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File metadata and controls

1106 lines (936 loc) · 67.3 KB


The Integrator is an API first platform. Features are released here first, and then shortly after in the UI. The Integrator API is RESTful, uses JSON, and is secured by Bearer Tokens. The target audience for the API is developers building integration based apps. Complementing the API, the Integrator supports a rich extension framework. The integrations you build can include an installer, settings pages, along with any number of hooks or wrappers (hooks and wrappers give you the ability to write your own custom code, and are useful for requirements that cannot be implemented via configuration alone). Any integrations that you build can be listed in the Integrator Marketplace for easy install by any other Integrator user. Enjoy!

Quick Start


Bearer Tokens

Every Integrator account is provisioned with one API token. API clients should transmit this token using the "Authorization" request header field and the "Bearer" authentication scheme.

Sample HTTP Request:

GET /v1/tokenInfo HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer my_api_token

Sample Response:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
  "_userId": "5e03061cda20740022300f09",

One Time Tokens

The Integrator will also pass one-time tokens to backend components implementing hooks, wrappers, installer, uninstaller, or settings interfaces. These tokens are passed in the options argument of each function, and can be used similarly to [Bearer Tokens](#Bearer Tokens) to call back into the Integrator. One-time tokens will auto expire after use (determined via a return statement, or after a 15 minute timeout). For Connectors (managed integration apps), tokens passed are only granted access to invoke resources belonging to the Connector itself (determined via the _connectorId property). For hooks and wrappers not belonging to a Connector, one-time tokens are limited to only invoking Exports and Imports already defined in the Integrator account.

Rate Limiting

The Integrator API is rate limited using a leaky bucket algorithm with a bucket size of 100 and a fill rate of 30 tokens every 1 second, which approximates to 108,000 requests allowed per hour.


The Integrator API supports the following custom HTTP headers.

  • Integrator-Relative-URI
  • Integrator-Record-Type



What is a Connection?

Connections are used to store credentials, along with other access information for an application or system. Currently the Integrator supports the following connection types.

  • [NetSuite](#NetSuite Connection)
  • [REST API](#REST Connection)
  • [SFTP/FTP](#FTP Connection)
  • S3
Connection Related HTTP Endpoints
Relative URI Method Success Code Description
/connections GET 200 List all connections.
/connections POST 201 Create new connection.
/connections/{_id} PUT 200 Update existing connection.
/connections/{_id} GET 200 Retrieve existing connection.
/connections/{_id} DELETE 204 Delete existing connection.

TODO here! lots of routes to add still. :( GET /connections/:_id/ping POST /connections/ping etc...

Relevant Schema Info

Below are the common properties on all connections:

