits on the number of active threads and members per thread. Once these are reached additional threads cannot be created or unarchived, and users cannot be added. Threads do not count against the per-guild channel limit.

The threads topic has some more information.

  "id": "41771983423143937",
  "guild_id": "41771983423143937",
  "parent_id": "41771983423143937",
  "owner_id": "41771983423143937",
  "name": "don't buy dota-2",
  "type": 11,
  "last_message_id": "155117677105512449",
  "message_count": 1,
  "member_count": 5,
  "rate_limit_per_user": 2,
  "thread_metadata": {
    "archived": false,
    "auto_archive_duration": 1440,
    "archive_timestamp": "2021-04-12T23:40:39.855793+00:00",
    "locked": false
  "total_message_sent": 1

Followed Channel Object

Followed Channel Structure
Field Type Description
channel_id snowflake source channel id
webhook_id snowflake created target webhook id

Overwrite Object

See permissions for more information about the allow and deny fields.

Overwrite Structure
Field Type Description
id snowflake role or user id
type int either 0 (role) or 1 (member)
allow string permission bit set
deny string permission bit set

Thread Metadata Object

The thread metadata object contains a number of thread-specific channel fields that are not needed by other channel types.

Thread Metadata Structure
Field Type Description
archived boolean whether the thread is archived
auto_archive_duration integer the thread will stop showing in the channel list after auto_archive_duration minutes of inactivity, can be set to: 60, 1440, 4320, 10080
archive_timestamp ISO8601 timestamp timestamp when the thread's archive status was last changed, used for calculating recent activity
locked boolean whether the thread is locked; when a thread is locked, only users with MANAGE_THREADS can unarchive it
invitable? boolean whether non-moderators can add other non-moderators to a thread; only available on private threads
create_timestamp? ?ISO8601 timestamp timestamp when the thread was created; only populated for threads created after 2022-01-09

Thread Member Object

A thread member object contains information about a user that has joined a thread.

Thread Member Structure
Field Type Description
id? * snowflake ID of the thread
user_id? * snowflake ID of the user
join_timestamp ISO8601 timestamp Time the user last joined the thread
flags integer Any user-thread settings, currently only used for notifications
member? * ** guild member object Additional information about the user

* These fields are omitted on the member sent within each thread in the GUILD_CREATE event.

** The member field is only present when with_member is set to true when calling List Thread Members or Get Thread Member.

Default Reaction Object

An object that specifies the emoji to use as the default way to react to a forum post. Exactly one of emoji_id and emoji_name must be set.

Default Reaction Structure
Field Type Description
emoji_id ?snowflake the id of a guild's custom emoji
emoji_name ?string the unicode character of the emoji

Forum Tag Object

An object that represents a tag that is able to be applied to a thread in a GUILD_FORUM or GUILD_MEDIA channel.

Forum Tag Structure

info When updating a GUILD_FORUM or a GUILD_MEDIA channel, tag objects in available_tags only require the name field.

Field Type Description
id snowflake the id of the tag
name string the name of the tag (0-20 characters)
moderated boolean whether this tag can only be added to or removed from threads by a member with the MANAGE_THREADS permission
emoji_id ?snowflake the id of a guild's custom emoji *
emoji_name ?string the unicode character of the emoji *

* At most one of emoji_id and emoji_name may be set to a non-null value.

Get Channel % GET /channels/{}

Get a channel by ID. Returns a channel object. If the channel is a thread, a thread member object is included in the returned result.

Modify Channel % PATCH /channels/{}

Update a channel's settings. Returns a channel on success, and a 400 BAD REQUEST on invalid parameters.

info All parameters to this endpoint are optional

info This endpoint supports the X-Audit-Log-Reason header.

JSON Params (Group DM)

Fires a Channel Update Gateway event.

Field Type Description
name string 1-100 character channel name
icon binary base64 encoded icon
JSON Params (Guild channel)

Requires the MANAGE_CHANNELS permission for the guild. Fires a Channel Update Gateway event. If modifying a category, individual Channel Update events will fire for each child channel that also changes. If modifying permission overwrites, the MANAGE_ROLES permission is required. Only permissions your bot has in the guild or parent channel (if applicable) can be allowed/denied (unless your bot has a MANAGE_ROLES overwrite in the channel).

