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File metadata and controls

338 lines (257 loc) · 16.5 KB


The game space is known as the 'Kridnar navigation block' and consists of an 8x8x8 grid of 512 sectors. Each sector has a 20x20x20 co-ordinate grid, some of which will contain a star system. This means everything can be located within a 160x160x160 grid (global co-ordinates). There are 2860 star systems in total.

Alignment Sectors Systems
Z'Tarnis Nebula 143 800
Non-aligned 78 423
Federation 128 727
Neutral Zone 48 258
Romulan 115 652

In-Game Space

Information on a subset of locations in the game. Useful when examining the astrogation files.


There are 2 starbases in total.

Starbase Sector System Planet
Starbase 131 1-3-1 18-3-5 Hastings Alpha I
Starbase 45 0-4-5 3-10-10 Godel Alpha I

DS Stations

There are 5 deep space stations in total.

Station Sector Coordinates
Deep Space Station 220 2-2-0 9-16-17
Deep Space Station 633 6-3-3 10-9-12
Deep Space Station 175 1-7-5 12-7-14
Deep Space Station 6 0-0-6 6-10-9
Deep Space Station 161 1-6-1 10-8-17


There are 9 outposts in total. 8 regular outposts, and Outpost Delta-0-8.

Outpost Sector System Planet
Outpost 146 1-4-6 14-16-5 Zhalu Zeta I
Outpost 172 1-7-2 12-6-16 Myborn Beta II
Outpost 174 1-7-4 6-10-14 Vavuru Delta II
Outpost 341 3-4-1 18-10-16 Vanuma Alpha II
Outpost 430 4-3-0 14-7-11 Optima Alpha II
Outpost 435 4-3-5 5-1-4 Rydle Eta II
Outpost 543 5-4-3 0-5-1 Goldur Eta II
Outpost 644 6-4-4 2-12-16 Bonar Epsilon I
Outpost Delta-0-8 6-3-4 11-14-6 Kamyar Delta (Yajj) IV

Navigation and Scanning Buoys

There are 14 navigational and scanning buoys in total.

Comm Relay

There are 34 comm relays in total.

Places of Interest

Name Sector System Co-ordinates Notes
M'kyru 4-4-4 Where you start the game and meet the Garidian warbird
Ruinore 3-4-3 Where you are supposed to be patrolling the neutral zone
Palmyra M'kyru 4-4-4 Zeta If you don't chalenge the Garidian warbird, the scout ship self destructs, and you detect escape pods here
Cymkoe Steger 4-3-2 Delta 92-76-56 Mission 1 - Contains "Cymkoe IV", location of Mertens Orbital Station
Morassia Euterpe 2-2-5 Epsilon 55-50-101 Mission 2 - The zoo planet, where Dr Hyunh-Foertsch goes missing.
Joward Cashat 1-3-6 Delta Go to Joward III in search of Ferengi trader. Upon arrival, crew advises going to Nigold System.
Nigold Teagra 2-3-6 Epsilon Location of Ferengi trader, Aramut
Frigis Shonoisho 4-2-5 Epsilon 88-45-105 Mission 3 - The Garidian colony on Shonoisho Epsilon VI (aka Frigis)
Goldur 5-4-3 Eta Location of Outpost 543, and Commander Chan (dialogue says Goldur Delta, but it's in Eta)
Paxanona Goldur 5-4-3 11-90-65 Location of Comm Relay 543, which you defend from the Romulans
Beremar Goldur 5-4-3 Delta USS Ayers (Ambassador class, commanded by Capt. Ward) which you're sent to join... but too late
Balis Goldur 5-4-3 Epsilon Location of IKS Bortas, commanded by Captain Ky'Dra
Horst Tothe 5-4-4 Delta 106-84-99 Mission 4 - Contains "Horst III". You first visit the vulcan archeologist Shanok here, then again for the mission.
Yajj Kamyar 6-3-4 Delta 131-74-86 Location of Outpost Delta-0-8, at Yajj IV, which you're ordered to go defend
Allanor Brinus 2-6-2 Zeta Mission 5 - Location of the Chodak ruins
Al'din 5-6-7 Location from which the Gombara Pulsar can be viewed
Thang 3-1-3 69-34-76 Location of the Unity device

File Formats

There are two files covering astrogation: astro.db and astromap.db.

String offsets will either be null (0xFFFFFFFF) or, in astro.db, may be an offset from 0x3e3e0.


todo: some of these offsets are wrong!

