Thank you for interest in translate Obsidian. Please add any controversial terms to this file to aid future decisions during Documentation or UI translation, creating a consistent experience.
Currently, Obsidian is in development and as new features are added so is more text, if you find a term that is not translated yet, feel free to name it. In the translation file (uk.json), we have different text strings for singular and plural nouns, but it doesn't have a distinction for gender nouns. If you have to translate a word, keep that in mind since it can create some inconsistencies.
If you have some suggestions or questions feel free to open an issue in the dedicated ukrainian translation repository. But if you know how GitHub works you can make pull request in the official repository.
Please keep the term list alphabetically sorted.
Original Term | uk translation |
account | обліковий запис |
attachment | вкладення |
backlink | зворотнє посилання |
command palette | меню команд |
daily notes | щоденні нотатки |
folder | папка |
frontmatter | frontmatter |
live preview | динамічне відображення |
markdown | markdown |
outgoing link | вихідне посилання |
pane | область |
quick switcher | швидкий перехід |
snippet | сніпет |
zettelkasten | цетелькастен |