Field Description
_id System generated unique identifier for this connection.
name Optional name that can be given to this connection.
type This lowercase string field identifies what application or system type the connection is being used for. The possible values are: ['netsuite', 'salesforce', 'ftp', 'sftp', 's3', 'magento', 'rest', 'wrapper']
lastModified System generated date used to track the last point in time this resource was modified.
offline A flag to identify if the connection is in offline-mode. If this is true than no flows with imports or exports using this connection will be ran. Connections can be reset to online my re-authentication.
_connectorId If this connection belongs to a connector, this value will be hold the id of that connector.
_integrationId If this connection is part of an integration, this value will hold the id of that integration.
NetSuite Connection
Field Required Description
netsuite.account Yes .
netsuite.roleId Yes . Yes .
netsuite.password Yes .
netsuite.companyId Yes .
netsuite.userId Yes .
netsuite.useSsoLogin No .
netsuite.noOfSeats No .
netsuite.environment No .
netsuite.requestLevelCredentials No .
netsuite.dataCenterURLs No .
netsuite.accountName No .
netsuite.roleName No .
REST Connection
Field Required Description
rest.mediaType Yes Describes the format of the request/response body. The two supported types are, 'json' and 'urlencoded'.
rest.baseURI Yes The base URI of all endpoints. All imports and exports using this connection will provide only the relativeURI of their specific endpoint
rest.bearerToken No If this connection is using token based authentication, this is the auth token to use. When connections are returned from GET requests, this field is masked with *****
rest.tokenLocation No For connections using token based auth, this field indicated where the token is located with respect to the http request. The supported options are 'header', 'url'
rest.tokenParam No For connections using token based auth and where tokenLocation = 'url', this field indicates what argument name should hold the token value.
rest.scope No If this is an OAuth2 connection, this field should hold an array of scopes to apply when authenticating this connection. Possible scope values are service specific and a list of available scopes should be found in the service documentation
rest.scopeDelimiter No If this is an OAuth2 connection, this field can be used to override the default delimiter used to separate scopes in the oauth2 requests.
rest.refreshToken No This field is set automatically during the oauth2 authentication process. If the service implementing oauth2 supports token refreshes, this field is used to hold said value.
rest.authURI No This field is used for the oauth2 authentication process. This URL identifies the endpoint to be used when making the initial oauth2 http authentication requests.
rest.authHeader No If the authentication method being used has a custom auth header, this field can be used to override the RFC default
rest.authScheme No Used to override the default authScheme name if a given authentication method does not follow the respective RFC spec.
rest.disableStrictSSL No This optional flag that, if set, skips verifying the SSL certificate (allow self-signed or expired certs) Only set this value if you are having problems reported with the SSL connection, and you accept the risks of ignoring the validity of the SSL certificate.
rest.retryHeader No It is common for rest API's to return 429 errors if too many requests are made in a given amount of time. 429 responses are typically paired with a "retry-after" response header. It is however possible that an API may use a custom header. This field allows a user to override the default.
rest.basicAuth.username No If basic authentication is used, this is the username to be used when generating the Authentication header value.
rest.basicAuth.password No If basic authentication is used, this is the password to be used when generating the Authentication header value.
rest._iClientId No A reference to an IClient resource. This can be ignored unless the connection is used int he context of a Connector. No This field is used internally to hold profile data returned from OAuth2 responses from the authentication authority.
rest.pingRelativeURI No This is any URI that can be used to test connections. tests connections periodically by making GET requests to this endpoint in order to verify the authentication criteria. If ping requests fail then the connection is turned offline and any flow using the connection will not run, even if scheduled to do so.
rest.pingSuccessPath No Some API's send a 200 http status code in the ping response even if the request fails. Instead these services rely on data in the response body to identify success/fail. This field can be used to specific the json path of the field used to identify success.
rest.concurrencyLevel No If the api represented by this connection has specific concurrency restrictions (simultaneous requests), its possible to specific them using this field. Otherwise a default "burst" mode will be used where multiple http requests will be made at the same time. Burst mode benefits imports most.
FTP Connection
Field Required Description
ftp.hostURI Yes Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) of the FTP server to which you want to connect.
ftp.username Yes Username of the account on FTP server.
ftp.password Yes Password of the account on FTP server.
ftp.port No Set this to override the default Port number on which the FTP server is running.
ftp.usePassiveMode No Use this to override the default FTP mode.
ftp.entryParserFtpClientConfig No Only use this field if the FTP connection is failing due to specific implementation details of the FTP server being connected to. The possible values are: ['SYST_UNIX', 'SYST_NT', 'SYST_MVS', 'SYST_VMS', 'SYST_OS2', 'SYST_OS400']
ftp.userDirectoryIsRoot No Default false. Set this to override the default.
SFTP Connection
Field Required Description
ftp.hostURI Yes Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) of the FTP server to which you want to connect.
ftp.username Yes Username of the SFTP account.
ftp.password No Password of the SFTP account. Typically either password or authKey are used to validate the client requests. In some rare cases both are used.
ftp.authKey No Password of the SFTP account. Typically either password or authKey are used to validate the client requests. In some rare cases both are used.
S3 Connection
Field Required Description
s3.region Yes AWS region where the s3 account is being hosted.
s3.accessKeyId Yes AWS Access Key ID.
s3.secretAccessKey_crypt Yes AWS secret Access Key.


What is an Export?

Exports are used to extract data from an application or system. Exports can run standalone, or in the context of a Flow.

Standalone Exports are useful for integrations where user actions (like clicking a button) need to invoke an external application's API in real-time and return the results immediately. Standalone exports are especially useful for applications that need to integrate with more than one other applications, and/or applications where the development environment is less than ideal and writing native API client code would be counter productive. Celigo uses standalone Exports extensively in its spreadsheet and email sync products.

Exports running in the context of a Flow will execute asynchronously and automatically break exported data down into one or more pages and then stream those pages to one or more Imports.

