Dorian is a full-featured deep dark theme for GTK+ 3.14 by killhellokitty.
It is my theme of choice for distros with GTK+ 3.14 up to 3.18 (e.g. Debian jessie, Ubuntu 15.10 and 16.04). Subsequent themes by killhellokitty such as Dorian Flat 3.16 and DeLorean Dark 3.18 are a bit more light coloured, which makes them less suitable for long hours at the screen. However, if you already run GTK+ 3.20, you should ditch Dorian and use the Darkest variant of Candra-Themes-3.20 or Cloak-3.20-dark-blue.
On this repo I publish some small tweaks I made to Dorian. You can check the modifications list (changelog) by looking at Git commits.
If you use Dorian or some other dark theme, you might want to take a look at my Tips for an all dark desktop interface.
- Gtk3 & Gtk2
- Metacity
- Gnome-Shell
- Cinnamon Shell with Nemo
- Xfwm4
- Xfce-Notify
- Openbox-3
- Google Chrome / Chromium
- Firefox
- Thunderbird
- Unity
- Ubuntu Software-Center
GTK+ 3 >= 3.14
GTK+ 2 >= 2.24
gnome-themes-standard >= 3.14
pixbuf-engine or the gtk(2)-engines package gtk-engine-murrine
sudo apt install gnome-themes-standard gtk2-engines-pixbuf gtk2-engines-murrine
Download the zip package for this repo. Unzip the archive, and copy the Dorian folder to /usr/share/themes/
for system-wide installation, or to ~/.themes/
for individual user installation.
This theme contains a set of patches to make Mozilla Firefox and Mozilla Thunderbird work better with dark themes. You can install them through a symlink on your profile folders.
cd ~/.mozilla/firefox/<your profile>
rm -r chrome ; ln -s /usr/share/themes/Dorian-3.14/firefox/chrome
cd .thunderbird/<your profile>
rm -r chrome ; ln -s /usr/share/themes/Dorian-3.14/thunderbird/chrome
Drag and drop dorian-chromium.crx
onto Chromium browser and choose to apply theme.
- Open
- Scroll down to the bottom of the document and check that
are uncommented. - Use Unity Tweak Tool to choose Dorian theme.
Backup the original folder and name it
.sudo cp -a /usr/share/software-center /usr/share/software-center.backup
Install. This assumes the Dorian-3.14 theme is installed to
.sudo cp /usr/share/themes/Dorian-3.14/ubuntu-software-center/softwarecenter.css /usr/share/software-center/ui/gtk3/css/softwarecenter.css && sudo cp /usr/share/themes/Dorian-3.14/ubuntu-software-center/stipple.png /usr/share/software-center/ui/gtk3/art/stipple.png
Start/Restart software-center.
To revert changes.
sudo rm -r /usr/share/software-center && sudo mv /usr/share/software-center.backup /usr/share/software-center
If you run Qt 5 software you can make it use Dorian theme.
Install qt5ct
1.1 On Ubuntu you can use hda-me PPA.
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:hda-me/qt5ct sudo apt update && sudo apt install qt5ct
1.2 On Debian you can compile it from mati75/qt5ct repo.
as a new line into~/.profile
.* -
Symlink qt5ct configuration:
cd ~/.config ln -s /usr/share/themes/Dorian-3.14/qt5ct
Restart X server. For instance, logout and login.
* In LXDE there is a hardcoded assignment in lxsession that prevents you from setting QT_QPA_PLATFORMTHEME
. The only workaround for now is to delete the assignment in lxsession code and recompile it. On Debian and derivatives (e.g. Ubuntu) you can do the following:
sudo apt install build-essential fakeroot devscripts equivs lintian
apt-get source lxsession
sudo mk-build-deps -i -r lxsession
cd lxsession-0.5.2
Edit lxsession/environement.vala
. Go to the end of the file and delete the line Environment.set_variable("QT_QPA_PLATFORMTHEME", "lxqt", true);
fakeroot debian/rules binary
sudo dpkg -i ../lxsession_0.5.2-0ubuntu3_<your arch>.deb
Dorian 3.14 theme licensed under GNU GPL v3 by killhellokitty. Some tweaks by dllud.
Please buy killhellokitty a beer. He accepts donations through PayPal.