File tree
955 files changed
lines changed- .config
- .github
- docs
- eng
- common
- native
- post-build
- templates
- job
- post-build
- steps
- variables
- native
- pipelines
- common
- templates
- extra-platforms
- mono/templates
- testing
- scenarios
- src
- coreclr
- System.Private.CoreLib
- src/System
- Reflection
- Runtime/CompilerServices
- classlibnative/float
- debug
- createdump
- daccess
- ee
- dlls
- mscordac
- mscorrc
- gc
- unix
- inc
- obj/i386
- jit
- md/compiler
- nativeaot
- BuildIntegration
- Runtime
- amd64
- arm
- arm64
- i386
- inc
- unix
- windows
- Runtime.Base/src/System/Runtime
- System.Private.CoreLib/src
- Internal/Runtime/CompilerHelpers
- System
- Reflection/Runtime/MethodInfos
- Runtime
- docs
- pal
- inc
- rt
- src
- arch/arm
- cruntime
- exception
- file
- include/pal
- init
- misc
- safecrt
- thread
- tests/palsuite
- c_runtime
- _finite/test1
- _finitef/test1
- _isnan/test1
- _isnanf/test1
- _stricmp/test1
- _strnicmp/test1
- abs/test1
- acos/test1
- acosf/test1
- acosh/test1
- acoshf/test1
- asin/test1
- asinf/test1
- asinh/test1
- asinhf/test1
- atan/test1
- atan2/test1
- atan2f/test1
- atanf/test1
- atanh/test1
- atanhf/test1
- cbrt/test1
- cbrtf/test1
- ceil/test1
- ceilf/test1
- cos/test1
- cosf/test1
- cosh/test1
- coshf/test1
- exp/test1
- expf/test1
- fabs/test1
- fabsf/test1
- floor/test1
- floorf/test1
- fma/test1
- fmaf/test1
- fmod/test1
- fmodf/test1
- ilogb/test1
- ilogbf/test1
- log/test1
- log10/test1
- log10f/test1
- log2/test1
- log2f/test1
- logf/test1
- modf/test1
- modff/test1
- pow/test1
- powf/test1
- sin/test1
- sincos/test1
- sincosf/test1
- sinf/test1
- sinh/test1
- sinhf/test1
- sqrt/test1
- sqrtf/test1
- strtod
- test1
- test2
- strtok/test1
- strtoul/test1
- tan/test1
- tanf/test1
- tanh/test1
- tanhf/test1
- filemapping_memmgt
- GetModuleFileNameA/test1
- GetModuleFileNameW/test1
- threading/SignalObjectAndWait
- tools
- Common
- Compiler
- DependencyAnalysis
- Target_ARM
- TypeSystem
- IL
- Interop/IL
- StressLogAnalyzer
- aot
- ILCompiler
- ILCompiler.Build.Tasks
- ILCompiler.Compiler
- Compiler
- Dataflow
- DependencyAnalysis
- Target_ARM
- Target_ARM64
- Target_LoongArch64
- Target_RiscV64
- Target_X64
- ObjectWriter
- ILCompiler.ReadyToRun
- ObjectWriter
- ILCompiler.Reflection.ReadyToRun
- ILCompiler.RyuJit
- Compiler/DependencyAnalysis
- JitInterface
- ILCompiler.Trimming.Tests
- crossgen2
- utilcode
- vm
- amd64
- arm
- arm64
- eventing/eventpipe
- i386
- loongarch64
- riscv64
- installer
- managed/Microsoft.NET.HostModel
- pkg
- projects/Microsoft.DotNet.ILCompiler
- sfx
- Microsoft.NETCore.App
- installers/dotnet-runtime-deps
- tests
- AppHost.Bundle.Tests
- Assets
- Projects/ManagedHost
- TestProjects/ManagedHost
- HostActivation.Tests
- DependencyResolution
- FrameworkResolution
- NativeHosting
