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Project Contribution Guide

This document provides guidance for how YOU can collaborate with our project community to improve this technology.

DLMS Server Contribution and Governance Policies

This document describes the contribution process and governance policies of the DLMS Server project. The project draws influence from, but is not driven by, the Linux Foundation Antitrust Policy, and the FINOS IP Policy, Code of Conduct, Collaborative Principles, and Meeting Procedures. Please contact a maintainer if you are unsure how to proceed on any topic.

Reporting Issues

We welcome any feedback on the quality, stability or performance of DLMS Server. If you see incorrect behavior or would like to suggest ways to improve DLMS Server, please use these guidelines to create an issue in GitHub.

  1. Please check whether there is already an open issue related to your experience/feedback. If there is, join the discussion and contribute any observations or information that may not already be present in the issue.
  2. If there isn't already a relevant issue, create one using one of the provided templates. Please provide the following information: 3. Add appropriate tag for type of issue -> [bug, enhancement] 4. (optional) Add tag for required specialties -> [design thinking, project management, question, documentation] 5. Set Projects field to DLMSServer
  3. If you are reporting a problem that exists in DLMS Server, try to convey answers for the following:
    • Is the bug reproducible as explained?
    • Is it reproducible in other environments (for instance, in other DLMS-based applications)?
    • Are the steps to reproduce the bug clear? If not, can you describe how you might reproduce it? Please provide as much relevant information as possible and break the instructions for reproducing the problem into clear, simple steps.
    • Is this bug something you have run into? Is it blocking you? Would you appreciate it being looked into faster?
  1. Respond to any questions or suggestions raised in the issue by other community members.
  2. We will triage all new issues at our next community meeting if you would like to offer more information as we prioritize your issue. Click to see more meeting information.

Asking for features/enhancements

Similar to reporting issues, a user wishing to create a feature request should first check whether a similar request has already been made in the system. Searching for features should include looking for issues with the enhancement label. Additionally, searching on issues with the string [EPIC]in the title may prove useful.

If there isn't already a similar feature request, please create one using the appropriate Feature Request Form template. After questions and suggestions from the community have been considered by the author and any resulting updates to the request have been made, we will triage the feature request. If we determine the request to be sufficiently complex that we need to break work items into their own issues, the feature request will likely become an EPIC. More information on epics can be found below. We will work with the author to ensure that no insights or information will be lost.

Creating Epics

In general terms, an Epic is a reasonably large piece of work that is built from smaller pieces of work on which it depends. These smaller pieces of work may themselves be Epics that have their own dependencies. So if you think of an individual, well-defined, self-contained piece of work as being represented as an issue in an issue tracking system, an Epic is comprised of such issues. The issues contained in an Epic may need to be completed in a general order and that order should be defined in the Epic. In practice, Epics are usually feature/enhancement requests that summarize a piece of functionality that a user would like to see implemented in a project. The Epic would describe the problem, the potential solution, and a plan for how that work could be achieved. After the plan is formed, issues would be created in order to track each individual piece of work of which the plan consists. The issues would then be assigned owners to complete the work.

In DLMS Server, we prefer that Epics be created with the help of maintainers. A maintainer creating an epic should prepend the key string [EPIC] to the Epic's title. The maintainer should make sure that Tasks are defined in the Epic as individual pieces of work are defined. Each Task should be tracked using an issue. In that issue, all pieces of work on which the issue depends should be defined and, where possible, linked to. The overall result, once this is accomplished, is that a user should be able to go to an Epic, see a summary of the work that the Epic represents, should be able to see the tasks that, when put together, achieve the end goal of the Epic, the order in which the tasks need to be undertaken, and what dependencies each task has.

If you have any questions about Epics, please reach out to our maintainers for assistance.

Contribution Process

Contributing Code

Community Adoption

Strategically, Discover Financial Services intends for this repository to be promoted for maturation upstream within a yet-to-be-identified community such as FINOS or OpenJS. Once we see broader community contributions we will aggressively work towards the promoting of this project. If and when such a transfer occurs, normal pull request based contributions will be possible.

Incubation Period

During this tactical timeframe (for as long as this repo resides within the DFS GitHub organization), pull requests will not be accepted. For those willing to answer our call for contributions, please proceed by:

  1. 'forking` one of the project repositories
  2. Developing a contribution within your forked repo
  3. Opening an issue or feature enhancement report where a redirect to the new contribution (forked repo) is captured.
  4. Add the GitHub Topic dlms to your forked repo so that we can query all of GitHub for available features and fixes to import.