Export Related HTTP Endpoints
Relative URI Method Success Code Description
/exports GET 200 List all exports.
/exports POST 201 Create new export.
/exports/{_id} PUT 200 Update existing export.
/exports/{_id} GET 200 Retrieve existing export.
/exports/{_id} DELETE 204 Delete existing export.
/exports/{_id}/distributed PUT 200 Create or update a distributed component that is linked to an existing export.
/exports/{_id}/distributed GET 200 Retrieve a distributed component that is linked to an existing export.
/{apiIdentifier} POST 200 Invoke an export.
/exports/preview POST 200 Invoke an export in test mode before saving it to preview the results.

The following sections are organized by application and adaptor, and ordered by popularity.

NetSuite Distributed Adaptor Exports

If you are using the Integrator to build NetSuite based integrations, we highly recommend you install our Distributed Adaptor (DA for short). It's a SuiteApp that gets installed as a Bundle directly in your NetSuite account. Once installed, it enables a super powerful export engine that can both export NetSuite data in realtime, intercepting events in NetSuite as they happen, and also run batch based exports that utilize NetSuite's SuiteScript APIs for more advanced and efficient search and custom logic capabilities. Two examples follow. The first outlines the steps required to create a realtime export, and the second does the same for a batch based export.

NetSuite Realtime Export

First, create your export resource. POST /exports
  "name": "Realtime Item Export",
  "_connectionId": "5587092ed78128000000000a",
  "type": "distributed",
  "distributed": {
    "bearerToken": "********"

You should receive a response that includes the following fields. Note that we will use the _id in the next step.

  "_id": "507f1f77bcf86cd799439044",
  "apiIdentifier": "e22ef316"
Second, create your distributed export resource. PUT /exports/507f1f77bcf86cd799439044/distributed
  "recordType": "salesorder",
  "sublists": ['item', 'shipgroup'],
  "executionContext": ["userinterface", "webservices", "webstore"],
  "qualifier": ['total', '>=', '1000'],
  "hooks": {
    "preSend": {
      "fileInternalId": "1234",
      "function": "myPreSendLogic",
  "settings": {
    "myprop1": "value",
    "myprop2": "value"
  "disabled": false

Relevant Schema Info

Export Resource Fields (/exports)
Field Description
_id .
name Give your export an intuitive name to stay organized.
_connectionId The _id of the Connection resource that should be used to access the system or application hosting the data being exported.
type .
lastModified Read only field tracking last modified date/time.
apiIdentifier .
_integrationId .
_connectorId .
distributed.bearerToken .
Distributed Export Resource Fields (/exports/{_id}/distributed)
Field Description
_id .
recordType .
sublists .
executionContext .
qualifier .
hooks.preSend.fileInternalId .
hooks.preSend.function .
settings .
disabled .

NetSuite Batch Export (utilizing a RESTlet in the NetSuite DA)

POST /exports
  "name": "Delta Customer Export",
  "_connectionId": "5587092ed78128000000000a",
  "asynchronous": true,
  "type": "delta",
  "delta": {
    "dateField": "lastmodifieddate"
  "netsuite": {
    "type": "restlet",
    "restlet": {
      "recordType": "customer",
      "searchId": "69422",
      "hooks": {
        "preSend": {
          "fileInternalId": "1234",
          "function": "myPreSendLogic"
  "pageSize": 50

You should receive a response that includes the following fields.

  "_id": "507f1f77bcf86cd788439431",
  "apiIdentifier": "e66ec422"

Relevant Schema Info

Export Resource Fields (/exports)
Field Description
_id .
name Give your export an intuitive name to stay organized.
_connectionId The _id of the Connection resource that should be used to access the system or application hosting the data being exported.
asynchronous .
type .
lastModified Read only field tracking last modified date/time.
apiIdentifier .
_integrationId .
_connectorId .
test.limit .
delta.dateField .
delta.dateFormat .
once.booleanField .
netsuite.type .
netsuite.restlet.recordType .
netsuite.restlet.searchId .
netsuite.restlet.hooks.preSend.fileInternalId .
netsuite.restlet.hooks.preSend.function .
netsuite.skipGrouping .
pageSize .

