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forever and always run

git pull TODO:get def
git status show modified files in working directory, staged for your next commit
git add [file] add a file as it looks now to your next commit (stage)
git push [file] Pushes your local changes to a remote repository.

git reset [file] git reset [file] > unstage a file while retaining the changes in working directory
git diff git diff > diff of what is changed but not staged
git diff --staged    git diff --staged
   > diff of what is staged but not yet commited
git commit -m “[descriptive message]”    git commit -m “[descriptive message]”
   commit your staged content as a new commit snapshot
git reset “[file name]” This command removes the specified file from the staging area, but keeps the changes in your working directory.
Command Description
git pull Fetches changes from a remote repository and merges them into your local branch.
git status Shows the current state of your working directory and staging area, including modified, staged, and untracked files.
git add [file] Stages a file for the next commit, adding it to the staging area.
git reset [file] Unstages a file, removing it from the staging area but keeping the changes in your working directory.
git diff Shows the differences between your working directory and the last committed version.
git diff --staged Shows the differences between the staged files and the last committed version.
git commit -m "[message]"` Creates a new commit with the staged changes and the specified message.
git reset --hard Reverts all changes in your working directory and staging area to the last committed version. Caution: Use this command with care as it can discard unsaved changes.
git checkout [branch] Switches to a different branch, potentially discarding uncommitted changes in your current branch.
git branch Lists all branches in the repository.
git branch [new-branch] Creates a new branch.
git merge [branch] Merges the specified branch into your current branch.
git log Shows the commit history of the current branch.
git remote Lists remote repositories associated with your local repository.
git remote add [name] [url] Adds a new remote repository.
git push [remote] [branch] Pushes your local changes to a remote repository.
git clone [url] Creates a local copy of a remote repository.
git stash Temporarily saves your uncommitted changes so you can switch branches or work on something else.
Command Description
Introduction Sequence
A nicely paced introduction to the majority of git commands
1: Introduction to Git Commits git commit
git commit
2: Branching in Git git branch bugFix
git checkout bugFix
3: Merging in Git git branch bugFix
git checkout bugFix
git commit
git checkout main
git commit
git merge bugFix
4: Rebase Introduction
Ramping Up
The next serving of 100% git awesomes-ness. Hope you're hungry
1: Detach yo' HEAD
2: Relative Refs (^)
3: Relative Refs #2 (~)
4: Reversing Changes in Git
Moving Work Around
"Git" comfortable with modifying the source tree :P
1: Cherry-pick Intro
2: Interactive Rebase Intro
A Mixed Bag
A mixed bag of Git techniques, tricks, and tips
1: Grabbing Just 1 Commit
2: Juggling Commits
3: Juggling Commits #2
4: Git Tags
5: Git Describe
Advanced Topics
For the truly brave!
1: Rebasing over 9000 times
2: Multiple parents
3: Branch Spaghetti
Push & Pull -- Git Remotes!
Time to share your 1's and 0's kids; coding just got social
1: Clone Intro
2: Remote Branches
3: Git Fetchin'
4: Git Pullin'
5: Faking Teamwork
6: Git Pushin'
7: Diverged History
8: Locked Main
To Origin And Beyond -- Advanced Git Remotes!
And you thought being a benevolent dictator would be fun...
1: Push Main!
2: Merging with remotes
3: Remote Tracking
4: Git push arguments
5: Git push arguments -- Expanded!
6: Fetch arguments
7: Source of nothing
8: Pull arguments
Command Description
git merge bugFix git_merge_bugFix.png
  • git branch
  • git commit
  • git
  • Moving upwards one commit at a time with ^
  • Moving upwards a number of times with ~
  • git branch -f main HEAD^
  • move branch main reletive of head or
  • git branch (forced) "main", to head up
  • [ ]
social URL

work I'm looking for

I'm ideally looking for a job that is in remote full time cybersecurity.

I'm willing to work my way up to the top and start at $40k/y

but in this industry work can be found for $100k/y

I'm also willing to work as a remote IT, remote sys admin








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  1. Foo
  2. Bar
    • Baz
    • Qux

Some Javascript

function logSomething(something) {
  console.log('Something', something);