Field Type Description Channel Type
name string 1-100 character channel name All
type integer the type of channel; only conversion between text and announcement is supported and only in guilds with the "NEWS" feature Text, Announcement
position ?integer the position of the channel in the left-hand listing (channels with the same position are sorted by id) All
topic ?string 0-1024 character channel topic (0-4096 characters for GUILD_FORUM and GUILD_MEDIA channels) Text, Announcement, Forum, Media
nsfw ?boolean whether the channel is nsfw Text, Voice, Announcement, Stage, Forum, Media
rate_limit_per_user ?integer amount of seconds a user has to wait before sending another message (0-21600); bots, as well as users with the permission manage_messages or manage_channel, are unaffected Text, Voice, Stage, Forum, Media
bitrate* ?integer the bitrate (in bits) of the voice or stage channel; min 8000 Voice, Stage
user_limit ?integer the user limit of the voice or stage channel, max 99 for voice channels and 10,000 for stage channels (0 refers to no limit) Voice, Stage
permission_overwrites** ?array of partial overwrite objects channel or category-specific permissions All
parent_id ?snowflake id of the new parent category for a channel Text, Voice, Announcement, Stage, Forum, Media
rtc_region ?string channel voice region id, automatic when set to null Voice, Stage
video_quality_mode ?integer the camera video quality mode of the voice channel Voice, Stage
default_auto_archive_duration ?integer the default duration that the clients use (not the API) for newly created threads in the channel, in minutes, to automatically archive the thread after recent activity Text, Announcement, Forum, Media
flags integer channel flags combined as a bitfield. Currently only REQUIRE_TAG (1 << 4) is supported by GUILD_FORUM and GUILD_MEDIA channels. HIDE_MEDIA_DOWNLOAD_OPTIONS (1 << 15) is supported only by GUILD_MEDIA channels Forum, Media
available_tags array of tag objects the set of tags that can be used in a GUILD_FORUM or a GUILD_MEDIA channel; limited to 20 Forum, Media
default_reaction_emoji ?default reaction object the emoji to show in the add reaction button on a thread in a GUILD_FORUM or a GUILD_MEDIA channel Forum, Media
default_thread_rate_limit_per_user integer the initial rate_limit_per_user to set on newly created threads in a channel. this field is copied to the thread at creation time and does not live update. Text, Forum, Media
default_sort_order ?integer the default sort order type used to order posts in GUILD_FORUM and GUILD_MEDIA channels Forum, Media
default_forum_layout integer the default forum layout type used to display posts in GUILD_FORUM channels Forum

* For voice channels, normal servers can set bitrate up to 96000, servers with Boost level 1 can set up to 128000, servers with Boost level 2 can set up to 256000, and servers with Boost level 3 or the VIP_REGIONS guild feature can set up to 384000. For stage channels, bitrate can be set up to 64000.

** In each overwrite object, the allow and deny keys can be omitted or set to null, which both default to "0".

JSON Params (Thread)

When setting archived to false, when locked is also false, only the SEND_MESSAGES permission is required.

Otherwise, requires the MANAGE_THREADS permission. Fires a Thread Update Gateway event. Requires the thread to have archived set to false or be set to false in the request.

Field Type Description
name string 1-100 character channel name
archived boolean whether the thread is archived
auto_archive_duration integer the thread will stop showing in the channel list after auto_archive_duration minutes of inactivity, can be set to: 60, 1440, 4320, 10080
locked boolean whether the thread is locked; when a thread is locked, only users with MANAGE_THREADS can unarchive it
invitable boolean whether non-moderators can add other non-moderators to a thread; only available on private threads
rate_limit_per_user ?integer amount of seconds a user has to wait before sending another message (0-21600); bots, as well as users with the permission manage_messages, manage_thread, or manage_channel, are unaffected
flags? integer channel flags combined as a bitfield; PINNED can only be set for threads in forum and media channels
applied_tags? array of snowflakes the IDs of the set of tags that have been applied to a thread in a GUILD_FORUM or a GUILD_MEDIA channel; limited to 5

Delete/Close Channel % DELETE /channels/{}

Delete a channel, or close a private message. Requires the MANAGE_CHANNELS permission for the guild, or MANAGE_THREADS if the channel is a thread. Deleting a category does not delete its child channels; they will have their parent_id removed and a Channel Update Gateway event will fire for each of them. Returns a channel object on success. Fires a Channel Delete Gateway event (or Thread Delete if the channel was a thread).

warn Deleting a guild channel cannot be undone. Use this with caution, as it is impossible to undo this action when performed on a guild channel. In contrast, when used with a private message, it is possible to undo the action by opening a private message with the recipient again.

info For Community guilds, the Rules or Guidelines channel and the Community Updates channel cannot be deleted.

info This endpoint supports the X-Audit-Log-Reason header.

