Just started
Interface Region Imaging Spectrograph (IRIS)
- The primary goal of the Interface Region Imaging Spectrograph (IRIS) explorer is to understand how the solar atmosphere is energized
- The SolarSoft system is a set of integrated software libraries, data bases, and system utilities which provide a common programming and data analysis environment for Solar Physics. Mostly written in IDL.
SunPy - Python for Solar Physics
- The community-developed, free and open-source solar data analysis environment for Python. Source code on Github
- Document is here and here is the New comers' guide to SunPy
- SSWIDL to SunPy cheat sheet
sunkit-image - A image processing toolbox for Solar Physics
- sunkit-image is a a open-source toolbox for solar physics image processing. Currently it is experimental library for various solar physics specific image processing routines.
irispy - A SunPy-affiliated package which provides tools to analyze data from IRIS
- IRISPy is a SunPy-affiliated package that provides the tools to read in and analyze data from the IRIS solar-observing satellite in Python.
drms - Access HMI, AIA and MDI data with Python
- The drms module provides an easy-to-use interface for accessing HMI, AIA and MDI data with Python. It uses the publicly accessible JSOC DRMS server by default
dkist - A Python library for obtaining, processing and interacting with calibrated DKIST data
- The Daniel K. Inouye Solar Telescope (DKIST, formerly the Advanced Technology Solar Telescope, ATST)
solarbextrapolation - Extrapolation framework for Solar Magnetic Fields
- solarbextrapolation is a library for extrapolating 3D magnetic fields from line-of-sight magnetograms
- Written in IDL. More on the Regularized DEM Maps
- The algorithms required to divide SDO/HMI magnetograms into individual magnetic fragments, based on a 'downhill' segmentation.
- CHIANTI - An Atomic Database for Spectroscopic Diagnostics of Astrophysical Plasmas
- This is a general astrophysical database, but it is frequently used in solar physics. It is distributed within SSW.
- fiasco - A Python interface to the CHIANTI atomic database
- ChiantiPy - the Python interface to the CHIANTI atomic database for astrophysical spectroscopy