Rake UI is a Rails engine that enables the discovery and execution rake tasks in a UI.
NOTE: Relative to mountpoint in application
- GET /rake_tasks(.html/.json) - list all available rake tasks
- GET /rake_tasks/:id(.html/.json) - list info a single tasks
- POST /rake_tasks/:id/execute - execute a rake task
- GET /rake_task_logs(.html/.json) - list rake task history
- GET /rake_task_logs/:id(.html/.json) - list a single rake task history
Add this line to your application's Gemfile:
group :development do
gem 'rake-ui'
And then execute:
$ bundle
Or install it yourself as:
$ gem install rake-ui
once it is installed, mount the engine
Rails.application.routes.draw do
# only mounting when defined will allow us only include in development/test
if defined? RakeUi::Engine
mount RakeUi::Engine => "/rake-ui"
This tool is built to enable developer productivity in development. It exposes rake tasks through a UI.
This tool will currently not work in production because we add a guard in the root controller to respond not found if the environment is development or test.
We recommend adding guards in your route to ensure that the proper authentication is in place to ensure that users are authenticated so that if this were ever to be rendered in production, you would be covered. The best way for that is router constraints
bundle exec rake test
To iterate on this fast i normally install nodemon, you can also use guard minitest.
# Example with nodemon, you don't have to use this
npm install -g nodemon
# Running a single test whenever models change
nodemon -w ./app/models/* -e "rb" --exec "rake test TEST=test/rake_ui/rake_task_log_test.rb"
Contributing information available in CONTRIBUTING
The gem is available as open source under the terms of the Apache 2.0 License.