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Snyk Configuration

florykiank edited this page Jul 30, 2019 · 3 revisions

Snyk helps to find and fix known vulnerabilities in your dependencies, both ad hoc and as part of your CI (Build) system.

We are using "Snyk CLI" you should Snyk API token in order to use it.


You can use free version with Reapsaw for scanning open source repositories. Using open source license you can run only 200 scans on private projects.

Details about Snyk licence can be found by the link plans

  • Snyk API token
  • Internet connection with

SNYK_TOKEN env variable with your Snyk API token and add "snyk" in TASKS environment variable.

Reapsaw languages support:

  • NodeJs
  • Java
  • .Net
  • Scala

How to build application code base

NodeJS Playbook

  1. Before scan install application modules:
npm install
  1. Add snyk in TASKS environment variable:
$ docker run --name sast --rm -d \
       -e TASKS="snyk" \
  1. Report example:

Note: For the findings from Snyk we are reporting top level dependencies

JSON report

    "Issue Name": "Regular Expression Denial of Service (ReDoS).marked",
    "Issue Tool": "Snyk",
    "Steps To Reproduce": "",
    "Issue Priority": "Major",
    "Issue Severity": "High",
    "Issue Confidence": "Certain",
    "CWE": "CWE-185",
    "CVE": "",
    "Overview": "",
    "Recommendations": "Upgrade `marked` to version 0.6.2 or higher",
    "References": "\r\n- [GitHub PR](\r\n- [GitHub Commit](",
    "Paths": "owasp-nodejs-goat>marked@0.3.9",
    "URLs": "",
    "error_string": "marked",
    "Description": "*Vulnerable Package:* marked\n*Current Version:* 0.3.9\n*Vulnerable Version(s):* <0.3.18\n \n *Remediation:*\r\nUpgrade marked to version 0.3.17 or higher\r\n\r\n\n  Overview\r\n[`marked`]( is a markdown parser built for speed\r\n\r\nAffected versions of this package are vulnerable to Regular Expression Denial of Service (ReDoS) attacks. This can cause an impact of about 10 seconds matching time for data 150 characters long.\r\n\r\n\n ",
    "Instances": "marked",
    "Attachments": [],
    "Tags": [
        "TestType": "sast"
        "Provider": "Reapsaw"
        "Tool": "Snyk"
    "Jira Name": "Vulnerable Software",
    "Repo": "",
    "top_level_module": "marked",
    "upgrades": [
    "language": "js",
    "RP Defect Type": "Product Bug"

.NET Playbook

If you are using .Net you should add required params:

  • lang='dotnet'
  • sln_file=<PATH_TO_SLN_FILE> # e.g src/Project.sln
  1. Build application
$ dotnet restore
$ docker run --name sast --rm -d \
        -e TASKS="snyk" \
        -e lang='dotnet' \
        -e sln_file=<PATH_TO_SLN_FILE> \
        -e SNYK_TOKEN=<SNYK_TOKEN> \

Java Playbook

  1. Build application
$ mvn build

It should work for Java other build tools if not reach out to us.

  1. Run Reapsaw

Scala Playbook

  1. Before scan install application modules:
$ sbt build
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