Coding Conventions

  • ReactJS:
    • PascalCase: ReactJS components, interfaces, component file names (tsx, jsx, css)
    • camelCase: JavaScript data variables, functions, non-component file names (ts, js, css)
    • Tab: 4 spaces
  • NodeJS:
    • camelCase: JavaScript data variables, functions, non-component file names
    • Tab: 4 spaces
  • CSS:
    • kebab-case: CSS variables
    • Tab: 2 spaces
  • Other
    • kebab-case: Directories and file names
    • UPPERCASE: Some root markdown files that are commonly all caps Currently, DLMS Server is unable to accept pull requests or code contributions of any kind. However, we are eager to collaborate with you and share ideas on how you can best use DLMS Server in your projects and listen to your ideas on how DLMS Server can be improved.

Team members

Meet and join our Team of Contributors.

Learn & listen

This section includes ways to get started with this open source project. It includes links to documentation and to different communication channels:


Participating in our project community spans a variety of activities:

  • Reporting bugs and enhancements requests
  • Contributing ideas on how to improve testing strategies and identifying gaps in test coverage
  • Contributing ideas for how to build the community (see issues tagged with the 'community' tag for examples)
  • Speaking at conferences and meetups to build awareness and community
  • Participating in Collaboration Summits
  • Contributing ideas for improving documentation
  • Identifying and tracking new use cases
  • Create an example of the project in real world by building something or showing what others have built.
  • Blog about other people’s projects based on this project. Show how it’s used in daily life. Take screenshots and make videos!

To join our community see the Onboarding Resources page in the wiki.

Project Management

Our project uses a combination of GitHub Issues and Project Kanban Dashboards to manage sprint plans.

Project Roadmap

Our vision for the maturation of this project is outlined in the Project Roadmap which is reflective of our intended milestones/release plan.


Logistics for Project Triage Sessions:

Project Management:



Testing new releases and/or features is a great way to contribute to the community. If you find issues, please submit an Issue/Feature Report.


Currently, the bulk of the DLMS Server documentation lives in the code and in the README. OpenAPI (i.e. Swagger) documentation is available on any running DLMS server by navigating to <server_url>/api/swagger. The Swagger documentation is built using tsoa and swagger-ui-express. The documentation for the API lives in each of the controllers located in ./server/src/controllers. For more information, visit: tsoa information.

If you find gaps, issues or can suggest improvements in our documentation, please submit an Issue/Feature Report.


Our project aspires to be globally applicable but that requires internationalization support beyond the English language. We seek help in:

  • Providing instructions for extending internationalization support;
  • Providing specific language translation enhancements.



The project community consists of Contributors and Maintainers:

  • A Contributor is anyone who submits a contribution to the project. (Contributions may include code, issues, comments, documentation, media, or any combination of the above.)
  • A Maintainer is a Contributor who, by virtue of their contribution history, has been given write access to project repositories and may merge approved contributions. Currently only Discover employees may contribute to the project.
  • The Lead Maintainer is the project's interface with the Discover Open Source Governance Board. They are responsible for communicating on behalf of the project. The Lead Maintainer is elected by a vote of the Maintainers.

Maintainer Voting

The Maintainers MAY hold votes only when they are unable to reach consensus on an issue. Any Maintainer MAY call a vote on a contested issue, after which Maintainers SHALL have 36 hours to register their votes. Votes SHALL take the form of "+1" (agree), "-1" (disagree), "+0" (abstain). Issues SHALL be decided by the majority of votes cast. If there is only one Maintainer, they SHALL decide any issue otherwise requiring a Maintainer vote. If a vote is tied, the Lead Maintainer MAY cast an additional tie-breaker vote.

The Maintainers SHALL decide the following matters by consensus or, if necessary, a vote:

  • Contested pull requests
  • Election and removal of the Lead Maintainer
  • Election and removal of Maintainers

All Maintainer votes MUST be carried out transparently, with all discussion and voting occurring in public, either:

  • in comments associated with the relevant issue or pull request, if applicable;
  • on the project mailing list or other official public communication channel; or
  • during a regular, minuted project meeting.

Maintainer Qualifications

Any Contributor who has made a substantial contribution to the project MAY apply (or be nominated) to become a Maintainer. The existing Maintainers SHALL decide whether to approve the nomination according to the Maintainer Voting process above.

Changes to this Document

This document MAY be amended by a vote of the Maintainers according to the Maintainer Voting process above.