- Just started
- 3D-HST - A Spectroscopic Galaxy Evolution Survey with the Hubble Space Telescope
- 3D-HST surveyed ~600 square arcminutes of well-studied extragalactic survey fields (AEGIS, COSMOS, GOODS-S, UKIDSS-UDS) with two orbits of primary WFC3/G141 grism coverage and two to four orbits with ACS/G800L coverage. The short acquisition images, taken in the WFC3/F140W and ACS/F814W filters used for wavelength reference for the spectra, are also deeper than most ground-based observations.
List of spectroscopic surveys by Ivan Baldry
- Covers all the "classic" ones, but some links might no longer work any more.
PRIMUS: PRIsm MUlti-object Survey
- A spectroscopic survey to z=1 with ~120,000 robust galaxy redshifts covering >9 sq. deg. of the sky, focusing on regions with deep Spitzer, optical, GALEX and X-ray data. Data release available
Lega-C: Large Early Galaxy Astrophysics Census
- VIMOS survey of 0.6 < z < 1.0 massive galaxies in the COSMOS field. Data release available
zCOSMOS: spectroscopic redshift survey in the COSMOS field
- VIMOS survey of 28,000 galaxies at 0.2 < z < 1.2 and 12,000 galaxies at 1.2 < z < 3. Data release available
- Due to the special role of the COSMOS field for spec-z and photo-z calibration, this dataset is also very important.
- VIMOS survey of ~10.000 very faint galaxies to study the major phase of galaxy assembly 2 < z ≲ 6. Data release available
MOSDEF: The MOSFIRE Deep Evolution Field Survey
- Charting the evolution of the rest-frame optical spectra for ~1500 galaxies in three distinct redshift intervals spanning 1.4 < z < 3.8 in AEGIS, COSMOS, and GOODS-N.
The DEIMOS 10K Spectroscopic Survey Catalog of the COSMOS Field
DEVILS: The Deep Extragalactic VIsible Legacy Survey
- The Deep Extragalactic VIsible Legacy Survey (DEVILS) is a spectroscopic campaign at the Anglo-Australian Telescope aimed at bridging the near and distant Universe by producing the highest completeness survey of galaxies and groups at intermediate redshifts (0.3<z<1.0).
- Our sample will consist of ~58k galaxies to Ymag<21.2, over ~6deg2 to >95% completeness in three well studies deep extragalactic fields (COSMOS, ECDFS and XMM-LSS).
HETDEX: Hobby-Eberly Telescope Dark Energy Experiment Survey
- OzDES repeatedly targeted the ten DES deep fields (see positions on the sky in the figure below), which comprise the DES supernova survey.
SINS: Spectroscopic Imaging survey in the Near-infrared with SINFONI
- A KMOS study of the gas kinematics and metallicity in 77 SFGs with a median redshift of z ≃ 3.5, probing a representative section of the galaxy main-sequence.
- A 30-night KMOS GTO program performing deep absorption-line spectroscopy in four main overdensities at 1.39 < z < 1.8 and one lower-priority overdensity at z = 1.04 to bridge our high-redshift observations with the local sample.
The All-weather MUse Supernova Integral field Nearby Galaxies (AMUSING) survey
- AMUSING uses the Multi Unit Spectroscopic Explorer (MUSE) instrument to observe galaxies that have been host to supernovae (SNe).
Deep Hyper Suprime-Cam Images and a Forced Photometry Catalog in W-CDF-S
- Both catalogs and reduced HSC data are available here
- Associated RNASS note can be found here
ALHAMBRA: Advance Large Homogeneous Area Medium Band Redshift Astronomical
J-PLUS: Javalambre Photometric Local Universe Survey
- The Javalambre-Photometric Local Universe Survey, J-PLUS, is defined to observe 8500 deg2 of the sky visible from Javalambre with the panoramic camera T80Cam at the JAST80 telescope, using a set of 12 broad, intermediate and narrow band optical filters.
S-Plus: Southern Photometric Local Universe Survey
- S-PLUS is an ongoing survey mapping about 9300 square degrees of the southern sky with an optical 12-band narrow and broadband photometric system sing a dedicated 0.8m telescope (T80S) at Cerro Tololo, Chile.
SPARCS - Spitzer Photometry and Accurate Rotation Curves
- SPARC is a database of 175 late-type galaxies (spirals and irregulars) with Spitzer photometry at 3.6 mu (tracing the stellar mass distribution) and high-quality HI/Ha rotation curves
Spitzer Data Fusion : A Spitzer-Selected Multi-Wavelength Catalog
- The Spitzer 'Data Fusion' is a multi-wavelength catalog selected at Spitzer/IRAC wavelengths.
- A collection of Spitzer deep field surveys.
HELP: The Herschel Extragalactic Legacy Project
- The Herschel Extragalactic Legacy Project (HELP) provides techniques, tools and data to enable astronomers in Europe and globally to capitalise on the surveys of the distant Universe made by the ESA mission Herschel.
- Herschel archive data.
EMPIRE - EMIR Multiline Probe of the ISM Regulating Galaxy Evolution
- The first wide-area multi-line mapping survey targeting tracers of dense gas across the entire molecular disks of 9 nearby star-forming galaxies.
- EMPIRE provides, for the first time, resolved (1-2kpc resolution) maps of a suite of density-sensitive transitions in the 3mm atmospheric window, including HCN (1-0), HCO+ (1-0) and HNC (1-0).
- LASD - Lyman Alpha Spectral Database
- Lyman Alpha Spectral Database will facilitate comparison of Lya spectral modeling and observations.
- Semi-Analytic Forecasts for JWST using Santa Cruz SAM
- We provide predictions for galaxy populations over a wide range of rest UV luminosity from MUV ∼ −6 to ∼ −24 between z = 4 – 10.