- Microsoft.NET.HostModel.Tests/Bundle
- TestUtils
- libraries
- Common
- src
- Interop
- Browser
- OSX/System.Security.Cryptography.Native.Apple
- Unix/System.Native
- Windows
- Advapi32
- SspiCli
- System/Security/Cryptography
- tests
- System
- Collections
- Net
- Security/Cryptography/AlgorithmImplementations/RSA
- TestUtilities/System
- WasmTestRunner
- Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection
- src
- ServiceLookup
- ILEmit
- tests/DI.Tests
- Microsoft.Extensions.Diagnostics
- System.CodeDom
- src/Microsoft/CSharp
- tests/System/CodeDom/Compiler
- System.Collections/tests/Generic/HashSet
- System.Collections.Immutable/tests
- System.Console
- src
- System
- System.IO.Hashing/src/System/IO/Hashing
- System.IO.Ports
- System.Linq
- src/System/Linq
- tests
- System.Net.Http
- ref
- src/System/Net/Http
- BrowserHttpHandler
- SocketsHttpHandler
- tests/FunctionalTests
- System.Net.Quic
- src
- Resources
- System/Net/Quic/Internal
- tests/FunctionalTests
- System.Net.Requests/src/System/Net
- System.Net.Security
- src/System/Net
- Security
- tests
- FunctionalTests
- UnitTests
- System.Net.WebSockets
- src/System/Net/WebSockets
- tests
- System.Net.WebSockets.Client
- src/System/Net/WebSockets/BrowserWebSockets
- tests
- System.Numerics.Tensors
- ref
- src/System/Numerics/Tensors/netcore
- tests
- System.Numerics.Vectors
- ref
- tests
- System.Private.CoreLib
- ref
- src
- ILLink
- Resources
- System
- Collections/Generic
- Diagnostics/Tracing
- Numerics
- Reflection
- Emit
- Runtime/Intrinsics
- Arm
- Threading
- System.Private.Uri
- src
- Resources
- System
- tests/FunctionalTests
- System.Private.Xml/tests
- System.Reflection.Emit
- src
- Resources
- System/Reflection/Emit
- tests/PersistableAssemblyBuilder
- System.Reflection.Metadata/src/System/Reflection/PortableExecutable
- System.Runtime
- ref
- tests
- System.Dynamic.Runtime.Tests/Dynamic.NamedAndOptional
- System.Reflection.Tests
- System.Runtime.Extensions.Tests/System
- System.Runtime.Tests/System
- Numerics
- System.Threading.Tasks.Tests/Task
- System.Runtime.InteropServices
- System.Runtime.InteropServices.JavaScript
- src/System/Runtime/InteropServices/JavaScript
- Interop
- Marshaling
- tests/System.Runtime.InteropServices.JavaScript.UnitTests
- System/Runtime/InteropServices/JavaScript
- System.Runtime.Intrinsics
- ref
- tests/Vectors
- System.Runtime.Numerics
- src/System/Numerics
- tests/BigInteger
- System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters
- System.Runtime.Serialization.Schema/tests/System/Runtime/Serialization/Schema/Import
- System.Runtime.Serialization.Xml/tests
- System.Security.Cryptography
- src/System/Security/Cryptography/X509Certificates
- tests/X509Certificates
- System.Text.Json
- gen
- Helpers
- tests
- Common
- CollectionTests
- System.Text.Json.SourceGeneration.Tests/Serialization