Edit Channel Permissions % PUT /channels/{}/permissions/{}

Edit the channel permission overwrites for a user or role in a channel. Only usable for guild channels. Requires the MANAGE_ROLES permission. Only permissions your bot has in the guild or parent channel (if applicable) can be allowed/denied (unless your bot has a MANAGE_ROLES overwrite in the channel). Returns a 204 empty response on success. Fires a Channel Update Gateway event. For more information about permissions, see permissions.

info This endpoint supports the X-Audit-Log-Reason header.

JSON Params
Field Type Description
allow? string? the bitwise value of all allowed permissions (default "0")
deny? string? the bitwise value of all disallowed permissions (default "0")
type integer 0 for a role or 1 for a member

Get Channel Invites % GET /channels/{}/invites

Returns a list of invite objects (with invite metadata) for the channel. Only usable for guild channels. Requires the MANAGE_CHANNELS permission.

Create Channel Invite % POST /channels/{}/invites

Create a new invite object for the channel. Only usable for guild channels. Requires the CREATE_INSTANT_INVITE permission. All JSON parameters for this route are optional, however the request body is not. If you are not sending any fields, you still have to send an empty JSON object ({}). Returns an invite object. Fires an Invite Create Gateway event.

info This endpoint supports the X-Audit-Log-Reason header.

JSON Params
Field Type Description Default
max_age integer duration of invite in seconds before expiry, or 0 for never. between 0 and 604800 (7 days) 86400 (24 hours)
max_uses integer max number of uses or 0 for unlimited. between 0 and 100 0
temporary boolean whether this invite only grants temporary membership false
unique boolean if true, don't try to reuse a similar invite (useful for creating many unique one time use invites) false
target_type integer the type of target for this voice channel invite
target_user_id snowflake the id of the user whose stream to display for this invite, required if target_type is 1, the user must be streaming in the channel
target_application_id snowflake the id of the embedded application to open for this invite, required if target_type is 2, the application must have the EMBEDDED flag

Delete Channel Permission % DELETE /channels/{}/permissions/{}

Delete a channel permission overwrite for a user or role in a channel. Only usable for guild channels. Requires the MANAGE_ROLES permission. Returns a 204 empty response on success. Fires a Channel Update Gateway event. For more information about permissions, see permissions

info This endpoint supports the X-Audit-Log-Reason header.

Follow Announcement Channel % POST /channels/{}/followers

Follow an Announcement Channel to send messages to a target channel. Requires the MANAGE_WEBHOOKS permission in the target channel. Returns a followed channel object. Fires a Webhooks Update Gateway event for the target channel.

info This endpoint supports the X-Audit-Log-Reason header.

JSON Params
Field Type Description
webhook_channel_id snowflake id of target channel

Trigger Typing Indicator % POST /channels/{}/typing

Post a typing indicator for the specified channel, which expires after 10 seconds. Returns a 204 empty response on success. Fires a Typing Start Gateway event.

Generally bots should not use this route. However, if a bot is responding to a command and expects the computation to take a few seconds, this endpoint may be called to let the user know that the bot is processing their message.

Get Pinned Messages % GET /channels/{}/pins

Returns all pinned messages in the channel as an array of message objects.

Pin Message % PUT /channels/{}/pins/{}

Pin a message in a channel. Requires the MANAGE_MESSAGES permission. Returns a 204 empty response on success. Fires a Channel Pins Update Gateway event.

warn The max pinned messages is 50.

info This endpoint supports the X-Audit-Log-Reason header.

Unpin Message % DELETE /channels/{}/pins/{}

Unpin a message in a channel. Requires the MANAGE_MESSAGES permission. Returns a 204 empty response on success. Fires a Channel Pins Update Gateway event.

info This endpoint supports the X-Audit-Log-Reason header.

Group DM Add Recipient % PUT /channels/{}/recipients/{}

Adds a recipient to a Group DM using their access token.

