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Mihai Codoban edited this page Feb 22, 2017 · 16 revisions

Localizable resource structure

How to edit a resource

  • if you need to add / remove / update a resource, only do so in the neutral resx files. xlf files get automatically updated during localized builds.

What a localized build does

  • converts xlf files to localized resx files
  • the localized resx files are generated into the $(IntermediaryOutputPath)
  • produces satellite assemblies for each language
  • satellite assemblies are used even on English machines. This is for testing purposes, to ensure that English builds are not different than non English builds

Doing a localized build

  • currently only supported on windows
  • build /t:build /p:LocalizedBuild=true
  • to test localized builds, use build /t:build /p:LocalizedBuild=true;LocalizedTestBuild=true. This replaces all resources with !resource_id!english_resource!localized_resource!
    • to replace the test string with a string of your own choice, use build /t:build /p:LocalizedBuild=true;LocalizedTestBuild=true;LocalizedTestString=foo
    • testing does not work with the English satellite assemblies because they are directly copied from the neutral resources and do not have corresponding xlf files

Syncing the XLF files from their corresponding neutral resx files

  • build /t:build /p:SyncXlf=true syncs the xlf files but does not do a localized build
  • can be called in tandem with a localized build: build /t:build /p:LocalizedBuild=true /p:SyncXlf=true

Process for interacting with the localization team

  • 2-3 weeks before a VS release the MSBuild team needs to ping the Microsoft localization team to update the xlf files with the latest changes in the neutral resources
  • before pinging the loc team, we sync the xlf files on a dev machine and commit the changes
  • this will be the ONLY time we sync xlf files and commit the changes. Otherwise, if we commit xlfs while the loc team is translating (between their checkout and merged PR), we might get races and loose resource updates.

Contributing a better translation

  • send a PR with an updated <target> element of the xlf resource (do not include other non-localization changes)
  • we will notify the localization team, which will then take over and review the PR