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Universal Consciousness

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Understand + visualize Universal Energies: 7 Dimensions of Space/Time, 11 Levels of Conscious Experience

“I want to know God’s thoughts”- Einstein

Einstein died in full pursuit of a Unified Field Theory that rectified classical physics and quantum mechanics, a stack of notes on the stand next to his bed. He refused to accept what he called “ spooky action at a distance”, which is quantum entanglement — instant information sharing across the universe.

We share the uncompromising quest to understand the infinite creator, and share our closest approximation of how God thinks, the 7–11 model. In future Aquarius Academy courses, we’ll use this understanding as a base to teach you about magic — consciousness — to evolve a new culture on Earth, starting with individual decisions to explore and fully utilize our Mind/Body/Spirit vehicle.

Respecting your Intellect + Discernment

Seek to integrate this information in your current experience and knowledge, but start with a blank slate. This model isn’t here to replace your existing understanding of energy, spirit, science, and the universe itself. If anything, it should help to explain the truth you resonate with. .

Where this came from

To package this information, Aquarius Academy founder Gudasol spent years dipping into every corner of TOEs (Theories of everything), until a clear picture finally emerged by looking at both channeled material, and the latest scientific understanding found in superstring theory.

An Overview of the 7–11 model

Dimensions of Reality create separation through extension (allowing perspective), and Levels of Consciousness facilitate unity through entanglement (perspective becoming truth). Together, they create consciousness. Let’s summarize each concept, then dive deep.

In the 7-11 model, the dimensions (7+0 in our Universe in 10+0 multiverse) start with 3d Euclidean space, and offer a similar intuitive three-axis model for time. This simple model allows measurement, grouping, and separation to occur, giving us distinct objects, events, and experiences.

Densities, Levels of Consciousness (11 in our universe, 12 as multiverse + 0th) are inseparable connections, living magnetic fields that instantly share information. They are linked through toroidal geometry, and allow shared truth and experience to exist through a shared collapsing of a probability state into perceptible reality.

If we have a large magnet, and place a smaller magnet in it, the smaller magnet will align to the larger one. The connection is instant, and both magnets are now one field. Like a wifi router, there is two-way information flowing.

With this basic understanding, let’s look at dimensions from a scientific perspective, then examine densities from a subjective perspective of experiential growth.

Part One: Dimensions of Reality

Dimensions Introduction

“…In dimensions, there are literally only 7 that are experienceable in this universal matrix..” — Aridif

Dimensions are extensions, which allow perspective and measurement of the previous dimensions below. The first dimension is one extension length, the second is two, length and width, and the third, length width and height. Every time we go up one dimension, we are extending all the previous dimensions outward in two brand new directions, perpendicular to the directions available before.

All of the information from the previous dimensions becomes just a snapshot of this new dimension.

We’ll bring along a cat with us starting at the third dimension to help us to digest the mind-bending concepts of higher dimensionality.

The Dimensions

Before we dive in, here’s a one-sentence overview:

The first three dimensions make up space, the next three make up time, the seventh is one reality (universe,) and the zeroth is all-permeating pure consciousness connecting Levels of Consciousness to Dimensions of Reality.
Starting at the bottom we have:

Dimension 0 = Perspective

A point has no dimensionality, only position.

This point is a point of conscious perspective and energetic entanglement, creating an infinite link between all dimensionality where the creator can perceive itself, as it is doing now through your eyes, ears, and mind.

Zero dimensionality is the center unity point of the torus shape, linked to the 0th level/density of consciousness, a concept we will further explore in the Levels of Consciousness lesson. From a science perspective, the center of the torus is where quantum entanglement happens. This center unity is the entangled link to all fractal consciousness, above and below.

1st Dimension (Length) (Lines)

In the first dimension we have a line, one extension in two directions. This extension we call length.

2nd Dimension (Width) (Planes)

As we go to the second dimension, the line extends to have width.

Now we have an area, and are able to create all of the 2d shapes, like squares, triangles, all that fun stuff!!

3rd Dimension (Height) (Objects, Entities)

As we move to the third dimension, we add height. Now we can make a cube, a sphere, a tetrahedron, or a cat.