JSON Params
Field Type Description
access_token string access token of a user that has granted your app the gdm.join scope
nick string nickname of the user being added

Group DM Remove Recipient % DELETE /channels/{}/recipients/{}

Removes a recipient from a Group DM.

Start Thread from Message % POST /channels/{}/messages/{}/threads

Creates a new thread from an existing message. Returns a channel on success, and a 400 BAD REQUEST on invalid parameters. Fires a Thread Create and a Message Update Gateway event.

When called on a GUILD_TEXT channel, creates a PUBLIC_THREAD. When called on a GUILD_ANNOUNCEMENT channel, creates a ANNOUNCEMENT_THREAD. Does not work on a GUILD_FORUM or a GUILD_MEDIA channel. The id of the created thread will be the same as the id of the source message, and as such a message can only have a single thread created from it.

info This endpoint supports the X-Audit-Log-Reason header.

JSON Params
Field Type Description
name string 1-100 character channel name
auto_archive_duration? integer the thread will stop showing in the channel list after auto_archive_duration minutes of inactivity, can be set to: 60, 1440, 4320, 10080
rate_limit_per_user? ?integer amount of seconds a user has to wait before sending another message (0-21600)

Start Thread without Message % POST /channels/{}/threads

Creates a new thread that is not connected to an existing message. Returns a channel on success, and a 400 BAD REQUEST on invalid parameters. Fires a Thread Create Gateway event.

info This endpoint supports the X-Audit-Log-Reason header.

JSON Params
Field Type Description
name string 1-100 character channel name
auto_archive_duration? integer the thread will stop showing in the channel list after auto_archive_duration minutes of inactivity, can be set to: 60, 1440, 4320, 10080
type?* integer the type of thread to create
invitable? boolean whether non-moderators can add other non-moderators to a thread; only available when creating a private thread
rate_limit_per_user? ?integer amount of seconds a user has to wait before sending another message (0-21600)

* type currently defaults to PRIVATE_THREAD in order to match the behavior when thread documentation was first published. In a future API version this will be changed to be a required field, with no default.

Start Thread in Forum or Media Channel % POST /channels/{}/threads

Creates a new thread in a forum or a media channel, and sends a message within the created thread. Returns a channel, with a nested message object, on success, and a 400 BAD REQUEST on invalid parameters. Fires a Thread Create and Message Create Gateway event.

  • The type of the created thread is PUBLIC_THREAD.
  • See message formatting for more information on how to properly format messages.
  • The current user must have the SEND_MESSAGES permission (CREATE_PUBLIC_THREADS is ignored).
  • The maximum request size when sending a message is 25 MiB.
  • For the embed object, you can set every field except type (it will be rich regardless of if you try to set it), provider, video, and any height, width, or proxy_url values for images.
  • Examples for file uploads are available in Uploading Files.
  • Files must be attached using a multipart/form-data body as described in Uploading Files.
  • Note that when sending a message, you must provide a value for at least one of content, embeds, sticker_ids, components, or files[n].

warn Discord may strip certain characters from message content, like invalid unicode characters or characters which cause unexpected message formatting. If you are passing user-generated strings into message content, consider sanitizing the data to prevent unexpected behavior and using allowed_mentions to prevent unexpected mentions.

info This endpoint supports the X-Audit-Log-Reason header.

JSON/Form Params
Field Type Description
name string 1-100 character channel name
auto_archive_duration?* integer duration in minutes to automatically archive the thread after recent activity, can be set to: 60, 1440, 4320, 10080
rate_limit_per_user? ?integer amount of seconds a user has to wait before sending another message (0-21600)
message a forum thread message params object contents of the first message in the forum/media thread
applied_tags? array of snowflakes the IDs of the set of tags that have been applied to a thread in a GUILD_FORUM or a GUILD_MEDIA channel
files[n]?* file contents Contents of the file being sent. See Uploading Files
payload_json? string JSON-encoded body of non-file params, only for multipart/form-data requests. See Uploading Files
Forum and Media Thread Message Params Object

info When sending a message, apps must provide a value for at least one of content, embeds, sticker_ids, components, or files[n].

