This page will introduce other setting in cxxnet, including:
- To use CPU, set the field
dev = cpu
- To use GPU, set the field
dev = gpu
We can also set specific device (say device 1) by using
dev = gpu:1
- To use multi-GPU, set the field with the corresponding device id
dev = gpu:0,1,2,3
dev = gpu:0-3
In default, it is dev=gpu
- To print training error evaluation, just set this field to 1
eval_train = 1
- in default this field is 0, which means cxxnet won't print anything about training error.
- To turn off all information while training, set this field to 1
silent = 1
- In default this field is 0
- To control print frequent, change this field
print_step = 100
- In default it will print every 100 batch
There are two field handle training round together: num_round and max_round
- num_round is used for number of round to train
- max_round is used for maximum number of round to train from now on
num_round = 15
max_round = 15
This configuration will make cxxnet train for 15 rounds on the training data.
More examples,
num_round = 50
max_round = 2
If we have a model trained 40 rounds, then use this configuration continue to train, cxxnet will stop at the 42 round.
- To save model while training round, set this field to saving frequent(a number)
save_model = 2
model_dir = path_of_dir_to_save_model
- In default, this field is 1, means cxxnet will save a model in every round
- To continue a training process, you need to set model_in as the input snapshot you want to continue from
model_in = path of model file
- Alternatively, if you save model every round (save_model=1), then you can use option continue, cxxnet will automatically search the latest model and start from that model
continue = 1
In default, if neither of the two values is set, cxxnet will start training from start.