Let’s call our cat Chessie, and bring him with us through the dimensions.



Meet Chessie

4th Dimension (Time) (Timelines)

If we want Chessie to chase a mouse, we need to extend our 3d world in the fourth dimension, time.

Time = a string of events that our 3d world goes through.

Events are 3d snapshots on a 4d timeline. When we reference two or more events we are now in the fourth dimension.

According to Plank, events happen 1.855e+43 times every second.

Strings of events extend in both directions, future and past, to create a timeline. We can understand a fourth dimensional being by looking at their entire timeline from the beginning to end, for example the entire life of our cat Chessie.

We can assign an X value, let’s call it TimeX to how many events that Chessie has experienced, starting at 0 when the Chessie became incarnate.



5th Dimension (Timeplanes)

In the fifth dimension, timelines are extended in another direction, just like how we went from a 1d line to a 2d area. Now we have an infinite number of timelines beside each other, just like the infinite parallel lines on a 2d plane.

Does this sound familiar parallel realities? Timeline jumps? Good.

Each of these timelines may have a different past and future, though they may also converge and diverge, and even crisscross as energies synchronize, offering the opportunity to jump across timelines.

The closest timelines represent similar strings of events, maybe we wore a different shirt, but otherwise lived the same life. As we get further, the changes become greater, perhaps we moved to a different city, met different people, became a different person.

Returning to our cat Chessie, we still have the TimeX value of how old Chessie is, and now we also have a TimeY value which represents which timeline this particular Chessie’s events exists on, or if you fancy some Schrödinger, which Chessie is in the litter box.



6th Dimension (Time Entities / Time Objects)

Remember when we went from 2D to 3D, from a plane capable of only shapes, to a world with depth that could hold an entity like a cat?

In 6D we have time-filling objects and entities within time, just like in 3D we had space-filling objects and entities within space.

To simplify the concept, I will call these 6d entities timeshapes, but remember they are similar to a 3d object but with time instead of space, and they can be intelligent, like our cat Chessie.

Similar to how we need layers to make a sphere from circles, we also need layers of timeplanes to make a 6d timeshape.

To grasp this concept, let’s go back to dimension 5 (timeplanes, defined as parallel timelines) and imagine we have our cat Chessie that exists on multiple timeline. On one of these timelines, Chessie escapes a closing door and runs free where he fathers a litter of kitties with another cat. On another timeline, the door closes faster, and Chessie stays inside, fathering no kitties.

Both of these timelines can be expressed within the fifth dimension from the perspective of Chessie, though in reality, whole layers of other timelines are getting involved.

What about Chessie’s owner’s timeline? What about the kittens? What about everything in the world that interacts with the Chessie and all of his kittens?

Just like the second dimension isn’t really experienceable in the 3rd dimensional spacetime, the fifth dimensional “flat” timeplanes aren’t really experienceable in the 6th dimensional timespace. They are simply an accurate model to look at the components of time entities, like a planar circle is an accurate representation of a sphere.

Back to our furry friends,

Let’s imagine all of the interactions that our kitties will have. They all get adopted and go to loving homes, and become more connected, influencing all of the timelines they interact with.

All of the interactions become a tree-like shape of weaved timelines. This is a timeshape, a shape that has bounds in time in addition to space. The shape has a beginning and end in time, just like a 3d object does in space. These timeshapes are basically bounds of reality where shared truth can form and exist, where every event within the bounds is entangled, and wisdom is fountained by perceiving all the possibilities within that timeshape.



Foundational Insight

If you’re thinking, wait, isn’t everything entangled since the big bang? You’re completely correct. Every possibility for our universe is existing together as one now, and it’s the biggest time shape we know. This timeshape is a shared experience where Universal Truths exist.

7th Dimension (Universal Plane)

The sixth dimension gave us timeshapes, so what are timeshapes a snapshot of?

Let’s back up. You may have noticed that in our model, the progression of dimensions 4, 5, and 6 were a lot like 1, 2, and 3, but with time instead of space.

So when we jump from 6 to 7th dimension, it should be similar to when we jumped from the third dimension to the 4th.