- System.Text.Json.SourceGeneration.Unit.Tests
- System.Text.Json.Tests
- System.Threading/src
- System.Threading.Channels
- System.Threading.RateLimiting/src/System/Threading/RateLimiting
- System.Threading.Thread/src
- System.Web.HttpUtility
- src/System/Web
- tests/HttpUtility
- mono
- System.Private.CoreLib
- src
- ILLink
- System
- Reflection
- Emit
- Threading
- browser
- debugger
- BrowserDebugProxy
- DebuggerTestSuite
- tests/debugger-test
- runtime
- diagnostics/browser
- es6
- loader
- pthreads
- browser
- worker
- types
- cmake
- mono
- component
- eventpipe
- metadata
- mini
- interp
- sgen
- tools/offsets-tool
- utils
- nuget
- Microsoft.NET.Runtime.LibraryBuilder.Sdk
- Sdk
- Microsoft.NET.Runtime.MonoAOTCompiler.Task
- Sdk
- Microsoft.NET.Runtime.MonoTargets.Sdk
- Sdk
- Microsoft.NET.Runtime.WebAssembly.Sdk
- Sdk
- Microsoft.NET.Runtime.WebAssembly.Wasi.Sdk
- Sdk
- Microsoft.NET.Runtime.WorkloadTesting.Internal
- Sdk
- build
- Microsoft.NET.Sdk.WebAssembly.Pack/build
- sample
- HelloWorld
- iOS-NativeAOT
- mbr
- apple
- console
- wasm
- blazor-frame
- browser-bench
- browser-frame/wwwroot
- wasi
- build
- wasm
- Wasm.Build.Tests
- Blazor
- Templates
- TestAppScenarios
- build
- testassets
- WasmBasicTestApp/App/wwwroot
- native-libs
- native/libs
- System.Native
- System.Security.Cryptography.Native
- System.Security.Cryptography.Native.Android
- System.Security.Cryptography.Native.Apple
- tasks
- AndroidAppBuilder
- AotCompilerTask
- AppleAppBuilder
- Crossgen2Tasks
- LibraryBuilder
- Microsoft.NET.Sdk.WebAssembly.Pack.Tasks
- Microsoft.NET.WebAssembly.Webcil
- MobileBuildTasks
- MonoTargetsTasks
- ILStrip/AssemblyStripper
- TestExclusionListTasks
- WasmAppBuilder
- wasi
- WasmBuildTasks
- WorkloadBuildTasks
- installer.tasks
- tests
- Common
- CoreCLRTestLibrary
- GenerateHWIntrinsicTests
- Interop
- ArrayMarshalling/SafeArray
- PInvoke/Miscellaneous/HandleRef
- Swift
- SwiftErrorHandling
- SwiftInvalidCallConv
- SwiftSelfContext
- HardwareIntrinsics/Arm
- Sve
- Regression/JitBlue
- Runtime_93698
- Runtime_98068
- jit64/opt
- cse
- rngchk
- Loader/classloader/generics/Instantiation/Positive
- Regressions/coreclr/GitHub_87879
- baseservices/typeequivalence
- impl
- simple
- nativeaot/SmokeTests
- Preinitialization
- TrimmingBehaviors
- tools/illink
- src
- ILLink.Tasks
- linker
- Linker
- Linker.Steps
- test
- ILLink.RoslynAnalyzer.Tests/generated/ILLink.RoslynAnalyzer.Tests.Generator/ILLink.RoslynAnalyzer.Tests.TestCaseGenerator
- Mono.Linker.Tests.Cases/Inheritance.Interfaces/DefaultInterfaceMethods
- workloads
Some content is hidden
Large Commits have some content hidden by default. Use the searchbox below for content that may be hidden.
955 files changed
lines changedOriginal file line number | Diff line number | Diff line change | |
| |||
15 | 15 |
| |
