Plugin to to allow easy running of tools used to working with a $GOPATH
go get
go get
When you run the gb run command the environment is setup with the $GOPATH based on the current gb project and the first argument is executed. A common use would be to launch Sublime Text in a way that GoSublime (see my fork for better goto def will work with gb projects
cd /my/project/source/folder/
gb run subl .
Sublime text will open your gb project directory in the side bar and GoSublime will use the $GOPATH environment variable set by gb run for all its features (goto definition, find usages, on-save hooks, etc). Make sure you don't set a GOPATH in the Sublime settings file (GoSublime.sublime-settings under "env" : { "GOPATH" : "something" }) otherwise it won't pick it up from the environment.
gb has its own site,, head over there for more information.