As we are an entity ourselves, we do have our own viewpoint, and our viewpoint is always going to come through in our writings and teachings, even when quoting a source. By visiting the source material, you get to hear another perspective, and by gaining many perspectives, you will discover your own higher truth.
The best thing you can do is seek many sources to cultivate your own unique and ever-growing viewpoint. Trying to have the same viewpoint as another, or trying to maintain your viewpoint by not seeing any other viewpoints are both tickets to stagnation.
It’s also a good idea to re-interpret concepts that don’t feel right to you by meditating on them. This can remove some of the distortion that is impossible to avoid when compressing information so vast into the English language.
I don’t personally agree with some interpretations of RA, for example I believe animals like Dolphins are fourth or even higher density beings, while RA states that all animals on Earth are second density. And that’s okay. I enjoy living my world where Dolphins and Narwhals are my 4th Density brethren.
Find your highest excitement, and know that you can always ask for your higher self to come through and show you directly, as you are never separate.
Our goal here at Aquarius Academy isn’t to show you one path, it’s to help you see how many paths there are by connecting you to the ninth-density galactic collective, which governs all soul ascension in the Milky way.