16 | 16 |
| |
17 | 17 |
| |
18 |
| - | |
| 18 | + | |
19 | 19 |
| |
20 | 20 |
| |
21 | 21 |
| |
Original file line number | Diff line number | Diff line change | |
| |||
892 | 892 |
| |
893 | 893 |
| |
894 | 894 |
| |
895 |
| - | |
896 |
| - | |
| 895 | + | |
897 | 896 |
| |
898 | 897 |
| |
899 | 898 |
| |
| |||
927 | 926 |
| |
928 | 927 |
| |
929 | 928 |
| |
| 929 | + | |
| 930 | + | |
| 931 | + | |
| 932 | + | |
930 | 933 |
| |
931 | 934 |
| |
932 | 935 |
| |
933 | 936 |
| |
934 | 937 |
| |
935 | 938 |
| |
936 |
| - | |
937 |
| - | |
| 939 | + | |
938 | 940 |
| |
939 | 941 |
| |
940 | 942 |
| |
| |||
1106 | 1108 |
| |
1107 | 1109 |
| |
1108 | 1110 |
| |
| 1111 | + | |
| 1112 | + | |
| 1113 | + | |
| 1114 | + | |
1109 | 1115 |
| |
1110 | 1116 |
| |
1111 | 1117 |
| |
| |||
1115 | 1121 |
| |
1116 | 1122 |
| |
1117 | 1123 |
| |
1118 |
| - | |
1119 |
| - | |
| 1124 | + | |
1120 | 1125 |
| |
1121 | 1126 |
| |
1122 | 1127 |
| |
| |||
1166 | 1171 |
| |
1167 | 1172 |
| |
1168 | 1173 |
| |
| 1174 | + | |
| 1175 | + | |
| 1176 | + | |
| 1177 | + | |
1169 | 1178 |
| |
1170 | 1179 |
| |
1171 | 1180 |
| |
| |||
1181 | 1190 |
| |
1182 | 1191 |
| |
1183 | 1192 |
| |
1184 |
| - | |
1185 |
| - | |
| 1193 | + | |
1186 | 1194 |
| |
1187 | 1195 |
| |
1188 | 1196 |
| |
| |||
1195 | 1203 |
| |
1196 | 1204 |
| |
1197 | 1205 |
| |
1198 |
| - | |
1199 |
| - | |
1200 |
| - | |
1201 |
| - | |
1202 |
| - | |
1203 |
| - | |
1204 |
| - | |
1205 |
| - | |
1206 |
| - | |
1207 |
| - | |
1208 |
| - | |
1209 |
| - | |
1210 |
| - | |
1211 |
| - | |
1212 |
| - | |
1213 |
| - | |
1214 |
| - | |
1215 |
| - | |
1216 |
| - | |
1217 |
| - | |
1218 |
| - | |
1219 |
| - | |
1220 |
| - | |
1221 |
| - | |
1222 |
| - | |
1223 |
| - | |
1224 |
| - | |
1225 |
| - | |
1226 |
| - | |
1227 |
| - | |
1228 |
| - | |
1229 |
| - | |
1230 |
| - | |
1231 |
| - | |
1232 |
| - | |
1233 |
| - | |
1234 |
| - | |
1235 |
| - | |
1236 |
| - | |
1237 |
| - | |
1238 |
| - | |
1239 |
| - | |
1240 |
| - | |
1241 |
| - | |
1242 |
| - | |
1243 |
| - | |
1244 |
| - | |
1245 | 1206 |
| |
1246 | 1207 |
| |
1247 | 1208 |
| |
| |||
1261 | 1222 |
| |
1262 | 1223 |
| |
1263 | 1224 |
| |
1264 |
| - | |
1265 |
| - | |
| 1225 | + | |
1266 | 1226 |
| |
1267 | 1227 |
| |
1268 | 1228 |
| |
| |||
1485 | 1445 |
| |
1486 | 1446 |
| |
1487 | 1447 |
| |
1488 |
| - | |
1489 |
| - | |
1490 |
| - | |
1491 |
| - | |
1492 | 1448 |
| |
1493 | 1449 |
| |
1494 | 1450 |
| |
| |||
1553 | 1509 |
| |
1554 | 1510 |
| |
1555 | 1511 |
| |
1556 |
| - | |
| 1512 | + | |
1557 | 1513 |
| |
1558 | 1514 |
| |
1559 | 1515 |
| |
| |||
1656 | 1612 |
| |
1657 | 1613 |
| |
1658 | 1614 |
| |
| 1615 | + | |
| 1616 | + | |
| 1617 | + | |
| 1618 | + | |
1659 | 1619 |
| |
1660 | 1620 |
| |
1661 | 1621 |
| |
| |||
1670 | 1630 |
| |
1671 | 1631 |
| |
1672 | 1632 |
| |
1673 |
| - | |
1674 |
| - | |