In that jump, we went from a universe of spacetime, or space at one time, to a universe of timespace, or time at one space. The structure of space became malleable through time, and time became malleable through space.

So what happens when we go beyond time?

When we go beyond time, we go outside of timespace/spacetime itself, and our entire universe becomes a snapshot.

Looking at seventh dimension, we have different expressions of reality (time and space), which are separate universes in a multiverse.

8th and Ninth Dimensions

A 7 dimensional object is a reality, a universe. Realities are the singular point on a string of multiverses, which is the 8th dimension, and the ninth dimension is a complete realm of multiverse creation. Combining 3 spatial dimensions, 3 Time dimensions, and 3 Reality dimensions (369) we have our model of a 10d reality sphere

Review and looking forward

We have a three-axis representation of space, dimensions 1-2-3. We also have a three-axis representation of time, dimensions 4-5-6.

The only “finished” dimensions that can fully explain a subset of reality are the third and sixth dimensions. This is because they contain all axes needed to express either space or time fully.

Finally, the seventh dimension makes our entire universe just a snapshot, one point on an infinite line of other universes. Realities inhabit dimensions 7-8-9. The model we just went over is our interpretation of the ten dimensional model accepted by many scientists today.

We are just stopping at 7 because that’s when we enter the multiverse, But, since we’re here, let’s go all the way. imagine that the next three dimensions, 7, 8 and 9, make up another three-axis system. Past space, further than time, we have another plane of existence, this time of realities. The 7th, 8th and 9th dimensions together hold all possible realities, with a tenth dimension that is it everything together. What’s after that? Another 3-axis up to 12? Perhaps, but it’s beyond our view.

You are now ready to dive into levels of consciousness, the final fundamental component of our model, and when you do, keep in mind everything you have learned here, it will help you greatly in your understanding and visualization of levels.


Imagining the Tenth Dimension

Part Two: Densities of Light aka Levels of Consciousness

Levels of Consciousness

In simple terms, an integer light density number refers to an ascending toroidal bubble, or level of consciousness.

Looking back to dimensions, all of the knowable information was extended with each additional dimension, making all previous information just a snapshot, so the dimension above has access to all the information, while the one below has only a tiny sliver of information about the dimension above it.

Levels, however, are folded into each other.



If you imagine this torus coming together into a horn torus (below), you can see that the entire plane of information goes through the singular point in the center of the torus. This singularity is the next density, and each density level has a unity point linking it all the way up to source.





All consciousness collected in a certain density is the next density above. This means that even the lowest level of consciousness is the highest level, because the highest levels are nothing more than the sum of every level below, so experience is always shared between every density of consciousness.

All is one, and one is all.

Levels/densities vs Dimensions

Now you may be thinking, how is this different from dimensions? I thought the next dimension was just every snapshot of the dimensions below?

The difference between density growth and dimensional growth is geometrical, as dimensions are planar, and levels are fractal.

Though a higher dimension can access any of the lower levels, it can only view them through moving in one “direction” or the other, with the directional movement being on the “axis” representing that dimension, and that “axis: is the perpendicular expansion of every extension of the previous dimensions.

We can visualize this by sliding a plane along an X or Y axis. Dimensions allow energy (which is movement and Matter) to create the space that is needed for a rich variety of experience through interaction.

We can say that dimensions work according to planar geometry.

Levels work according to fractal geometry. Fractals are made of smaller versions of themselves, and each level can be visualized as a torus-shaped bubble, made up of a unity point and an accelerating expansion, decelerating expansion, “stillness” or balance point, accelerating contraction, and decelerating contraction back into unity.

The unity point enables lower levels to access information from higher levels, something lower dimensions can not do to higher dimensions.

Ascending a level of consciousness is returning to this unity point, a central point which realizes the connection to the next level by combining all consciousness on its current level through unified perspective.

Past this experience of unified perspective, you graduate to be a small perspective in a greater toroidal consciousness, again seeking to unify perspective on this new plane. This greater toroidal consciousness, or bigger bubble, is made up of a bunch of bubbles which all are the completion of the previous level via a different experience of finding unity perspective.

