No labels!
There aren’t any labels for this repository quite yet.
Issue is blocked on an external dependency
Tracking branding updates across our repos
Using this label will notify dotnet/compat and trigger a request to file a compat bug
Work related to C++/CLI support on dotnet core
Issues and PRs that deal with the UX of the CLI (exit codes, log output, verbs/options, and so on)
Issues that could be solved cleanly if the .NET CLI had a git-like configuration system
Issues where some of the information in the discussion may be appropriate to add to documentation
10 to 20 person weeks of work per central guidance
4 to 10 person weeks of work per central guidance
Less than 4 person weeks of work per central guidance
more than 20 weeks of work per central guidance
Pull requests that update a dependency file
Groups multiple user stories. Can be grouped under a theme.
Used for items on the backlog to raise them to the top of that list for discussion
Issues that would be a good fit for someone new to the repository. Narrow in scope, well-defined.
Issues that we would accept external contributions on. Also known as up-for-grabs.
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