1675 |
| - | |
1676 |
| - | |
1677 |
| - | |
1678 |
| - | |
1679 |
| - | |
1680 |
| - | |
1681 |
| - | |
1682 |
| - | |
1683 |
| - | |
1684 | 1633 |
| |
1685 | 1634 |
| |
1686 | 1635 |
| |
| |||
1832 | 1781 |
| |
1833 | 1782 |
| |
1834 | 1783 |
| |
| 1784 | + | |
| 1785 | + | |
| 1786 | + | |
| 1787 | + | |
1835 | 1788 |
| |
1836 | 1789 |
| |
1837 | 1790 |
| |
| |||
1908 | 1861 |
| |
1909 | 1862 |
| |
1910 | 1863 |
| |
| 1864 | + | |
| 1865 | + | |
| 1866 | + | |
| 1867 | + | |
1911 | 1868 |
| |
1912 | 1869 |
| |
1913 | 1870 |
| |
| |||
1965 | 1922 |
| |
1966 | 1923 |
| |
1967 | 1924 |
| |
| 1925 | + | |
| 1926 | + | |
| 1927 | + | |
| 1928 | + | |
1968 | 1929 |
| |
1969 | 1930 |
| |
1970 | 1931 |
| |
| |||
1996 | 1957 |
| |
1997 | 1958 |
| |
1998 | 1959 |
| |
| 1960 | + | |
| 1961 | + | |
| 1962 | + | |
| 1963 | + | |
1999 | 1964 |
| |
2000 | 1965 |
| |
2001 | 1966 |
| |
| |||
2055 | 2020 |
| |
2056 | 2021 |
| |
2057 | 2022 |
| |
| 2023 | + | |
| 2024 | + | |
| 2025 | + | |
| 2026 | + | |
2058 | 2027 |
| |
2059 | 2028 |
| |
2060 | 2029 |
| |
| |||
2106 | 2075 |
| |
2107 | 2076 |
| |
2108 | 2077 |
| |
| 2078 | + | |
| 2079 | + | |
| 2080 | + | |
| 2081 | + | |
2109 | 2082 |
| |
2110 | 2083 |
| |
2111 | 2084 |
| |
| |||
2457 | 2430 |
| |
2458 | 2431 |
| |
2459 | 2432 |
| |
| 2433 | + | |
| 2434 | + | |
| 2435 | + | |
| 2436 | + | |
2460 | 2437 |
| |
2461 | 2438 |
| |
2462 | 2439 |
| |
| |||
2491 | 2468 |
| |
2492 | 2469 |
| |
2493 | 2470 |
| |
| 2471 | + | |
| 2472 | + | |
| 2473 | + | |
| 2474 | + | |
2494 | 2475 |
| |
2495 | 2476 |
| |
2496 | 2477 |
| |
| |||
2551 | 2532 |
| |
2552 | 2533 |
| |
2553 | 2534 |
| |
| 2535 | + | |
| 2536 | + | |
| 2537 | + | |
| 2538 | + | |
2554 | 2539 |
| |
2555 | 2540 |
| |
2556 | 2541 |
| |
| |||
2594 | 2579 |
| |
2595 | 2580 |
| |
2596 | 2581 |
| |
| 2582 | + | |
| 2583 | + | |
| 2584 | + | |
| 2585 | + | |
2597 | 2586 |
| |
2598 | 2587 |
| |
2599 | 2588 |
| |
| |||
2946 | 2935 |
| |
2947 | 2936 |
| |
2948 | 2937 |
| |
2949 |
| - | |
| 2938 | + |
Original file line number | Diff line number | Diff line change | |
| |||
96 | 96 |
| |
97 | 97 |
| |
98 | 98 |
| |
99 |
| - | |
| 99 | + | |
100 | 100 |
| |
101 | 101 |
| |
102 | 102 |
| |
| |||
117 | 117 |
| |
118 | 118 |
| |
119 | 119 |
| |
120 |
| - | |
121 |
| - | |
122 |
| - | |
123 |
| - | |
124 |
| - | |
125 |
| - | |
126 | 120 |
| |
127 | 121 |
| |
128 | 122 |
| |
Original file line number | Diff line number | Diff line change | |
| |||
85 | 85 |
| |
86 | 86 |
| |
87 | 87 |
| |
| 88 | + | |
| 89 | + | |
| 90 | + | |
| 91 | + | |
| 92 | + | |
| 93 | + | |
88 | 94 |
| |
89 | 95 |
| |
90 | 96 |
| |
Original file line number | Diff line number | Diff line change | |
| |||
96 | 96 |
| |
97 | 97 |
| |
98 | 98 |
| |
99 |
| - | |
| 99 | + | |
100 | 100 |
| |
101 | 101 |
| |
102 | 102 |
| |
0 commit comments