To visualize this concept, imagine each bubble as a star in a spiral galaxy.

There’s a logical argument that pops up here: How can there be more than one path to unity perspective, as one perspective suggests a consciousness can’t ascend a level and still be a unique expression of consciousness?

The answer lies in information compression. Each truth is compressed into a form that fits into a simple geometric truth. For experience to come into a unity perspective, most of the nitty-gritty information (experience/information that doesn’t fit into the higher truth) is mirrored away (unable to be experienced, information lost) as truth is “clicked” into place to fit this geometric truth, like a tent pole snapping together. If we could look down the center of two tent poles, we would see the same picture — a small tunnel of light — no matter the color of the outside of the tent poles, or even if there’s a tent attached.

The nitty-gritty information that is lost is never truly lost, just to the higher level of consciousness. A higher level consciousness can shift down into a lower truth through the “geometric truth” existing there, but would risk getting “stuck” if they can no longer bring that truth into their experience and re-ascend.

Each of the levels of ascension contain one geometric truth, known by the platonic solids. This was the fundamental teaching of Plato’s The Academy.



Quick Review: A level of consciousness contains all of the information of all of the levels it contains through a compressed geometric perspective through which the lower densities are understood to be integrated into a higher perspective, and the lower level of consciousness always has access to the higher levels’ information and understanding through a central toroidal core (0-dimensional perspective).

As we go through each level of consciousness, imagine what the perspective (toroidal core) and the experience (toroidal expanded form) represents.

Grouping Levels of Consciousness

We’re going to go through all the levels, but first let’s look at the groups of levels of consciences.

The first six densities are the physical levels, where consciousness may take a physical vessel. The first two are physical components, the next two are building the physical vessel of bodies for us to have experiences in, the final two are of higher-dimensional experience,

Above the sixth density there is nothing left to experience as a physical entity, it is just energetic understanding, “Being” in a non-physical sense.

Four of these nonphysical levels exist within our universe + 1 of the universe itself, incarnating as collective consciousnesses, and planets harboring soul collectives, Star systems, galaxies, and collectives of galaxies.

The universe (Level 11) is its own experience, as these first 10 combined together.

Outside of that, we have a density some call the multiverse, God Brain, or God Soul that is a collective of all universes.

Beyond that is the one infinite creator, nonexistent nothingness, All.

Let’s talk about each level in more detail.

The Ra Material (Law of One) is a base for this understanding. Our model takes the first 6 densities (levels) and expands the 7th (nonphysical) density into multiple levels; planets, Suns, galaxies, and universes. Check out a video summary of Lo1 levels here and the source of the further explanations here.

1st Density

Represented By: Root Chakra ~ Color Red

Description: The density where light weaves (spins tightly) into physical realty, through atoms and their interactions. 1st density also includes the primal configurations of energy structures. This can be seen in the structural possibilities of atoms, including molecules, lattices, and larger still fractal atomic structures like the physical structure of galaxies.

Visual: Torus connected in strings

Conscious Experience: Expression, resonation, and crystallization. For the manifestation of the higher densities, they must go down and down. The most powerful manifestations reach all the way to this density, and are merging with the first density consciousness of atoms and other tight forms of light.

Examples: Crystals, Rocks, Fire, Wind, Electricity, Water (the elements)

Lesson: Existence as duality: oneness (through resonance) and separation through experiencing the push/pull (yin/yang if you prefer) that makes physical reality possible.

The first density is Atoms and elemental substances — Earth, Air, Fire, Water. This is the first level of experience the creator has in our universe.

The first density contains the elements and molecular structures, and is the manifestation of true magic, defined as “the power of apparently influencing the course of events by using mysterious or supernatural forces.”

Revisit this section after reading the rest

Plants, animals, humans, and higher-dimensional beings all rearrange atoms into molecules (chemicals) and chemicals into other chemicals. In your quest for ascension, remember that you actually get there through the first density. Changes that bring you closer to love manifest with new hormones that unlock new feelings in the body, and new experiences in the mind. To ignore the nitty-gritty, by avoiding your shadow work [link], questing temporary breakthroughs, etc, may grant you temporary enlightenment, but this higher vibe takes some time and repeated action to fully change your DNA.

