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Arek W edited this page May 27, 2014 · 5 revisions


Is a many to many relationship (includes join table).
Eg: Patient.hasMany('doctors', Doctor, { why: String }, { reverse: 'patients', key: true }).
Patient can have many different doctors. Each doctor can have many different patients.

This will create a join table patient_doctors when you call Patient.sync():

column name type
patient_id Integer
doctor_id Integer
why varchar(255)

The following functions will be available:

patient.getDoctors(function..)           // List of doctors
patient.addDoctors(docs, function...)    // Adds entries to join table
patient.setDoctors(docs, function...)    // Removes existing entries in join table, adds new ones
patient.hasDoctors(docs, function...)    // Checks if patient is associated to specified doctors
patient.removeDoctors(docs, function...) // Removes specified doctors from join table


To associate a doctor to a patient:

patient.addDoctor(surgeon, {why: "remove appendix"}, function(err) { ... } )

which will add {patient_id: 4, doctor_id: 6, why: "remove appendix"} to the join table.


  name,       // String. Association name
  otherModel, // Model. The model we're association to
  extraProps, // Object. Extra properties that will appear on the join table
  opts        // Object. Options for the association


option name type description
autoFetch Boolean Default: false. If true, association will be automatically fetched with parent.
autoFetchLimit Number Default: 1. How many levels deep to auto fetch
key Boolean Default: false (for historical reasons). If true, foreign key columns in the table will form a composite key.
mergeId String Custom name for column referencing this model
mergeAssocId String Custom name for column referencing other model
reverse String Default: false. If true, association will be accessible from the other model with the specified name.
getAccessor String Default: 'get' + Name. Allows overwriting associating accessor.
setAccessor String Default: 'set' + Name. Allows overwriting associating accessor.
hasAccessor String Default: 'has' + Name. Allows overwriting associating accessor.
delAccessor String Default: 'del' + Name. Allows overwriting associating accessor.
addAccessor String Default: 'add' + Name. Allows overwriting associating accessor.
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