Since F# 5.0, dotnet fsi
and FsiAnyCPU.exe
(the .NET Framework variant) ships with dependency manager plugins support that can be called like so:
#r "myextension: my extension parameters"
For F# Interactive to load the extensions1, they either need to:
- be deployed next to
of dotnet SDK (or nextFsiAnyCPU.exe
for .NET Framework) - refered to via
2 argument
The same goes for the tooling hosting F# Compiler Service.
The initial RFC for this feature overviews how it is designed.
More about F# Interactive References
The current implementation follows pattern that can be deducted by referring to implementation in DependencyProvider.fs; due to the system working without having a statically linked dependency, it uses a late binding approach leveraging runtime reflection to identify if an extension conforms to patterns understood by the specifics of the compiler implementation.
#r "nuget:"
Reference nuget packages, ships by default with dotnet fsi
#r "nuget: Newtonsoft.Json"
// Optionally, specify a version explicitly
// #r "nuget: Newtonsoft.Json,11.0.1"
open Newtonsoft.Json
let o = {| X = 2; Y = "Hello" |}
printfn "%s" (JsonConvert.SerializeObject o)
#r "paket:"
Reference dependencies (nuget, git, gist, github) through Paket package manager.
Learn how to use Paket FSI integration.
#r "paket: nuget FSharp.Data"
open FSharp.Data
type MyCsv = CsvProvider<"""
for r in MyCsv.GetSample().Rows do
printfn "%i = %s" r.X r.Y