Not so “dark” Advanced Concept

There are different levels of matter that operate within our universe. In addition to our atomic structure, the fifth and sixth density operate largely with atoms that have a different axis of atomic spin than ours. Scientists label as “dark matter” and “ Dark Energy” because they don’t interact with our current measuring instruments.

2nd Density Plant and Animal Life — Growth

Represented By: Sacral Chakra ~ Color Orange

Description: Second density consciousness grows towards the infinite oneness, like a tree grows toward the Sun. This growth is an expansion.

Visual: Fractal Tree (the physical skeleton of a torus)(a “fractal tree” can be any energy system, a human, a planet, a plant)

Conscious Experience: Receiving plenty (from source) and growing into a personality through physical form and movement.

Examples: Plants, animal life, fungi, trees, Fruits and vegetables, etc. Pets are high/late 2nd density

Lesson: Growth toward Source (on Earth, Source is represented by the Sun) in plant life, and movement through awareness

In the second density, consciousness starts to interact with itself in an entity / environment way. Growth and expansion toward oneness is expressed in plants reaching toward the Sun. This energy is also expressed in animals seeking mates and food.

Ascending Second Density

Second-density is a huge part of our third density experience, and many past seekers have demonstrated their higher consciousness by transcending these lower needs. Second density weaves the elemental nature into all things, and creates the lush and magical world we live in. Second density ascends as it connects with decision making, like conscious evolution of plants and animals.

3rd Density Self Awareness / Decisions

Represented By: Solar Plexus Chakra ~ Color Yellow / Golden

Description: Self-Awareness. The density of consciousness as we experience it, with our reality filled with decisions,

Visual: Fractal Tree consciously deciding which branch to grow further

Conscious Experience: Self identification, expression, choices

Examples: Humans (I personally believe playful, socializing animals like Dogs, Dolphins and Manatee who take decisions are also third density, but law of one contrasts this)

Lesson: Choice.

In the third density, self awareness develops, and with it choice, guarded by free will. The third density is unique because it operates under a veil of forgetting, or illusionary separation from source.

This allows us to make an honest decision of how we wish to progress through the rest of the physical-body levels, by experiencing unity, or by continuing to experience separation from oneness. Although, if we choose separation we can’t make it past the start of the sixth density, as creating illusions of separation can only get you so far, as it isn’t aligned with higher levels of truth.

4th Density: Evolved Humans — Love / Unity

Represented By: Heart Chakra ~ Color Green (Upper is pink)

Description: In fourth density, we unlock love by connecting with the essence of things, the expression not bounded by time or separation in space. Fourth density allows interaction with the entire future and past of a phenomenon through the now, and directly connecting with (and influencing) the future and past through the now.

Visual: One timeline of fractal trees sharing love, growing together

Conscious Experience: Overwhelming love, experiencing things as one expression (free from time), understanding time as non-linear and non-binding

Examples: Love from Gaia, knowing things will be Okay, (4th density could be called the Astral realm)

Lesson: Love.

In the fourth density we learn about unconditional love. This experience vibrates our future and past to the highest truth with love.

Imagine a string that is tacked down in the middle, with both sides flowing freely beside. The string represents our timeline, and tack represents the present moment.

Love pulls the string taut, creating the greatest and most resonant future and past in the now.

This creates the possibility for near-instant healing and manifestation, while still being in the physical world.

Collective attention allows our strings to harmonize with others, vibrating together to experience a more loving future and past through the now.

The Earth Human collective is now in the beginning of Fourth density, moving toward a more unified, loving society. This loving connection aligns us all with a bright future, as well as uncovers our incredible past.

5th Density: Wisdom

Represented By: Throat Chakra ~ Color Blue

Description: Fifth density allows not only interacting with all parts of the universe, but interactions with every fractal offshoot of possible universal manifestations. In this density, we can not only manifest and experience anything within our universal reality, but in any reality, even those disconnected from our own.

Visual: All possible histories and futures of the fractal trees growing together

Conscious Experience: A 5D being can visit (conscious experience, or physically in integrated craft) any point in the future and past. Manifesting any reality through focusing on the idea of it. Any configuration of energy will rebound to you through any number of realities.

