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Async/Await with Cancellation

This is an experimental implementation of the Proposal to add cancellation abilities for Async/Await for the Swift language.

This project demonstrates 'cancellation' and 'timeout' abilities for Async/Await. The Async/Await feature is described in 'Async/Await for Swift' by Chris Lattner and Joe Groff and further discussed in Contextualizing async coroutines. The addition of 'cancellation' and 'timeout' is proposed and discussed below.

To try it out, clone this project and run it! And run the tests to see if it is working properly!


In this proposal, the cancellation and timeout features are implemented using coroutine contexts:

  • A cancel scope (class CancelScope) is used to track cancellable asynchronous tasks within coroutines.
  • Cancellable tasks are manually added to the cancel scope as they are created, and are automatically removed from the cancel scope when their associated coroutine is resolved (i.e. the coroutine produces a result or an error).
  • The cancel scope has a cancel() method that can be used to explicitly cancel all unresolved tasks.
  • When cancel() is called on a cancel scope, all of its unresolved coroutines are immediately resolved with the error AsyncError.cancelled. Unwinding and cleanup for the associated task(s) happens in the background after the cancellation error is thrown.
  • The cancel scope is thread safe, therefore the same instance can be used in multiple calls to beginAsync
  • The cancel scope can produce subscopes for finer granularity of cancellation and timeouts.
  • The cancel scope has a timeout: TimeInterval initializer parameter for setting a timeout to cancel all unresolved tasks.

This proposal is influenced by Nathaniel J. Smith's excellent blog post Timeouts and cancellation for humans, which proposes cancel scopes as a human-friendly way to implement timeouts and cancellation. In our case, using a CancelScope instance as the beginAsync coroutine context sets up a cancellation scope.

Timer example

Here is a simple example using cancellation with async/await:

let cancelScope = CancelScope()
let error: (Error) -> () = { error in
    if error.isCancelled {
        print("Meaning Of Life calculation cancelled!")
    } else {
        print("An error occurred with the Meaning Of Life: \(error)")

do {
    try beginAsync(context: cancelScope, error: error) {
        let theMeaningOfLife: Int = await
        suspendAsync { continuation, error in
            let workItem = DispatchWorkItem {
                Thread.sleep(forTimeInterval: 0.1)
            if let cancelScope: CancelScope = getCoroutineContext() {
                cancelScope.add(cancellable: workItem)
        if theMeaningOfLife == 42 {
            print("The Meaning Of Life is 42!!")
        } else {
            print("Wait, what?")
} catch {

// Set a timeout (seconds) to prevent hangs
cancelScope.timeout = 30.0


// Call 'cancel' to abort the request


For 'cancellation' abilities the following changes and additions are proposed and are experimentally implemented in this project:

 'Cancellable' tasks that conform to this protocol can be used with
public protocol Cancellable {
    func cancel()

    var isCancelled: Bool { get }

/// Cancellation error
public enum AsyncError: Error {
    case cancelled

 The 'CancelScope' serves to:

 - Track a set of cancellables, providing the ability to cancel the
   set from any thread at any time

 - Provides subscopes for finer grained control over cancellation

 - Provide the current list of cancellables, allowing extensions of
   'CancelScope' to invoke other methods by casting

 - Optionally specify a timeout for its associated cancellables

 Note: A cancellable is considered resolved if either its
 'continuation' or its 'error' closure has been invoked.
public class CancelScope: Cancellable {
    /// Create a new `CancelScope` with optional timeout in seconds.
    /// All associated unresolved tasks will be cancelled after the
    /// given timeout. Default is no timeout.
    public init(timeout: TimeInterval = 0.0)

    /// Cancel all unresolved cancellables
    public func cancel()

    /// Returns true if all cancellables are either cancelled or
    /// resolved
    public var isCancelled: Bool { get }

    /// Add a cancellable to the cancel scope
    public func add(cancellable: Cancellable)

    /// The list of unresolved cancellables conforming to type 'T' for
    /// this cancel scope
    public func cancellables<T: Cancellable>() -> [T]

