With current Ubuntu kernels (state 2021/06/15) the shipped NVIDIA driver (both Ubuntu default and graphics-drivers
ppa) has a breaking bug when using Display Port.
So I installed a specific version (460.73) directly from the NVIDIA download. I think this means:
- I need to re-install those after each kernel update
- I need to go back to the PPA as soon as there is a fix. maybe check this site
- removed existing NVIDIA drivers
sudo apt purge nvidia-driver-460; sudo apt autoremove
- blocked Nouveau drivers
sudo bash -c "echo blacklist nouveau > /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist-nvidia-nouveau.conf"; sudo bash -c "echo options nouveau modeset=0 >> /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist-nvidia-nouveau.conf"
- reboot
- install prerequisites to compile the driver
sudo apt install build-essential libglvnd-dev pkg-config
- go to a TTY session and enter the mystery command
sudo telinit 3
to possibly shutdown the display server - install the NVIDIA driver via
sudo bash NVIDIA-Linux-x86_64-460.73.01.run
- there I agreed to install the 32-bit legacy support, and to create a new X server configuration...
- reboot.
if the need ever arises:
sudo bash NVIDIA-Linux-x86_64-460.73.01.run --uninstall
sudo nvidia-xconfig --restore-original-backup
sudo rm /etc/modprobe.d/blacklinst-nvidia-nouveau.conf
- reboot
taken from linuxconfig