Offset Offset Name Type Description
0x00 sectors SECTOR[512]
0x4800 18432 systems SYSTEM[2860]
0x33fb0 bodies BODY[]
0x3dad8 n_stations_sector 32u
0x3dadc n_stations_system 32u
0x3dae0 stations STATION[n_stations_sector]
stations STATION[n_stations_system]
0x3e3e0 strings string[]


Offset Offset Name Type Description
0x00 0 sector_offsets 32u[512] Offsets into the file of all the sector structs
0x4000 16384 sectors sectors[512] 512 sector data, arranged as per table below

At each of the sector_offsets, you will find the following data for a given sector:

Offset Offset Name Type Description
0x00 0 sector SECTOR Information on the sector
0x24 36 systems SYSTEM[] Array of the systems within the sector
bodies BODY[] Array of the astronomical bodies within the sector
stations STATION[] Array of the stations within the sector

Struct: SECTOR

Offset Offset Name Type Description
0x00 0 sector_id 32u
0x04 4 sector_n_systems 32u Number of systems within sector
0x08 8 sector_n_bodies 32u Number of astronomical bodies within sector
0x0C 12 sector_n_stations 32u 0 or, in stromap.db, number of stations within sector
0x10 16 sector_alignment 32u See "Sector Alignment" below
0x14 20 sector_ptr_systems 32u Set during execution. Points to the sector's systems
0x18 24 sector_ptr_bodies 32u Set during execution. Points to the sector's bodies
0x1b 28 sector_ptr_stations 32u Set during execution. Points to the sector's stations
0x1f 32 sector_ptr_desc 32u Set during execution. Point to the sector description

Total length: 36 bytes.

Sector Alignment

  • 0: Federation
  • 1: Romulan
  • 2: Neutral zone
  • 3: Z'Tarnis Nebula
  • 4: Non-aligned

Struct: SYSTEM

Offset Offset Name Type Description
0x00 0 system_index 32u System's index within its sector
0x04 4 system_id 16u
0x06 6 system_type 16u See Object Types below. Always 32 (0x20).
0x08 8 system_random_seed 32u Used during execution to seed generation of planets, etc.
0x0C 12 system_x 32u Global co-ordinate x
0x10 16 system_y 32u Global co-ordinate y
0x14 20 system_z 32u Global co-ordinate z
0x18 24 system_ptr_desc 32u Points to the system's description (set during exection)
0x1C 28 system_ptr_name 32u String for system's name
0x20 32 system_flags 16u Bitfield, see "System Flags" below
0x22 34 system_station_planet_index 8u If a station is present, the planet it orbits
0x23 35 system_station_type 8u If a station is present, either 131 (starbase) or 132 (outpost)
0x24 36 system_star_class_int 16u See "System Star Class" below
0x26 38 system_star_magnitude 16s Divide by 10.0 to get the magnitude of the primary star
0x28 40 system_random_seed_2 32u Used during execution to seed generation of planets, etc.
0x2C 44 system_n_planets 32u Number or planets (set during execution)
0x30 48 system_ptr_alias 32u String for an alternative system name (e.g. "Frigis")
0x34 52 system_ptr_notable_name 32u String to the name of a notable planet within the system
0x38 56 system_ptr_notable_desc 32u String to description of a notable planet within the system
0x3C 60 system_ptr_planets 32u Pointer to the planets (set during execution)
0x40 64 system_ptr_station 32u Pointer to a station (set during execution)

Total length: 68 bytes (0x44).

Additional information about the system is generated at run-time. This includes the planets, moons, asteroid belts. That functionality is reproduced in AFU.AstroGen and can be output by

System Flags

The system_flags field is a bitfield encoding the following values:

  • 0x1 - Primary star is a White Dwarf
  • 0x2 - A binary star system
  • 0x4 - Contains a station (starbase or outpost)
  • 0x8 - Station is a starbase (not an outpost)
  • 0x10 - Contains an inhabited planet. (In astromap.db this is set a lot, but doesn't match astro.db or the game)

System Star Class

The system_class_int field defines the class of the system's primary star.

The first part of the star's class comes from the result of integer division by 10, which is an index into this array: ['O', 'B', 'A', 'F', 'G', 'K', 'M'].

The second part of the star's class comes from the remainder when divided by 10.

For example, 34 would mean the system contains a class "F4" star.


Represents any stations. Within a star system this could be an Outpost or Starbase orbiting a planet. Outside a star system this could be a Buoy, Deep Space Station or Comm Relay.

