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Building, Debugging, and Testing on

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Building, Debugging and Testing on Windows

Working with the code

Using the command line, Roslyn can be developed using the following pattern:

  1. Clone
  2. Run Restore.cmd
  3. Run Build.cmd
  4. Run Test.cmd

Recommended version of .NET Framework

The minimal required version of .NET Framework is 4.7.2.

Developing with Visual Studio 2022

  1. Use latest Visual Studio 2022 Preview
    • Ensure Visual Studio extension development is included in the selected workloads
    • Ensure C# and Visual Basic, MSBuild, and .NET Core are included in the selected individual components
    • Ensure "Use previews of the .NET Core SDK" is checked in Tools -> Options -> Environment -> Preview Features
    • Restart Visual Studio
  2. Install the .NET 9.0 SDK which matches the sdk.version property in global.json
  3. PowerShell 5.0 or newer. If you are on Windows 10, you are fine; you'll only need to upgrade if you're on earlier versions of Windows. The download link is under the "Upgrading existing Windows PowerShell" heading.
  4. Run Restore.cmd
  5. Open Roslyn.sln

Developing with Visual Studio Code

See the Building, Debugging, and Testing on Unix documentation to get started developing Roslyn using Visual Studio Code.

Running Tests

There are a number of options for running the core Roslyn unit tests:

Command Line

The Test.cmd script will run our unit test on already built binaries. It can be passed the -build argument to force a new build before running tests.

  1. Run the "Developer Command Prompt for VS2022" from your start menu.
  2. Navigate to the directory of your Git clone.
  3. Run Test.cmd in the command prompt.

You can more precisely control how the tests are run by running the eng/build.ps1 script directly with the relevant options. For example passing in the -test switch will run the tests on .NET Framework, whilst passing in the -testCoreClr switch will run the tests on .NET Core.

The results of the tests can be viewed in the artifacts/TestResults directory.

Test Explorer

Tests can be run and debugged from the Test Explorer window. For best performance, we recommend the following:

  1. Open Tools → Options... → Test
    1. Check the box for Discover tests in real time from source files
    2. Uncheck the box for Additionally discover tests from build assemblies...
  2. Use the Search box of Test Explorer to narrow the scope of visible tests to the feature(s) you are working on
  3. When you are not actively running tests, set the search query to __NonExistent__ to hide all tests from the UI

Testing in Linux using WSL

Tests can be run and debugged under WSL. This requires a bit of setup the first time. After that, it is as easy as selecting WSL as the active environment in Test Explorer.

  1. Install WSL by running wsl --install (details)
  2. In the VS installer, install ".NET Debugging with WSL" as an individual component
  3. In Test Explorer, go into "Configure Remote Test Environments" (under the gear icon) and uncomment the wsl/Ubuntu environment: image image
  4. Select that test environment from Test Explorer drop-down: image
  5. Run a test from Test Explorer test list. This will prompt you to install some dotnet bits into the WSL environment the first time.
  6. Debug a test. This will prompt you to install some remote debugging bits into the WSL environment the first time.

More details

WPF Test Runner

To debug through tests, you can right click the test project that contains your tests and choose Set as Startup Project. Then press F5. This will run the tests under the command line runner. Some members of the team have been working on a GUI runner that allows selection of individual tests, etc. Grab the source from xunit.runner.wpf, build it and give it a try.

Trying Your Changes in Visual Studio

Deploying with command-line (recommended method)

You can build and deploy with the following command: .\Build.cmd -Restore -Configuration Release -deployExtensions -launch.

Then you can launch the RoslynDev hive with devenv /rootSuffix RoslynDev.

Deploying with F5

The Rosyln solution is designed to support easy debugging via F5. Several of our projects produce VSIX which deploy into Visual Studio during build. The F5 operation will start a new Visual Studio instance using those VSIX which override our installed binaries. This means trying out a change to the language, IDE or debugger is as simple as hitting F5. Note that for changes to the compiler, out-of-process builds won't use the privately built version of the compiler.

The startup project needs to be set to RoslynDeployment. This should be the default but in some cases will need to be set explicitly.

Here are what is deployed with each extension, by project that builds it. If you're working on a particular area, you probably want to set the appropriate project as your startup project to optimize building and deploying only the relevant bits.

  • Roslyn.VisualStudio.Setup: this project can be found inside the VisualStudio folder from the Solution Explorer, and builds Roslyn.VisualStudio.Setup.vsix. It contains the core language services that provide C# and VB editing. It also contains the copy of the compiler that is used to drive IntelliSense and semantic analysis in Visual Studio. Although this is the copy of the compiler that's used to generate squiggles and other information, it's not the compiler used to actually produce your final .exe or .dll when you do a build. If you're working on fixing an IDE bug, this is the project you want to use.
  • Roslyn.VisualStudio.InteractiveComponents: this project can be found in the Interactive\Setup folder from the Solution Explorer, and builds Roslyn.VisualStudio.InteractiveComponents.vsix.
  • Roslyn.Compilers.Extension: this project can be found inside the Compilers\Packages folder from the Solution Explorer, and builds Roslyn.Compilers.Extension.vsix. This deploys a copy of the command line compilers that are used to do actual builds in the IDE. It only affects builds triggered from the Visual Studio experimental instance it's installed into, so it won't affect your regular builds. Note that if you install just this, the IDE won't know about any language features included in your build. If you're regularly working on new language features, you may wish to consider building both the CompilerExtension and VisualStudioSetup projects to ensure the real build and live analysis are synchronized.
  • ExpressionEvaluatorPackage: this project can be found inside the ExpressionEvaluator\Setup folder from the Solution Explorer, and builds ExpressionEvaluatorPackage.vsix. This deploys the expression evaluator and result providers, the components that are used by the debugger to parse and evaluate C# and VB expressions in the Watch window, Immediate window, and more. These components are only used when debugging.

