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Pringo edited this page Oct 3, 2016 · 20 revisions


Doing a Dolphin Release does require some steps, but if you know what to do it's fairly straightforward.

Releases are supposed to be tagged on the "stable" branch. Whenever a major release is about to be released, the "master" branch needs to be merged into "stable". For hotfix releases, the important commits should be cherry-picked manually from master.


  1. Merge master into the 'stable' branch such that after merge "stable == master". All following steps refer to that branch.
  2. Switch the Dolphin i18n Bot to the 'stable' branch to make sure the stable release is being translated.
  3. Push regression fixes to the 'stable' branch, these will be merged into master at the end, but may be merged to master during this process.
  4. Update PRODUCT_VERSION in Installer/Installer.nsi. And update the DOLPHIN_VERSION_MAJOR and DOLPHIN_VERSION_MINOR lines in CMakeLists.txt.
  5. Create an annotated tag named after the version number.
  6. Perform a clean Windows build of the "Release Win32" and "Release x64" configurations.
  7. Install NSIS if you haven't already; Create the Windows installers via the Installer_win32.nsi and Installer_x64.nsi files respectively (stored inside the Installer subdirectory).
  8. XX I'm using this to compile for macOS, but it needs to be updated as post-4.0.1 has libusbx built in and LTO should be in the CMakeLists: cmake . -DCMAKE_C_FLAGS="-O4 -DNDEBUG" -DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS="-O4 -DNDEBUG -DLIBUSB_INCLUDE_DIR=/opt/usb/include/libusb-1.0 -DLIBUSB_LIBRARIES=/opt/usb/lib/libusb-1.0.0.dylib && make -j8
  9. For macOS, create a dmg as follows: hdiutil create dolphin-4.0.1.dmg -volname "Dolphin 4.0.1" -fs HFS+ -srcfolder Binaries -ov
  10. TODO: Create Non-Windows installers.
  11. Create a changes summary for broad consumption.
  12. Write release announcement as a blog article on the homepage
  13. Upload installers to homepage
  14. Publish announcement blog article
  15. Create a minimalistic forum thread about the release (cf. the 4.0 announcement) and update the blog article to link to this thread for discussion.
  16. Forward announcement to social media (Facebook, …).
  17. Update the forum header to say that a new release has happened (Admin CP, Templates&Style, Templates, Simpl Templates, Header Templates, header, Options, Full Edit, then update the html with the new version and links)
  18. Update the wiki templates, Sitenotice and Anonnotice, with the appropriate version and links.
  19. Merge stable back to master to bump the version number.
  20. Switch the Dolphin i18n Bot back to the 'master' branch and push the new translation strings.