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197 lines (175 loc) · 5.03 KB

TypeScript Rhymer - kotlin rhymes with typescript

This is a kotlin annotation processor to generate TypeScript definitions. This is useful for javascript based apps to bridge data structures from kotlin to JS. Heavily inspired by:


  1. Enable kapt as explained here

  2. Add jitpack as repository:

repositories {
    maven { url '' }
  1. Add dependencies:
dependencies {
    compileOnly 'com.github.dpnolte.ts-rhymer:annotation:0.1'
    kapt 'com.github.dpnolte.ts-rhymer:codegen:0.1'
  1. Provide kapt arguments (optional):
kapt {
    arguments {
        arg("typescript.module", "Types") // becomes: declare module "Types"
        arg("typescript.outputDir", "/Users/derk/awesomeproject") // where the file will be saved
        arg("typescript.indent", "  ") // indentation (defaults to 2 spaces)
  1. Decorate your (root) classes with @TypeScript:
class KotlinClass { ... }

simple example

enum class Visibility { VISIBLE, INVISIBLE, GONE}

open class ViewOptions  {
    var visibility: Visibility = Visibility.VISIBLE

open class ViewGroupOptions : ViewOptions() {
    var layoutWidth: Int? = null
    var layoutHeight: Int? = null
    var clipChildren: Boolean? = null
    var clipToPadding: Boolean? = null
    var layoutAnimation: AnimationOptions? = null

class MarginLayoutOptions : ViewGroupOptions() {
    var layoutMarginLeft: Int? = null
    var layoutMarginTop: Int? = null
    var layoutMarginRight: Int? = null
    var layoutMarginBottom: Int? = null


/* generated @ 2018-08-16T13:05:06.372 */
declare module "NativeTypes" {
  interface AnimationOptions {
    count?: number;
    index?: number;

  interface MarginLayoutOptions extends ViewGroupOptions {
    layoutMarginBottom?: number;
    layoutMarginLeft?: number;
    layoutMarginRight?: number;
    layoutMarginTop?: number;

  interface ViewGroupOptions extends ViewOptions {
    clipChildren?: boolean;
    clipToPadding?: boolean;
    layoutAnimation?: AnimationOptions;
    layoutHeight?: number;
    layoutWidth?: number;

  interface ViewOptions {
    visibility: Visibility;



class GrandFather: Parent() {
    val wildest: Boolean = true
open class Parent (var mildlyWild: Boolean = true) : GrandSon()
open class GrandSon ( val amIWild: Boolean = true ) Four(4)
/* generated @ 2018-08-16T13:19:17.996 */
declare module "NativeTypes" {
  interface GrandFather extends Parent {
    wildest: boolean;

  interface GrandSon {
    amIWild: boolean;

  interface Parent extends GrandSon {
    mildlyWild: boolean;

type variables

class TypedClassWithAWildcard<T : List<ParameterTypeClass>, L, Q: ParameterTypeClass>(
        var test: T,
        val type1: Q,
        val type2: L,
        val type3: HashMap<String, AnimationOptions>,
        val wildCardType4: HashMap<String, HashMap<Int, *>>)
open class ParameterTypeClass (val data: String = "")
open class AnimationOptions (var count: Int? = null, var index: Int? = null)
/* generated @ 2018-08-16T13:09:33.210 */
declare module "NativeTypes" {
  interface AnimationOptions {
    count?: number;
    index?: number;

  interface ParameterTypeClass {
    data: string;

  interface TypedClassWithAWildcard<Q extends ParameterTypeClass, T extends Array<ParameterTypeClass>, L> {
    complexType4: { [key: string]: { [key: number]: any } };
    test: T;
    type1: Q;
    type2: L;
    type3: { [key: string]: AnimationOptions };

collection types:

open class AnimationOptions (var count: Int? = null, var index: Int? = null)
open class BaseTypeClass (val data: String = "", val yes: String = "no")
class CollectionsClass<TMapVaule : BaseTypeClass>(
        val animationOptions: List<AnimationOptions>,
        var intArray: IntArray,
        val complexType: HashMap<String, List<String>>,
        val map: HashMap<String, TMapVaule>,
        val stringList: List<String>,
        val koe: Set<String>, val paartje: Pair<String, Int>
/* generated @ 2018-08-16T13:13:46.846 */
declare module "NativeTypes" {
  interface AnimationOptions {
    count?: number;
    index?: number;

  interface BaseTypeClass {
    data: string;
    yes: string;

  interface CollectionsClass<TMapVaule extends BaseTypeClass> {
    animationOptions: Array<AnimationOptions>;
    complexType: { [key: string]: Array<string> };
    intArray: Array<number>;
    koe: Set<string>;
    map: { [key: string]: TMapVaule };
    paartje: [string, number];
    stringList: Array<string>;

Note that wild card will be converted to any


Easy to use typescript generator by selecting classes with annotations