Field Type Description
content?* string Message contents (up to 2000 characters)
embeds?* array of embed objects Up to 10 rich embeds (up to 6000 characters)
allowed_mentions? allowed mention object Allowed mentions for the message
components?* array of message component objects Components to include with the message
sticker_ids?* array of snowflakes IDs of up to 3 stickers in the server to send in the message
attachments? array of partial attachment objects Attachment objects with filename and description. See Uploading Files
flags? integer Message flags combined as a bitfield (only SUPPRESS_EMBEDS and SUPPRESS_NOTIFICATIONS can be set)

* At least one of content, embeds, sticker_ids, components, or files[n] is required.

Join Thread % PUT /channels/{}/thread-members/@me

Adds the current user to a thread. Also requires the thread is not archived. Returns a 204 empty response on success. Fires a Thread Members Update and a Thread Create Gateway event.

Add Thread Member % PUT /channels/{}/thread-members/{}

Adds another member to a thread. Requires the ability to send messages in the thread. Also requires the thread is not archived. Returns a 204 empty response if the member is successfully added or was already a member of the thread. Fires a Thread Members Update Gateway event.

Leave Thread % DELETE /channels/{}/thread-members/@me

Removes the current user from a thread. Also requires the thread is not archived. Returns a 204 empty response on success. Fires a Thread Members Update Gateway event.

Remove Thread Member % DELETE /channels/{}/thread-members/{}

Removes another member from a thread. Requires the MANAGE_THREADS permission, or the creator of the thread if it is a PRIVATE_THREAD. Also requires the thread is not archived. Returns a 204 empty response on success. Fires a Thread Members Update Gateway event.

Get Thread Member % GET /channels/{}/thread-members/{}

Returns a thread member object for the specified user if they are a member of the thread, returns a 404 response otherwise.

When with_member is set to true, the thread member object will include a member field containing a guild member object.

Query String Params
Field Type Description
with_member? boolean Whether to include a guild member object for the thread member

List Thread Members % GET /channels/{}/thread-members

warn Starting in API v11, this endpoint will always return paginated results. Paginated results can be enabled before API v11 by setting with_member to true. Read the changelog for details.

Returns array of thread members objects that are members of the thread.

When with_member is set to true, the results will be paginated and each thread member object will include a member field containing a guild member object.

warn This endpoint is restricted according to whether the GUILD_MEMBERS Privileged Intent is enabled for your application.

Query String Params
Field Type Description
with_member? boolean Whether to include a guild member object for each thread member
after? snowflake Get thread members after this user ID
limit? integer Max number of thread members to return (1-100). Defaults to 100.

List Public Archived Threads % GET /channels/{}/threads/archived/public

Returns archived threads in the channel that are public. When called on a GUILD_TEXT channel, returns threads of type PUBLIC_THREAD. When called on a GUILD_ANNOUNCEMENT channel returns threads of type ANNOUNCEMENT_THREAD. Threads are ordered by archive_timestamp, in descending order. Requires the READ_MESSAGE_HISTORY permission.

Query String Params
Field Type Description
before? ISO8601 timestamp returns threads archived before this timestamp
limit? integer optional maximum number of threads to return
Response Body
Field Type Description
threads array of channel objects the public, archived threads
members array of thread members objects a thread member object for each returned thread the current user has joined
has_more boolean whether there are potentially additional threads that could be returned on a subsequent call

List Private Archived Threads % GET /channels/{}/threads/archived/private

Returns archived threads in the channel that are of type PRIVATE_THREAD. Threads are ordered by archive_timestamp, in descending order. Requires both the READ_MESSAGE_HISTORY and MANAGE_THREADS permissions.

Query String Params
Field Type Description
before? ISO8601 timestamp returns threads archived before this timestamp
limit? integer optional maximum number of threads to return
Response Body
Field Type Description
threads array of channel objects the private, archived threads
members array of thread members objects a thread member object for each returned thread the current user has joined
has_more boolean whether there are potentially additional threads that could be returned on a subsequent call

List Joined Private Archived Threads % GET /channels/{}/users/@me/threads/archived/private

Returns archived threads in the channel that are of type PRIVATE_THREAD, and the user has joined. Threads are ordered by their id, in descending order. Requires the READ_MESSAGE_HISTORY permission.

Query String Params
Field Type Description
before? snowflake returns threads before this id
limit? integer optional maximum number of threads to return
Response Body
Field Type Description
threads array of channel objects the private, archived threads the current user has joined
members array of thread members objects a thread member object for each returned thread the current user has joined
has_more boolean whether there are potentially additional threads that could be returned on a subsequent call