    /// Create a subscope.  The subscope can be cancelled separately
    /// from the parent scope. If the parent scope times out or is
    /// cancelled, all of it's  subscopes will be cancelled as well.
    /// The 'timeout' parameter specifies a timeout in seconds for
    /// the cancellation subscope, to cover the case where a shorter
    /// timeout than the parent scope is desired.
    public func makeSubscope(timeout: TimeInterval = 0.0) -> CancelScope

 Return a coroutime context matching the given type 'T' by applying
 the following checks in sequential order:

 1. If the coroutine context matches type 'T', then it is returned

 2. If the coroutine context is an array, then return the first item
    in the array matching 'T'

 3. Return 'nil' if there are no matches
public func getCoroutineContext<T>() -> T?

 Begins an asynchronous coroutine, transferring control to 'body'
 until it either suspends itself for the first time with
 'suspendAsync' or completes, at which point 'beginAsync' returns. If
 the async process completes by throwing an error before suspending
 itself, 'beginAsync' rethrows the error.

 Calls to 'beginAsync' may be nested, which can be used to provide
 additional coroutine contexts.  Coroutine contexts from outer scopes
 are inherited by concantenating all contexts as an array.  The
 'getCoroutineContext' function runs through this array looking for a
 matching type.

 - Parameter asyncContext: the context to use for all encapsulated

 - Parameter error: invoked if 'body' throws an error
public func beginAsync(
    asyncContext: Any? = nil,
    error: ((Error) -> ())? = nil,
    _ body: @escaping () throws -> Void
) rethrows

 Suspends the current coroutine and invokes 'body' with the
 coroutines's continuation closure. Invoking 'continuation' will
 resume the coroutine by having 'suspendAsync' return the value passed
 into the continuation.  It is a fatal error for 'continuation' to be
 invoked more than once.

 - Note: Cancellation is not supported with this flavor of
   'suspendAsync' and attempts to access the 'CancelScope' will
   trigger a fatal error.
public func suspendAsync<T>(
    _ body: @escaping (_ continuation: @escaping (T) -> ()) -> ()
) -> T

 Suspends the current coroutine and invokes 'body' with a continuation
 closure and a failure closure. The coroutine is resumed when either
 the continuation closure or the failure closure is invoked by 'body'.
 If 'body' invokes the continuation closure then 'suspendAsync' will
 return the provided value.  And if 'body' invokes the failure closure
 then 'suspendAsync' will throw the provided error.

 Only one of either the continuation closure or the failure closure
 may be called. It is a fatal error if both are called, or if either
 is called more than once.

 Code inside 'body' can support cancellation as follows:

     let cancellable: Cancellable = MyCancellableTask()


     // Add 'cancellable' to the 'CancelScope' coroutine context
     if let cancelScope: CancelScope = getCoroutineContext() {
       cancelScope.add(cancellable: cancellable)
public func suspendAsync<T>(
    _ body: @escaping (
        _ continuation: @escaping (T) -> (),
        _ error: @escaping (Error) -> ()
    ) -> ()
) throws -> T

This example shows how to define URLSession.dataTask as a coroutine that supports cancellation:

/// Extend 'URLSessionTask' to be 'Cancellable'
extension URLSessionTask: Cancellable {
    public var isCancelled: Bool {
        return state == .canceling || (error as NSError?)?.code
            == NSURLErrorCancelled

/// Add `URLSessionTask` suspend and resume capabilities to
/// 'CancelScope'
extension CancelScope {
    var urlSessionTasks: [URLSessionTask] { return cancellables() }

    func suspendTasks() { urlSessionTasks.forEach { $0.suspend() } }

    func resumeTasks() { urlSessionTasks.forEach { $0.resume() } }

/// Add async version of dataTask(with:) which uses suspendAsync to
/// handle the callback
extension URLSession {
    func dataTask(with request: URLRequest) async
        -> (request: URLRequest, response: URLResponse, data: Data) {
        return await suspendAsync { continuation, error in
            let task =
            self.dataTask(with: request) { data, response, err in
                if let err = err {
                } else if let response = response, let data = data {
                    continuation((request, response, data))
            if let cancelScope: CancelScope = getCoroutineContext() {
                cancelScope.add(cancellable: task)