NetSuite (Non-Distributed) Adaptor Exports

If installing the Distributed Adaptor in your NetSuite account is not an option, you can still create NetSuite exports that use NetSuite's web services API. The capabilities are slightly more limited and the performance can also be slower depending on the complexity of your exports, especially related to the number of dynamic searches each record will require before export. But, the really nice thing about using the web services API is that you can get started right away, and you do not need to involve a NetSuite admin to install anything first. With that, here is a sample NetSuite web services based export.

POST /exports
  "name": "Delta Customer Export",
  "_connectionId": "5587092ed78128000000000a",
  "asynchronous": true,
  "type": "delta",
  "delta": {
    "dateField": "lastModifiedDate"
  "netsuite": {
    "type": "search",
    "searches": [
        "recordType": "customer",
        "searchId": "613"
  "pageSize": 50,
  "hooks": {
    "_preSavePageId": "5587092fd78228000000000b"

You should receive a response that includes the following fields.

  "_id": "507f1e67bcf99ef788439431",
  "apiIdentifier": "e66ec411"

Relevant Schema Info

Export Resource Fields (/exports)
Field Description
_id .
name Give your export an intuitive name to stay organized.
_connectionId The _id of the Connection resource that should be used to access the system or application hosting the data being exported.
asynchronous .
type .
lastModified Read only field tracking last modified date/time.
apiIdentifier .
_integrationId .
_connectorId .
test.limit .
delta.dateField .
delta.dateFormat .
once.booleanField .
netsuite.type .
netsuite.searches.recordType .
netsuite.searches.searchId .
netsuite.skipGrouping .
pageSize .
hooks._preSavePageId .

REST API Adaptor Exports

The Integrator supports the ability to define exports for any RESTful JSON API. Following is an example.

POST /exports
  "name": "My Export",
  "_connectionId": "5587092ef78228000000000a",
  "asynchronous": true,
  "rest": {
    "relativeURI": "/customers",
    "method": "GET",
    "resourcePath": "customers",
    "pagingMethod": "nextpageurl",
    "nextPagePath": "next_page"
  "pageSize": 20,
  "hooks": {
    "_preSavePageId": "5587092fd78228000f0e001b"

You should receive a response that includes the following fields.

Sample Export Response
  "_id": "507f1f77bcf86cd799439011",
  "apiIdentifier": "e53ec313",

Relevant Schema Info

Export Resource Fields (/exports)
Field Description
_id .
name Give your export an intuitive name to stay organized.
_connectionId The _id of the Connection resource that should be used to access the system or application hosting the data being exported.
asynchronous .
type .
lastModified Read only field tracking last modified date/time.
apiIdentifier .
_integrationId .
_connectorId .
test.limit .
rest.relativeURI .
rest.method .
rest.headers .
rest.query .
rest.resourcePath .
rest.postBody .
rest.pagingMethod .
rest.nextPagePath .
rest.pageArgument .
pageSize .
hooks._preSavePageId .

Webhook Adaptor Exports

The Integrator also supports the ability to integrate with any JSON based webhook. An export record is used to register a listener that can then be posted to. Following is a sample Webhook based export.

POST /exports
  "name": "My Webhook",
  "type": "webhook",
  "webhook": {
    "verify": "hmac",
    "algorithm": "sha256",
    "encoding": "hex",
    "key": "********",
    "header": "X-Apple-Banana"

You should receive a response that includes the following fields.

Sample Export Response
  "_id": "507f1f77bcf86cd799439012",
  "apiIdentifier": "e53ec314"

Relevant Schema Info

Export Resource Fields (/exports)
Field Description
_id .
name Give your export an intuitive name to stay organized.
_connectionId .
type .
lastModified Read only field tracking last modified date/time.
apiIdentifier .
_integrationId .
_connectorId .
webhook.verify .
webhook.token .
webhook.path .
webhook.algorithm .
webhook.encoding .
webhook.key .
webhook.header .
hooks._preSavePageId .


What is an Import?

Imports are used to insert data into an application. Like Exports, Imports can run standalone, or in the context of a Flow.

Standalone Imports are useful for integrations where user actions (like clicking a button) need to invoke an application's API in real-time and return the results immediately. Standalone imports are especially useful for applications that need to integrate with more than one other applications, and/or applications where the development environment is less than ideal and writing native API client code would be counter productive. Celigo uses standalone Imports extensively in its spreadsheet and email sync products.