Offset Offset Name Type Description
0x00 0 station_index 32u Not used?
0x04 4 station_id 16u
0x06 6 station_type 16u See Object Types below
0x08 8 station_random_seed 32u Not used?
0x0C 12 station_x 32u Global co-ordinate x
0x10 16 station_y 32u Global co-ordinate y
0x14 20 station_z 32u Global co-ordinate z
0x18 24 station_ptr_desc 32u String of station's description (set during execution)
0x1C 28 station_ptr_name 32u String for name of station
0x20 32 station_sector_id 16u ID of sector station resides in
0x22 34 station_system_index 8u Index of system station resides in
0x23 35 station_planet_index 8u Index of planet which station orbits

Total Length: 36 bytes.

Struct: BODY

Represents astronomical bodies: Ion Storms, Quasaroids, Black Holes, Subspace Vortecies, and other special objects (Alien device, Unity device, Ruinore sector, Ayers, Singelea sector).

Offset Offset Name Type Description
0x00 0 body_index 32u Body's index within its sector
0x04 4 body_id 16u
0x06 6 body_type 16u See "Object Types" below
0x08 8 body_random_seed 32u Not used?
0x0C 12 body_x 32u Global co-ordinate x
0x10 16 body_y 32u Global co-ordinate y
0x14 20 body_z 32u Global co-ordinate z
0x18 24 body_ptr_desc 32u String for body's description (set during execution)
0x1C 28 body_ptr_name 32u String for name of body
0x22 32 body_zone_radius 32u Radius of known zone of influence, in LY
0x26 36 body_unknown0 32u Set based upon station type. Not used?

Total length: 40 bytes.

Object types

  • 32: "Star System"
  • 33: "Planet"
  • 34: "Moon"
  • 64: "Antimatter Cloud"
  • 65: "Ion Storm"
  • 66: "Quasaroid"
  • 67: "Rogue Planet"
  • 68: "Black Hole"
  • 69: "Subspace Vortex"
  • 72: "Unity Device" (In astromap.db, in astro.db the Unity Device is 73)
  • 73: "Special item"
    • Alien device - the one which attacks Mertens Orbital Station
    • Unity device
    • Ruinore sector
    • USS Ayers
    • Singelea sector
  • 128: "Deep Space Station"
  • 129: "Comm Relay"
  • 130: "Buoy"
  • 131: "Starbase"
  • 132: "Outpost"
  • 144: "Enterprise"

The Antimatter Cloud and Rogue Planet are present in the executable, but don't appear to be used. Perhaps something not-implemented or removed during development? More confident about the Enterprise, but need to confirm

Struct: Planet

Planets are generated during run time, and are not present in any static files.

Offset Offset Name Type Description
0x00 0 planet_index 32u Planet's index within its system
0x04 4 planet_unknown4 32u
0x08 8 planet_random_seed 32u Used to generate the planet's information
0x0C 12 planet_x 32u Planet's coordinates within its system
0x10 16 planet_y 32u Planet's coordinates within its system
0x14 20 planet_z 32u Planet's coordinates within its system
0x18 24 planet_ptr_desc 32u String of the planet's description
0x1C 28 planet_ptr_name 32u String of the planet's name
0x20 32 planet_flags 16u See "Planet Flags" below
0x22 34 planet_nth 16u The n'th planet created (same as the index)
0x24 36 planet_class 32u See "Planet Class" below
0x28 40 planet_n_moons 32u Number of moons orbiting the planet
0x2C 44 planet_ptr_alias 32u String of alternative name for the planet
0x30 48 planet_ptr_moons 32u Pointer to array of moon structs

Total length 34 bytes.

Planet Flags

The planet_flags field is a bitfield encoding the following values:

  • 0x1 - An asteroid belt is orbiting after this planet
  • 0x2 - Unkown. Possibly set if no outpost. Never checked?
  • 0x10 - Inhabited

Planet Class

The "planet_class_int" is an index into this array: ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'G', 'H', 'I', 'J', 'K', 'L', 'M', 'N', 'S'. 'T']

Struct: Moon

Moons are generated during run time, and are not present in any static files.

Offset Offset Name Type Description
0x00 0 moon_unknown0 32u unused?
0x04 4 moon_unknown4 32u unused?
0x08 8 moon_random_seed 32u Used to generate the moon's information
0x0C 12 moon_x 32u moon's coordinates within its system
0x10 16 moon_y 32u moon's coordinates within its system
0x14 20 moon_z 32u moon's coordinates within its system
0x18 24 moon_ptr_desc 32u String of the moon's description
0x1C 28 moon_unknown32 8u unused?
0x1D 29 moon_unknown33 8u unused?
0x1E 30 moon_class_int 8u Interpreted the same as "Planet Class" above
0x1F 31 moon_unknown35 8u unused?
0x20 32 moon_ptr_alias 32u String of alternative name for the moon

Total length 36 bytes.