docker compose up --build -d
docker compose exec python web migrate
For setting up the database from the stage/live server see the last section about divio-cli.
- the frontend is starting up automagically in hot reload modus. This means you can change SCSS and the content in your browser will update instantly.
- If you want to keep an eye on the console output you can run the frontend separately in a terminal like
docker compose up frontend
- You can also run the frontend on your host system if you happen to have node / yarn installed. Open a terminal, cd into the frontend folder and run
yarn serve
- For debugging you can see a webpack dev server asset report here:
docker-compose run --rm web bash -c "cd backend && pip-compile > requirements.txt"
For installing the compiled requirements in docker you have to rebuild it with docker-compose build
cp .divio/config-example.json .divio/config.json
- run
pip install divio-cli
&divio login
outside of docker - run
divio project pull db test
anddivio project pull media test
outside of docker
This setup is useful when execution performance is important and you don't want to use Docker for the backend and frontend, only for DB. Using of virtualenv (and other tools) is very useful here, you might want to run something like this to prepare your local environment:
mkvirtualenv myproject
pip install -r backend/requirements.txt
- Start DB via docker-compose:
docker-compose up db
- Enable reading local env file to
environ.Env.read_env(os.path.join(BASE_DIR, '.local-env'))
- Run the backend:
python runserver
- Run the frontend:
cd frontend
yarn start
Don't hesitate to address divio support, a significant amount of features might not work according to the docs, or there are no docs. We're also keeping an open github repository for keeping track of our past issues with divio deployments -
docker-compose run --rm web bash
- a disposable container
You can flush the local & server db in the following way:
- docker-compose rm db
- run migrations - now you have an empty db
- push it to the server
divio project push db test
- Firstly the files that pycharm/intellij shows you in the docker remote files are editable but have no effect - it's just a copy-past of the real files
- See the divio guide -
Sometimes nasty errors only show up on production environments. Here is how you can simulate a production environment locally to catch those nasty ones.
- Add and set some env vars in
SSO_DSN= # ssh into the liveserver and printenv for this info
- Run
docker-compose run frontend yarn build
- Then run
./ collectstatic --ignore node_modules
- and then rerun
docker-compose up web -d
Generate a personal kit of icons and place the script into base.html