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Migrating to RC1

Gerald Versluis edited this page May 2, 2022 · 12 revisions

Microsoft.Maui.Essentials Updates


To use these updated classes in your .NET MAUI app, you can use their their *.Current or *.Default implementation:

DeviceDisplay.Current.KeepScreenOn = true;
await Browser.Default.OpenAsync();

Dependency Injection

When using the default implementation of these classes with dependency injection, we recommend adding their *.Current or *.Default implementation as a Singleton into IServiceCollection:


Note: In previous releases (e.g. .NET MAUI Preview 14) we would've used *Implementation, e.g. builder.Services.AddSingleton<IBrowser, BrowserImplementation>();

Namespace Changes

namespace Microsoft.Maui.Accessibility {
    public interface ISemanticScreenReader {}
    public static class SemanticScreenReader {}
namespace Microsoft.Maui.ApplicationModel {
    public enum ActivityState {}
    public class ActivityStateChangedEventArgs : EventArgs {}
    public class AppAction {}
    public class AppActionEventArgs : EventArgs {}
    public static class AppActions {}
    public static class AppInfo {}
    public enum AppPackagingModel {}
    public enum AppTheme {}
    public static class Browser {}
    public enum BrowserLaunchFlags {}
    public enum BrowserLaunchMode {}
    public class BrowserLaunchOptions {}
    public enum BrowserTitleMode {}
    public class FeatureNotEnabledException : InvalidOperationException {}
    public class FeatureNotSupportedException : NotSupportedException {}
    public interface IAppActions {}
    public interface IAppInfo {}
    public interface IBrowser {}
    public interface ILauncher {}
    public interface IMap {}
    public interface IVersionTracking {}
    public static class Launcher {}
    public enum LayoutDirection {}
    public static class MainThread {}
    public static class Map {}
    public class MapLaunchOptions {}
    public enum NavigationMode {}
    public class OpenFileRequest {}
    public class PermissionException : UnauthorizedAccessException {}
    public static class Permissions {}
    public enum PermissionStatus {}
    public static class Platform {}
    public static class VersionTracking {}
namespace Microsoft.Maui.ApplicationModel.Communication {
    public class Contact {}
    public class ContactEmail {}
    public class ContactPhone {}
    public static class Contacts {}
    public static class Email {}
    public class EmailAttachment : FileBase {}
    public enum EmailBodyFormat {}
    public class EmailMessage {}
    public interface IContacts {}
    public interface IEmail {}
    public interface IPhoneDialer {}
    public interface ISms {}
    public static class PhoneDialer {}
    public static class Sms {}
    public class SmsMessage {}
namespace Microsoft.Maui.ApplicationModel.DataTransfer {
    public static class Clipboard {}
    public interface IClipboard {}
    public interface IShare {}
    public static class Share {}
    public class ShareFile : FileBase {}
    public class ShareFileRequest : ShareRequestBase {}
    public class ShareMultipleFilesRequest : ShareRequestBase {}
    public abstract class ShareRequestBase {}
    public class ShareTextRequest : ShareRequestBase {}
namespace Microsoft.Maui.Authentication {
    public static class AppleSignInAuthenticator {}
    public interface IAppleSignInAuthenticator {}
    public interface IPlatformWebAuthenticatorCallback {}
    public interface IWebAuthenticator {}
    public static class WebAuthenticator {}
    public abstract class WebAuthenticatorCallbackActivity : Activity {}
    public class WebAuthenticatorOptions {}
    public class WebAuthenticatorResult {}
namespace Microsoft.Maui.Devices {
    public static class Battery {}
    public class BatteryInfoChangedEventArgs : EventArgs {}
    public enum BatteryPowerSource {}
    public enum BatteryState {}
    public static class DeviceDisplay {}
    public readonly struct DeviceIdiom : IEquatable<DeviceIdiom> {}
    public static class DeviceInfo {}
    public readonly struct DevicePlatform : IEquatable<DevicePlatform> {}
    public enum DeviceType {}
    public readonly struct DisplayInfo : IEquatable<DisplayInfo> {}
    public class DisplayInfoChangedEventArgs : EventArgs {}
    public enum DisplayOrientation {}
    public enum DisplayRotation {}
    public enum EnergySaverStatus {}
    public class EnergySaverStatusChangedEventArgs : EventArgs {}
    public static class Flashlight {}
    public static class HapticFeedback {}
    public enum HapticFeedbackType {}
    public interface IBattery {}
    public interface IDeviceDisplay {}
    public interface IDeviceInfo {}
    public interface IFlashlight {}
    public interface IHapticFeedback {}
    public interface IVibration {}
    public static class Vibration {}
namespace Microsoft.Maui.Devices.Sensors {
    public static class Accelerometer {}
    public class AccelerometerChangedEventArgs : EventArgs {}
    public readonly struct AccelerometerData : IEquatable<AccelerometerData> {}
    public enum AltitudeReferenceSystem {}
    public static class Barometer {}
    public class BarometerChangedEventArgs : EventArgs {}
    public readonly struct BarometerData : IEquatable<BarometerData> {}
    public static class Compass {}
    public class CompassChangedEventArgs : EventArgs {}
    public readonly struct CompassData : IEquatable<CompassData> {}
    public enum DistanceUnits {}
    public static class Geocoding {}
    public static class Geolocation {}
    public enum GeolocationAccuracy {}
    public class GeolocationRequest {}
    public static class Gyroscope {}
    public class GyroscopeChangedEventArgs : EventArgs {}
    public readonly struct GyroscopeData : IEquatable<GyroscopeData> {}
    public interface IAccelerometer {}
    public interface IBarometer {}
    public interface ICompass {}
    public interface IGeocoding {}
    public interface IGeolocation {}
    public interface IGyroscope {}
    public interface IMagnetometer {}
    public interface IOrientationSensor {}
    public interface IPlatformCompass {}
    public class Location {}
    public static class LocationExtensions {}
    public static class Magnetometer {}
    public class MagnetometerChangedEventArgs : EventArgs {}
    public readonly struct MagnetometerData : IEquatable<MagnetometerData> {}
    public static class OrientationSensor {}
    public class OrientationSensorChangedEventArgs : EventArgs {}
    public readonly struct OrientationSensorData : IEquatable<OrientationSensorData> {}
    public class Placemark {}
    public static class PlacemarkExtensions {}
    public enum SensorSpeed {}
namespace Microsoft.Maui.Media {
    public interface IMediaPicker {}
    public interface IScreenshot {}
    public interface IScreenshotResult {}
    public interface ITextToSpeech {}
    public class Locale {}
    public static class MediaPicker {}
    public class MediaPickerOptions {}
    public static class Screenshot {}
    public static class ScreenshotExtensions {}
    public enum ScreenshotFormat {}
    public class SpeechOptions {}
    public static class TextToSpeech {}
    public static class UnitConverters {}
namespace Microsoft.Maui.Networking {
    public enum ConnectionProfile {}
    public static class Connectivity {}
    public class ConnectivityChangedEventArgs : EventArgs {}
    public interface IConnectivity {}
    public enum NetworkAccess {}
namespace Microsoft.Maui.Storage {
    public abstract class FileBase {}
    public static class FilePicker {}
    public class FilePickerFileType {}
    public class FileProvider : FileProvider {}
    public enum FileProviderLocation {}
    public class FileResult : FileBase {}
    public static class FileSystem {}
    public interface IFileSystem {}
    public interface IPlatformFileSystem {}
    public interface IPlatformSecureStorage {}
    public interface IPreferences {}
    public interface ISecureStorage {}
    public class PickOptions {}
    public static class Preferences {}
    public class ReadOnlyFile : FileBase {}
    public static class SecureStorage {}

