Releases: dogo/SCLAlertView
Releases · dogo/SCLAlertView
Fix button actionBlocks not working #175
Fix memory leak using new window way to display. #142
Getting screen size from app key window so that the alert will be centered in ipad split view mode. thanks @abbasmousavi
Add new Style: Question. Thanks @jusefjames
New adjust text view size implementation. Thanks @jusefjames
Add question alert to example storyboard.
Namespaced SCLActionTypes to avoid conflicts. Thanks @mbelkin
Add SCLTextView class.
Remove some hardcode values.
Add support to window custom width.
Added status bar customization. Thanks @D-32
Support countdown and timer
Fixed alertView created by initWithNewWindow does not dismiss when touch outside #143
Add count label inside timer circle
Fixed new window not being removed when dismissed #142
Dynamically set button height to allow for multiple lines of text. Thanks to @yatryan
Implement a timer on a single button to display how much time is left before that button is triggered. Thanks to @yatryan
Fix subtitles not showing properly as it is cutting some characters at bottom. #131
Fix some minor bugs related to iOS 7.x Thanks to @HuylensHu
Check for modules feature
If defaultBackgroundColor is preconfigured for button its not changed to default style color. Thanks @alex1704
Add NSStringDrawingUsesFontLeading to ensure the use of default line spacing specified by the font
Use ceilf since it's a floating point math
Add bounce animation to slideFromTop. Thanks @javikr
Improve interactivePopGesture handle. Thanks @crowriot