title | date | category | |
Quick Sort 快速排序 |
2023-09-14 |
Quicksort is a divide-and-conquer algorithm. It works by selecting a 'pivot' element from the array and partitioning the other elements into two sub-arrays, according to whether they are less than or greater than the pivot. For this reason, it is sometimes called partition-exchange sort.
时间复杂度(Time Complexity):
- 最坏(Worst-case):
$O(n^2)$ - 最好(Best-case):
$O(nlogn)$ - 平均(Average):
空间复杂度(Space Complexity):
- 最坏(Worst-case):
$O(n)$ - 最好(Best-case):
$O(logn)$ - 平均(Average):
- 选取基准(pivot)
- 分区(partition): 将大于基准的元素放入其右边 小于的放入其左边; 分区结束后形成以基准为界, 形成左右分区
- 将左右分区**递归(recursive)**执行步骤1), 直到分区只剩下一个元素为止.
- 选取基准 Pivot
- 将小于于
的数字放在其左边, 大于等于Pivot
的放在右边, 形成左右分区; 左分区所有数字小于基准, 右分区所有数字大于等于基准; 对于左右分区, 继续 步骤1). 直到区间为空为止. - 所有数字排序完毕
- 选取最右边的数作为基准
- 左分区索引
, 遍历数组, 将小于基准的数字和左分区数字交换; 直到结束为止; - 将左分区边界右边的数字和基准交换, 返回当前基准位置
// Sorts a (portion of an) array, divides it into partitions, then sorts those
algorithm quicksort(A, lo, hi) is
// Ensure indices are in correct order
if lo >= hi || lo < 0 then
// Partition array and get the pivot index
p := partition(A, lo, hi)
// Sort the two partitions
quicksort(A, lo, p - 1) // Left side of pivot
quicksort(A, p + 1, hi) // Right side of pivot
// Divides array into two partitions
algorithm partition(A, lo, hi) is
pivot := A[hi] // Choose the last element as the pivot
// Temporary pivot index
i := lo - 1
for j := lo to hi - 1 do
// If the current element is less than or equal to the pivot
if A[j] <= pivot then
// Move the temporary pivot index forward
i := i + 1
// Swap the current element with the element at the temporary pivot index
swap A[i] with A[j]
// Move the pivot element to the correct pivot position (between the smaller and larger elements)
i := i + 1
swap A[i] with A[hi]
return i // the pivot index
::: code-tabs
@tab Golang
func sortArray(nums []int) []int {
quickSort(nums, 0, len(nums)-1)
return nums
func quickSort(nums []int, left, right int) {
if left < right {
pivot := partition(nums, left, right)
quickSort(nums, left, pivot-1)
quickSort(nums, pivot+1, right)
func partition(nums []int, left, right int) int {
// random pivot
pi := rand.Intn(right-left+1) + left
swap(nums, pi, right) // move pivot to end
p := nums[right] // pivot value
i, j := left-1, left
for j < right {
// move to left
if nums[j] < p {
swap(nums, i, j)
// move pivot to middle
swap(nums, i, right)
// pivot
return i
func swap(nums []int, i, j int) {
nums[i], nums[j] = nums[j], nums[i]
- 选取基准
- 将小于于
的数字放在其左边, 大于等于Pivot
的放在右边, 形成左右分区; 左分区所有数字小于基准, 右分区所有数字大于等于基准; 对于左右分区, 继续 步骤1). 直到区间为空为止. - 所有数字排序完毕
; 分别从数组两端向中间移动, 每次都移动一步:- 若
nums[i] < pivot
, 则i
继续向右移动, 跳过这些数字 - 若
nums[j] > pivot
, 则j
继续向左移动, 跳过这些数字
, 则交换. 直到i >= j
- 若
// Sorts a (portion of an) array, divides it into partitions, then sorts those
algorithm quicksort(A, lo, hi) is
if lo >= 0 && hi >= 0 && lo < hi then
p := partition(A, lo, hi)
quicksort(A, lo, p) // Note: the pivot is now included
quicksort(A, p + 1, hi)
// Divides array into two partitions
algorithm partition(A, lo, hi) is
// Pivot value
pivot := A[ floor((hi - lo)/2) + lo ] // The value in the middle of the array
// Left index
i := lo - 1
// Right index
j := hi + 1
loop forever
// Move the left index to the right at least once and while the element at
// the left index is less than the pivot
do i := i + 1 while A[i] < pivot
// Move the right index to the left at least once and while the element at
// the right index is greater than the pivot
do j := j - 1 while A[j] > pivot
// If the indices crossed, return
if i >= j then return j
// Swap the elements at the left and right indices
swap A[i] with A[j]
::: code-tabs
@tab Golang
func sortArray(nums []int) []int {
quickSort(nums, 0, len(nums)-1)
return nums
func quickSort(nums []int, left, right int) {
if left < right {
p := hoarePartition(nums, left, right)
quickSort(nums, left, p)
quickSort(nums, p+1, right)
func hoarePartition(nums []int, left, right int) int{
pi := rand.Intn(right-left+1) + left
p := nums[pi]
i, j := left-1, right+1
for i < j {
for i++; nums[i] < p; {
for j--; nums[j] > p; {
if i < j {
nums[i], nums[j] = nums[j], nums[i]
return j
Multi-key quicksort, also known as three-way radix quicksort.
三路快速排序, 将数据分为三个分区(基准pivot):
- 小于pivot
- 等于pivot
- 大于pivot
可以避免某一区全部都是重复元素, 依然进行分区
::: code-tabs
@tab Golang
func sortArray(nums []int) []int {
quickSort(nums, 0, len(nums)-1)
return nums
func quickSort(nums []int, left, right int) {
if left < right {
less, great := partition(nums, left, right)
quickSort(nums, left, less-1)
quickSort(nums, great+1, right)
func partition(nums []int, left, right int) (int, int) {
// random pivot
pi := rand.Intn(right-left+1) + left
p := nums[pi]
swap(nums, pi, right) // move to right
// partition
// three part
less := left
great := right
idx := left
for idx <= great {
ele := nums[idx]
// less part
if ele < p {
swap(nums, idx, less)
// great part
if ele > p {
// 从右边来的数字大小未知, 后序还需要比较
// idx 不动
swap(nums, idx, great)
// equals part
if ele == p {
// less 和 great 指向分区边界外
// less-1, great+1 才是分区边界
return less, great
func swap(nums []int, i, j int) {
nums[i], nums[j] = nums[j], nums[i]
: 因为great
实际指向下一个需要去比较的元素, 若改成idx<great
, 那么在两者相遇时就会结束循环, 从而漏掉一个元素. -
不能自增: 因为从great
区来的元素其大小是未知的, 下一次循环需要再次判断. 所以交换元素到great
不动, -
LeetCode: 912. 排序数组
- 此问题的测试案例, 存在大量重复数据, 直接使用快速排序将超时.
- 可以使用三路快排