Windows Package References

These packages are no longer needed in your csproj and can be removed. They are added transitive as part of .NET MAUI now.

<ItemGroup Condition="$(TargetFramework.Contains('-windows'))">
  <PackageReference Include="Microsoft.WindowsAppSDK" Version="1.0.0" />
  <PackageReference Include="Microsoft.Graphics.Win2D" Version="" />


If you have been using Blazor in your .NET MAUI app, you need to change some things in your MauiProgram.cs.

  1. Remove using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.WebView.Maui; (if you have it)
  2. Remove builder.Services.AddBlazorWebView();
  3. Remove the .RegisterBlazorMauiWebView() line from your builder instance
  4. Add it as a service registration builder.Services.AddMauiBlazorWebView();

Sample code of the new code you should use

var builder = MauiApp.CreateBuilder();
	//.RegisterBlazorMauiWebView() // Remove this line!
	.ConfigureFonts(fonts =>
		fonts.AddFont("OpenSans-Regular.ttf", "OpenSansRegular");

        // builder.Services.AddBlazorWebView(); // You can remove this line
	builder.Services.AddMauiBlazorWebView(); // Add this line

csproj Changes (RC2)

  • Add the ApplicationIdGuid tag with a new random GUID to the csproj under the ApplicationId tag. For example:
	<!-- App Identifier -->
  • You can remove the full framework requirement from the Windows TargetFramework now as it can be built with dotnet now as well. You can replace <TargetFrameworks Condition="$([MSBuild]::IsOSPlatform('windows')) and '$(MSBuildRuntimeType)' == 'Full'"><!-- rest of the things here --></TargetFrameworks> by <TargetFrameworks Condition="$([MSBuild]::IsOSPlatform('windows'))"><!-- rest of the things here --></TargetFrameworks> this also enables you to publish your Windows apps with dotnet publish as opposed to using MSBuild
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