Examples: 5th density could be called the Causal realm. We would think of this as the creative view of all. To see is to create. To know all as knowing nothing because in each reality truth is different.

Lesson: Wisdom

Within the fifth density, our vibration can transport us to any perspective in the now, and not only that, we can experience any future and past for that now.

Creation is unbounded, as any thought form will bounce back to you through any number of realities, to meet you exactly at the vibration you sent out. Wisdom is limitless, as every angle of every possible future and past is experienceable.

6th Density: Oneness

Represented By: Third Eye Chakra ~ Color Indigo

Description: There is no polarity, but radiant connection of oneness, collective expression and consciousness. This is the last density containing physical entities (or to say it better, individualized conscious personalities). After that, it’s collective consciousnesses, planetary consciousnesses etc. There is nothing left to experience as a separation.

Visual: The actual love burst that is continually living through all of the possible histories and pasts of the fractal trees interacting

Conscious Experience: Radiant Joyous Expansion into All things

Example: Primary animation light of life

Lesson: Unity as Collective consciousness

The last physical experience is removing the illusion of self and other to realize and experience all as one. Remember that each density is all of the previous levels experiences put together, so the sixth density truly is oneness of all experiences. As we graduate through this density, we integrate all wisdom into oneness, and shed our unique perspective, to enter into the non-physical levels of collective consciousness.

7th Density: Collectives & Planets

Represented By: Crown Chakra ~ Color Violet

Description: The completion of all possible universal expressions as one universe.

An oversoul is a 7th density being (in 12d system, see next section)

Visual: The completed master tree holding all other trees and possibilities of trees. Or, the torus of all other completed torus shapes.

Conscious Experience: The completion of all experience within a universal expansion.

Lesson: Completion

The seventh density is the first non-physical experience. This experience can be expressed in what we might call a collective consciousness, or a grid of consciousness.

A seventh density entity can also be described as a collective soul, sometimes called an oversoul. A soul is an energetic part of us that goes on after we die, and an oversoul is a higher fractal iteration of our soul, meaning that we are a connected offshoot of an oversoul, like a twig to a branch.

Our oversoul is our higher self, and it contains infinite connectivity to all experiences of every possible past and future life, and all of these billions of lives are our higher self, and are all happening Right Now from a higher dimensional perspective.

When we die, we return to the oversoul to be re-incarnated, and the nature of this re-incarnation will align with our desire to create an exciting and fulfilling experience, usually growing in a direction we are headed, but sometimes starting again in a new direction entirely.

Our oversoul may incarnate as any number of beings at the same time. We are already incarnated in possibly billions of beings right now, and I mean just in this fourth dimensional now.

One expression of a seventh density consciousness is that of a planet. Seventh density collective consciousnesses create planets through a collective desire.

How does this work? Seventh density entities are not bounded by time, so they create a planet through collapsing possibilities with intention to manifest and coalesce matter, space, dust, etc, etc, into an entire history and future of a planetary experience.

Oversouls don’t just wake up on a Tuesday and pop a planet in front of a star. They create with intention throughout the entire galactic history. Think back to the timeshape example where we imagined a buzzing earth timeshape. This will give you a visual of a seventh density entity.

Gaia is a seventh density entity, a collection of all consciousness on the planet, all the way down to the first density rocks and crystals. Gaia experiences all this life now, with the entire future and history of every being accessible at every moment. Plus every possible future and history…, all in the now.

Oversouls and planets combine to create the next level, the Solar system consciousness.

8. Solar system Consciousness

Solar system consciousnesses are the collection of planetary and oversoul consciousnesses that are centered around a star. Each planet is connected to a solar consciousness. Solar consciousnesses are connected to each other as well, and when we sum them all together, we get the ninth density.



9. Central galactic consciousness

Our galaxy is the collection of all the solar consciousnesses, connected through the core like a faster-than-light-speed internet connection. All of the information from every level we talked about thus far is accessible through this galactic core.

This ninth density consciousness governs the ascension process of all entities in the galaxy, as it is made up of all of these beings.

