CXXNET provides convenient interface for python user. We are able use Numpy array as training data source to train your network by using CXXNET in backend, we also are able extract feature into numpy array,
- Import CXXNET
- Train a network by using
function - Update the network
- Save and Load model
- Make prediction and evaluation
- Extract feature
- Advanced usage:
object - Advanced usage:
Example script for MNIST can be found at
To import CXXNET into python, you need to add wrapper folder path to system path, eg
CXXNET_WRAPPER_PATH = "/home/cxxnet/wrapper/"
import sys
import cxxnet
CXXNET provides a simple method train
to train a network. By following these steps, we can train a network in python.
Network structure is declared by configuration string, then we use the string to generate Net
object for later task. The configuration format is same to original cxxnet, which can be found here
For example, here is a simple network for MNIST.
cfg = """
layer[+1:fc1] = fullc:fc1
nhidden = 100
init_sigma = 0.01
layer[+1:sg1] = sigmoid:se1
layer[sg1->fc2] = fullc:fc2
nhidden = 10
init_sigma = 0.01
layer[+0] = softmax
input_shape = 1,1,784
batch_size = 100
random_type = gaussian
We can use both Iterator
object and numpy ndarray as the training/evaluation data. We will discuss the Iterator
in advanced feature, here we can use numpy ndarray directly.
dtrain = data[0:1000, :] # training data
deval = data[1000:1500, :] # validation data
ltrain = label[0:1000, :] # label for train
leval = label[1000:1500, :] #label for validation
For mini-batch data in numpy, we need some knowledge of Net
object and update
function in Net
object so we will discuss it later.
Parameters can be set in dictionary or list of tupple. For example:
param = {}
param['eta'] = 0.1
param['dev'] = 'cpu'
param['momentum'] = 0.9
param['metric'] = 'error'
To train a net, there is a simple function cxxnet.train
. in our example, we can get a Net
object in this way:
num_round = 10
net = cxxnet.train(cfg=cfg, data=dtrain, label=ltrain, num_round, param)
Then in backend, cxxnet will be called and return the Net
object for later advaced use.
We can use new data to update existing network. the data can be Iterator
object or Numpy ndarray.
For example, when we have a Net
object, we can use update to do mini-batch training like this:
batch_size = 64
batch_num = data.shape[0] / batch_size
for i in xrange(batch_num):
j = min((i + 1) * batch_size, data.shape[0])
dbatch = data[i * batch_size : j, :]
lbatch = label[i * batch_size : j, :]
net.update(data=dbatch, label=lbatch)
To get Net
object directly, we will discuss it in later advaced usage.
We can save current network weights by calling
file_name = "current.model"
We can load existing model weight by calling
file_name = "current.model"
Please make sure both the Net
object and existing model are in same network structure.
We can make prediction form net by using Iterator
or Numpy ndarray. The prediction is stored in a numpy ndarray,
dtest = data[1500:2000,:]
pred = net.predict(dtest)
For Iterator
, there is special function for evalutation in advanced usage. For numpy data, we can write an evaluation function to get the evaltion with prediction and label, eg
werr = np.sum(label[:,0] != pred[:])
print "Error: %f" % werr
To extract feature, we need both data and the node name which we will do extraction. A special node name format is top[-x]
, eg.
raw_probability = net.extract(data, "top[-1]")
feature = net.extract(data, "fc7")
object is able to be built by using ````train``` function, or we can initialize a network with configuration then train it by ourselves.
To get an Net
object, we can do in this way
cfg = """
layer[+1:fc1] = fullc:fc1
nhidden = 100
init_sigma = 0.01
layer[+1:sg1] = sigmoid:se1
layer[sg1->fc2] = fullc:fc2
nhidden = 10
init_sigma = 0.01
layer[+0] = softmax
input_shape = 1,1,784
batch_size = 100
random_type = gaussian
net = cxxnet.Net(dev="gpu", cfg=cfg)
Then we can use this net object just like previous net object to do update/predict/load/save/extract task. We can also get/set weigth/bias for special layer in net. eg:
# get weight
weights = []
for layer in ['fc1', 'fc2']:
for tag in ['wmat', 'bias']:
weights.append((layer, tag, net.get_weight(layer, tag)))
# set weight
for layer, tag, wt in weights:
net.set_weight(wt, layer, tag)
For large training task, for example, ImageNet training, we suggest to use CXXNET original iterator instead of training by numpy array directly because iterator is designed and implemented for best performance. To get an object, Iterator
is very similar to Net
data = cxxnet.DataIter("""
iter = mnist
path_img = "./data/train-images-idx3-ubyte.gz"
path_label = "./data/train-labels-idx1-ubyte.gz"
shuffle = 1
iter = end
input_shape = 1,1,784
batch_size = 100
print 'init train iter'
deval = cxxnet.DataIter("""
iter = mnist
path_img = "./data/t10k-images-idx3-ubyte.gz"
path_label = "./data/t10k-labels-idx1-ubyte.gz"
iter = end
input_shape = 1,1,784
batch_size = 100
There is a special train
function for input is iterator, it is like:
net = train(cfg, data, num_round, param, eval_data = deval)
For update/predict/extract, you can use iterator object directly just like use numpy ndarray. The Net
will get current batch of iterator then do the task. For evaluation, there is a special function evaluate
for iterator. The evaluate
function only accept iterator as input and automatically evaluate all batches in the iterator.
# first parameter is iterator
# second parameter is name for this evaluation
print net.evaluate(deval, "test")
To go through all data by batch by using iterator, there are 3 useful functions:
#reset the iterator to beginning
# get next batch, return true if success, false for iterator reaches end
# check whether it is at head/tail of current iterator
To get current batch data or label to a numpy ndarray, we can use:
dbatch = deval.get_data()
lbatch = deval.get_label()
Here is an example to go through all batches in iterator and update the network