Challenge: Create a password generating REST service
There is one endpoint /passwords
with the following query parameters.
Parameter | Description | Default |
minLength | The minimum length of a password. | 0 |
specialChars | Minimum amount of special characters. | 0 |
numbers | Minimum amount of numbers. | 0 |
amount | Number of passwords that will be returned | 1 |
swap | Boolean value indicating if random vowels should be swapped for numbers | false |
Request /passwords?minLength=10&specialChars=3&numbers=3&amount=2
Response ["?!o\10wE9q", "h3{{v9BB3%"]
Following environment variables can be set
ENV | Description | Default | Required |
CERT_FILE | Path to TLS cert file. | cert.pem | Only for docker |
KEY_FILE | Path to TLS unencrypted key file. | key.unencrypted.pem | Only for docker |
PORT | Port to listen on. | 8443 | No |
GRACE_PERIOD | Timeout for graceful shutdown. | 5s | No |
You can easily run pwgen with the publicly available docker image.
Because this is a password generator only HTTPS is supported and a TLS certificate and key must be provided.
Example with latest public image:
docker run -v $(pwd):/certs -e CERT_FILE=/certs/cert.pem -e KEY_FILE=/certs/key.unencrypted.pem domano/pwgen
go run cmd/pwgen/main.go