This example demonstrates usage of the URLSessionTask.dataTask coroutine including cancellation and timeout

(from main.swift):

import Foundation

// Example: how to make a cancellable web request with the
// URLSession.dataTask coroutine
let cancelScope = CancelScope()
let error: (Error) -> () = { error in
    print("Apple search error: \(error)")

do {
    beginAsync(context: cancelScope, error: error) {
        let urlSession = URLSession(configuration: .default)
        let request = URLRequest(
            url: URL(string: "")!)
        let result = await urlSession.dataTask(with: request)
        let dataString = String(data:, encoding: .utf8)
        print("Apple search result: \(dataString)")
catch {
    print("Apple search error: \(error)")

// Set a timeout (seconds) to prevent hangs
cancelScope.timeout = 30.0


// Call 'cancel' to abort the request

Here is the image loading example from the original Async/Await proposal, along with cancellation and timeout abilities

(from main.swift):

/// For the purpose of this example, send a simple web request rather
/// than loading actual image data
func loadWebResource(_ name: String) async -> Data {
    let urlSession = URLSession(configuration: .default)
    let request = URLRequest(
        url: URL(string: "\(name)")!)
    let result = await urlSession.dataTask(with: request)

func decodeImage(_ profile: Data, _ data: Data) async -> Image

func dewarpAndCleanupImage(_ image: Image) async -> Image

/// Image loading example
func processImageData1a() async -> Image {
    let dataResource = Future {
        await loadWebResource("dataprofile.txt")
    let imageResource = Future {
        await loadWebResource("imagedata.dat")

    // ... other stuff can go here to cover load latency...

    let imageTmp = await decodeImage(
        try dataResource.get(), try imageResource.get())
    let imageResult = await dewarpAndCleanupImage(imageTmp)
    return imageResult

// Execute the image loading example
let queue = .default)
let cancelScope = CancelScope()
let error: (Error) -> () = { error in
    print("Image loading error: \(error)")

do {
    try beginAsync(context: [cancelScope, queue], error: error) {
        let result = try processImageData1a()
        print("Image result: \(result)")
} catch {
    print("Image loading error: \(error)")

// Set a timeout (seconds) to prevent hangs
cancelScope.timeout = 30.0


// Call cancel to abort the request

Prototype Limitations

This implementation has a limitation where suspendAsync blocks the current thread until either continutation or error has been called. According to the Async/Await proposal suspendAsync is supposed to allow the current thread to resume execution while any of its coroutine are waiting to be resolved.

To implement suspendAsync properly would require either a custom preprocessor that rewrites the code or would require compiler support. These is beyond the scope of this experimental implementation.


I made some assumptions about how coroutine contexts might work, and how to handle errors (such as cancellation) that are propagated up to beginAsync. These are described below:

Contextualizing async coroutines

The proposal for Contextualizing async coroutines is incorporated in this implementation. I found that it is desirable to allow multiple contexts with beginAsync. Also for nested beginAsync calls, the contexts for the outer scopes should be preserved. My take on this is the following:

  • The coroutine context type is Any
  • Multiple contexts are combined into an array [Any]
  • Inner contexts take precidence over outer contexts.
  • There is a global function getCoroutineContext<T>() -> T?. If the current coroutine context conforms to T then it is returned directly. Otherwise if the context is an [Any], the first member of the array that conforms to T is returned. If there is no match then nil is returned.
  • For nested calls to beginAsync the outer coroutine context is merged with the new coroutine context to form the inner coroutine context.

Error handling for beginAsync

Error handling for beginAsync is not fully specified in 'Async/Await for Swift' by Chris Lattner and Joe Groff .

To handle errors throw by the body parameter in the beginAsync function, I've added an optional error handler parameter to beginAsync.