Makes the Mac OS voices sing. Use it from the command line with rhino. Melody in ABC notation.
straight up
rhino sing.js GCEA3 my dog has fleas
with options
rhino sing.js -v Bruce -o -1 -t 0.5 -m melody.txt -l lyrics.txt
rhino sing.js --help
Usage: rhino sing.js [opts] [melody] [lyrics...]
(melody in abc notation, enclosed in quotes if necessary)
-l, --lyrics FILE Read lyrics from file
-m, --melody FILE Read melody from file
-n, --hsteps N Shift pitch N half-steps
-o, --octaves N Shift pitch N octaves
-p, --print Print phonemes instead of singing
-t, --tempo N Multiply tempo by N
-v, --voice NAME Sing with specified voice
print don't speak
rhino sing.js -p GCEA3 my dog has fleas
~ {W "MY" Undef !Emphatic !CitFunc}
m {D 75; P 392:0}
AY {D 225; P 392:0}
_ {W "DOG" Noun}
d {D 36.1; P 261.6:0}
1AO {D 225; P 261.6:0}
g {D 38.9; P 261.6:0}
~ {W "HAS" Undef !Emphatic !CitFunc}
h {D 35; P 329.6:0}
AE {D 225; P 329.6:0}
z {D 40; P 329.6:0}
_ {W "FLEAS" Noun}
f {D 72; P 440:0}
l {D 45; P 440:0}
1IY {D 675; P 440:0}
z {D 102; P 440:0}
. {D 6}
This is written in JavaScript because it uses the excellent abcjs library. Thanks to the authors of it, Gregory Dyke and Paul Rosen.
Thanks also to Greg Beller who showed me how to get detailed phoneme data from the speech synthesizer.
- add effects (vibrato, staccato, etc)