Imports running in the context of a Flow will also execute synchronously but will channel results back to the flow so that stats can be reported in a job record.

Import Related HTTP Endpoints
Relative URI Method Success Code Description
/imports GET 200 List all imports.
/imports POST 201 Create new import.
/imports/{_id} PUT 200 Update existing import.
/imports/{_id} GET 200 Retrieve existing import.
/imports/{_id} DELETE 204 Delete existing import.
/imports/{_id}/distributed PUT 200 Create or update a distributed component that is linked to an existing import.
/imports/{_id}/distributed GET 200 Retrieve a distributed component that is linked to an existing import.
/{apiIdentifier} POST 200 Invoke an import on the req body (should be JSON array).

The following sections are organized by application and adaptor, and ordered by popularity.

NetSuite Distributed Adaptor Imports

If you are using the Integrator to build NetSuite based integrations, we highly recommend you install our Distributed Adaptor (DA for short). It's a SuiteApp that gets installed as a Bundle directly in your NetSuite account. Once installed, it enables a super rich import engine that can be used to map and load NetSuite data in very creative (and efficient) ways. Here are the steps required to create an import using the API. Please note that the samples below were generated to illustrate capabilities, not to provide a fully functional NetSuite import.

First, create your import resource.

POST /imports

  "name": "NetSuite Order Import",
  "_connectionId": "5587092ed7822800e040000a",
  "_integrationId": "5560092ed7922800000f000e",
  "distributed": true

You should receive a response that includes the following fields. Note that we will use the _id in the next step.

  "_id": "507f1f77bcf86cd799439032",
  "apiIdentifier": "i66ec314"
Second, create your distributed import resource.

PUT /imports/507f1f77bcf86cd799439032/distributed

  "recordType": "salesorder",
  "operation": "addupdate",
  "internalIdLookup" : {
    "extract": "web_order_num",
    "searchField": "tranid"
  "lookups": [
      "name": "customerLookup",
      "recordType": "customer",
      "searchField": "email",
      "resultField": "internalid",
      "allowFailures": false
      "name": "currencyMap",
      "map": {
        "USA": "USD",
        "JAPAN": "JPY",
        "UK": "GDP"
      "allowFailures": false
      "name": "itemLookup",
      "recordType": "item",
      "searchField": "itemid",
      "resultField": "internalid",
      "allowFailures": true,
      "default": "1234"
      "name": "orderLookup",
      "recordType": "salesorder",
      "expression": [['tranid','is','{{last_order}}'],'OR',['custbody_web_id','is','{{last_order}}']],
      "allowFailures": true
  "mapping": {
    "fields": [
      {"extract": "city", "generate": "billcity"},
      {"extract": "zip", "generate": "billzip"},
      {"extract": "{first_name} {last_name}", "generate": "billaddressee"},
      {"generate": "ismultishipto", "hardCodedValue": false},
      {"generate": "custbody_source", "hardCodedValue": "webstore"},
      {"extract": "email", "generate": "entity", "lookupName": "customerLookup"},
      {"extract": "country", "generate": "currency", "lookupName": "currencyMap"},
      {"generate": "custbody_previous", "lookupName": "orderLookup"}
    "lists": [
        "generate": "item",
        "fields": [
          {"extract": "order_lines[*].sku", "generate": "item", "lookupName": "itemLookup"},
          {"extract": "order_lines[*].price", "generate": "rate"},
          {"extract": "order_lines[*].quantity", "generate": "quantity"},
          {"extract": "shipments[*].ship_via", "generate": "shipmethod"},
          {"extract": "shipments[*].weight", "generate": "custcolumn_weight"},
          {"extract": "tax_percent", "generate": "taxrate1"},
          {"extract": "is_taxable", "generate": "istaxable"}
  "hooks": {
    "preMap": {
      "fileInternalId": "1234",
      "function": "mypreMapLogic"
    "postMap": {
      "fileInternalId": "1234",
      "function": "mypostMapLogic"
    "postSubmit": {
      "fileInternalId": "1234",
      "function": "myPostSubmitLogic"