The experimental instance used by Roslyn is an entirely separate instance of Visual Studio with it's own settings and installed extensions. It's also, by default, a separate instance than the standard "Experimental Instance" used by other Visual Studio SDK projects. If you're familiar with the idea of Visual Studio hives, we deploy into the RoslynDev root suffix.

Deploying with VSIX and Nuget package

If you want to try your extension in your day-to-day use of Visual Studio, you can find the extensions you built in your Binaries folder with the .vsix extension. You can double-click the extension to install it into your main Visual Studio hive. This will replace the base installed version. Once it's installed, you'll see it marked as "Experimental" in Tools > Extensions and Updates to indicate you're running your experimental version. You can uninstall your version and go back to the originally installed version by choosing your version and clicking Uninstall.

If you only install the VSIX, then the IDE will behave correctly (ie. new compiler and IDE behavior), but the Build operation or building from the command-line won't. To fix that, add a reference to the Microsoft.Net.Compilers.Toolset you built into your csproj. As shown below, you'll want to (1) add a nuget source pointing to your local build folder, (2) add the package reference, then (3) verify the Build Output of your project with a #error version included in your program.




Trying Your Changes in Visual Studio Code

See VSCode docs.

Various other tips

Referencing bootstrap compiler

If you made changes to a Roslyn compiler and want to build any projects with it, you can either use the Visual Studio hive where your CompilerExtension is installed, or from command line, run msbuild with /p:BootstrapBuildPath=YourBootstrapBuildPath. YourBootstrapBuildPath could be any directory on your machine so long as it had csc and vbc inside it. You can check the cibuild.cmd and see how it is used.

Troubleshooting your setup

To confirm what version of the compiler is being used, include #error version in your program and the compiler will produce a diagnostic including its own version as well as the language version it is operating under.

You can also attach a debugger to Visual Studio and check the loaded modules, looking at the folder where the various CodeAnalysis modules were loaded from (the RoslynDev should load them somewhere under AppData, not from Program File).

Testing on the dotnet/runtime repo

  1. make sure that you can build the runtime repo as baseline (run build.cmd libs+libs.tests, which should be sufficient to build all C# code, installing any prerequisites if prompted to, and perhaps git clean -xdf and build.cmd -restore initially - see runtime repo documentation for specific prerequisites and build instructions)
  2. build.cmd -pack on your roslyn repo
  3. in %userprofile%\.nuget\packages\ delete the version of the toolset that you just packed so that the new one will get put into the cache
  4. modify your local enlistment of runtime as illustrated in this commit then build again
    • add <RestoreAdditionalProjectSources><PATH-TO-YOUR-ROSLYN-ENLISTMENT>\artifacts\packages\Debug\Shipping\</RestoreAdditionalProjectSources> using the local path to your roslyn repo to Directory.Build.props
    • add <UsingToolMicrosoftNetCompilers>true</UsingToolMicrosoftNetCompilers> and <MicrosoftNetCompilersToolsetVersion>4.1.0-dev</MicrosoftNetCompilersToolsetVersion> with the package version you just packed (look in above artifacts folder) to eng/Versions.props

Testing a VS insertion

See internal documentation for that process here.

Testing with extra IOperation validation

Run build.cmd -testIOperation which sets the ROSLYN_TEST_IOPERATION environment variable to true and runs the tests. For running those tests in an IDE, the easiest is to find the //#define ROSLYN_TEST_IOPERATION directive and uncomment it. See more details in the IOperation test hook doc.

Replicating Failures in the Used Assemblies leg

In order to replicate test failures in that leg, there are a few options:

  1. Uncomment src/Compilers/Test/Core/Compilation/CompilationExtensions.cs:9, which defines ROSLYN_TEST_USEDASSEMBLIES, and run your tests. Do not check this in, as it will enable the test hook for every test in every project and significantly slow down regular test runs.
  2. Set the ROSLYN_TEST_USEDASSEMBLIES environment variable and restart VS with it set.
  3. Set a breakpoint at the start of CSharpTestBase.VerifyUsedAssemblyReferences in src/Compilers/Test/Utilities/CSharp/CSharpTestBase.cs. When it breaks, use VS's jump to location or drag the instruction pointer past the early check and return on EnableVerifyUsedAssemblies.

When a test failure is isolated, please add a dedicated test for this (ie. failing even when the Used Assemblies validation isn't enabled) to make it easier to avoid future regressions.
Preferrably, don't replicate the entire original test, just enough to hit the bug to ensure that it's protected against regressions.
Before pushing a relevant fix to CI, you can validate locally using the -testUsedAssemblies command-line option for build.cmd. For example: build.cmd -testCoreClr -testCompilerOnly -testUsedAssemblies.

Running the PublicAPI fixer

  1. Install dotnet-format as a global tool. It does ship as part of the SDK, but a separate version can be installed as a global tool and invoked with dotnet-format {options}. C:\Source\roslyn> dotnet tool install -g dotnet-format --version "6.*" --add-source
  2. Restore and build Compilers.slnf. This is necessary to ensure the source generator project is built and we can load the generator assembly when running dotnet-format. C:\Source\roslyn> .\restore.cmd C:\Source\roslyn> .\build.cmd
  3. Invoke the dotnet-format global tool. Running only the analyzers subcommand and fixing only the "missing Public API signature" diagnostic. We must also pass the --include-generated flag to include source generated documents in the analysis. C:\Source\roslyn> cd .. C:\Source> dotnet-format analyzers .\roslyn\Compilers.slnf --diagnostics=RS0016 --no-restore --include-generated -v diag


Please see Contributing Code for details on contributing changes back to the code.