Name | Type | Description | Notes |
always_pxe | bool | [optional] | |
billing_cycle | str | [optional] | |
customdata | object | [optional] | |
description | str | [optional] | |
features | list[str] | [optional] | |
hostname | str | [optional] | |
hostnames | list[str] | [optional] | |
locked | bool | [optional] | |
no_ssh_keys | bool | [optional] | |
operating_system | str | [optional] | |
plan | str | [optional] | |
private_ipv4_subnet_size | int | [optional] | |
project_ssh_keys | list[str] | [optional] | |
public_ipv4_subnet_size | int | [optional] | |
tags | list[str] | [optional] | |
termination_time | datetime | [optional] | |
user_ssh_keys | list[str] | The UUIDs of users whose SSH keys should be included on the provisioned device. | [optional] |
userdata | str | [optional] |