Visualizing the galaxy with the core at your heart chakra is a powerful meditation technique to integrate this energy directly into your ascension process.

10. Galactic Collectives

In this density, galaxies come together to form their own collective consciousnesses, like cells coming together to form a body. There are innumerable galaxies in the universe. 
All of these consciousnesses combined create the universal consciousness, the next density.

11. The Universal Consciousness

Everything in the universe, including all 12 matrices, each with their 10 levels, form the 11th density, universal consciousness.

The universe is having a physical incarnation, much like us. It will leave this incarnation, and return to the 12th density consciousness, where it may make another incarnation.

12. The God Soul

Our universe exists alongside an infinite number of universes. Some of these universes are very similar to ours, carrying this 7 dimension / 11 density structure. Others are completely different, and may have no physical beings in them at all. All do, however, have experience, and expansion.

The connection of all of these universes creates a so-called God Brain, God Mind or God Soul where all universes are born, and where they return to when they leave their incarnation. This is like an oversoul of universes, where a universal consciousness may choose to expand in a new direction after they “disincarnate”. Similar to other collective consciousnesses, and stars in a galaxy, groups of countless universes co-create in clusters, creating all forms of possibilities.

13. The Infinite Source Creator

So what do we get when we combine all collectives of all universes? 
The infinite creator!

So what can create the infinite creator?

Nothing, of course.

But Seriously, nothing.


So, What is nothingness?

Nothingness is, by definition.. nothing, and therefore cannot exist. If nothingness can not, and does not exist, everything must exist because nothing can be nothing.

There must not be nothing anywhere.

Nothing can be nothing.

Everything must be something,

And something must be everywhere.

As since something is everywhere and everything is something, everything is everywhere.

And that every thing as that is everywhere is the source creator, kept alive and in balance forever by nonexistent nothingness.

Brain knot? How can everything be everywhere? If you’re still confused, revisit the fractal geometry explanation earlier in this article. Some people call this the holographic universe, some call it oneness, or the Law of One.

Everything is connected through the core to all other things, and resonates with things in similar energy to create experience on a multidimensional thought field.


Ra Material on Densities

ET Whisper: Densities Masterclass 1

Lo1 Summary Mentioned (by Aaron Abke)

Meaning in Ascension

What does this information mean to you in your journey?

If you resonate, integrate the teachings in your own experience and knowledge.

We are personally ascending from the third density of decisions, to the fourth density of knowing love. After that comes wisdom. Ascension takes a leveled approach, but we can connect with higher energies at any time in We experience within ourselves, in our connections that we have with others, and with our connection with the planet and in the Sun.

Meaning in Physics

It is understood that the fifth and sixth dimension densities operate on a different atomic axis than our periodic table inhabitants, accounting for dark energy and dark matter.

Returning to Einstein

Einstein’s last words are forgotten to history, as the attending nurse didn’t speak German. Whatever Einstein said right before leaving this earth, I am sure was a great revelation that comes with the re-unification with the all. This experience of oneness, and the accompanying feeling of pure love (the barrier to the fourth level) surely gave Einstein the last bit to connect all of his knowledge with the experience of timelessness.

This model shows how everything is not only entangled at one point from the Big Bang, but also entangled in each point of truth, which is the Toroidal core of consciousness at each level. Quantum entanglement, or Einstein’s “spooky action at a distance”, operate through the cores, for they create that entanglement. The holy Ghost, if you will.

Meaning in Ascension

The key here is that each center of truth has a higher resonance within it’s bubble that it creates and is connected to. So consciousness creates its truth that becomes more real than the universal truth, at least to the observer at that level. This is why humans can create our own reality that may be contradictory to the universal nature. The same incredible ability to override higher truths creates tension when ascending, keeping us trapped at the third level of consciousness. To ascend, we must only align our truth with the higher bubbles.To ascend, we must only align our truth with the higher bubbles. For humans, this means to align with love in the past and future through the Now, accepting we are loved, and that we love all we connect with. Further into Aquarius Academy , we’ll talk in great depth.


Aridif — Ancient Pleiadian

Thank you for reading 🙏