Relevant Schema Info

Import Resource Fields (/imports)
Field Description
_id .
name .
_connectionId .
lastModified .
apiIdentifier .
_integrationId .
_connectorId .
distributed .
Distributed Import Resource Fields (/imports/{_id}/distributed)
Field Description
_id .
recordType .
operation .
internalIdLookup.extract .
internalIdLookup.searchField .
internalIdLookup.expression .
maxAttempts .
ignoreExisting .
ignoreMissing . . .
lookups.recordType .
lookups.searchField .
lookups.resultField .
lookups.operator .
lookups.expression .
lookups.allowFailures .
lookups.default .
mapping.fields.extract .
mapping.fields.generate .
mapping.fields.hardCodedValue .
mapping.fields.lookupName .
mapping.fields.extractDateFormat .
mapping.fields.extractDateTimezone .
mapping.fields.generateDateFormat .
mapping.fields.internalId .
mapping.lists.generate .
mapping.lists.fields .
hooks.preMap.fileInternalId .
hooks.preMap.function .
hooks.postMap.fileInternalId .
hooks.postMap.function .
hooks.postSubmit.fileInternalId .
hooks.postSubmit.function .

NetSuite (Non-Distributed) Adaptor Imports

If installing the Distributed Adaptor in your NetSuite account is not an option, you can still create NetSuite imports that use NetSuite's web services API. The capabilities are slightly more limited and the performance can also be slower depending on the complexity of your imports, especially related to the number of dynamic internal id lookups each record in NetSuite will require before import. But, the really nice thing about using the web services API is that you can get started right away, and you do not need to involve a NetSuite admin to install anything first. With that, here is a sample NetSuite web services based import. Please note that this sample was generated to illustrate capabilities, not to provide a fully functional NetSuite import.

POST /imports
  "name": "NetSuite Order Import",
  "_connectionId": "5587092ed78228009a00000a",
  "netsuite": {
    "recordType": "SalesOrder",
    "operation": "addupdate",
    "internalIdLookup" : {
      "extract": "web_order_num",
      "searchField": "tranId"
    "lookups": [
        "name": "customerLookup",
        "recordType": "Customer",
        "searchField": "email",
        "resultField": "internalId",
        "allowFailures": false,
        "name": "currencyMap",
        "map": {
          "USA": "USD",
          "JAPAN": "JPY",
          "UK": "GDP"
        "allowFailures": false
        "name": "itemLookup",
        "recordType": "Item",
        "searchField": "itemId",
        "resultField": "internalId",
        "allowFailures": false,
    "customFieldMetadata": {
      "custbody_source": {
        "type": "_freeFormText"
      "custcolumn_weight": {
        "type": "_decimalNumber"
  "mapping": {
    "fields": [
      {"extract": "city", "generate": ""},
      {"extract": "zip", "generate": ""},
      {"extract": "{first_name} {last_name}", "generate": "billingAddress.addressee"},
      {"generate": "isMultiShipTo", "hardCodedValue": false},
      {"generate": "custbody_source", "hardCodedValue": "webstore"},
      {"extract": "email", "generate": "entity", "lookupName": "customerLookup"},
      {"extract": "country", "generate": "currency", "lookupName": "currencyMap"}
    "lists": [
        "generate": "SalesOrderItem",
        "fields": [
          {"extract": "order_lines[*].sku", "generate": "item", "lookupName": "itemLookup"},
          {"extract": "order_lines[*].price", "generate": "rate"},
          {"extract": "order_lines[*].quantity", "generate": "quantity"},
          {"extract": "shipments[*].ship_via", "generate": "shipMethod"},
          {"extract": "shipments[*].weight", "generate": "custcolumn_weight"},
          {"extract": "tax_percent", "generate": "taxRate1"},
          {"extract": "is_taxable", "generate": "isTaxable"}
  "hooks": {
    "_preMapId": "5587092fd78228000000000a",
    "_postMapId": "5561092fd78228000000010b",
    "_postSubmitId": "5521092fd78228000100011c"

You should receive a response that includes the following fields.

  "_id": "507f1f77bcf86cd799439030",
  "apiIdentifier": "i66ec312"
Important differences between NetSuite Distributed and Non-Distributed Imports
  1. field ids are all lowercase in distributed adaptor vs camel case in non-distributed adaptor.
  2. expressions are not yet supported in non-distributed adaptor.
  3. customFieldMetadata is required in non-distributed adaptor.
  4. hooks in distributed adaptor are implemented in SuiteScript vs node.js in non-distributed adaptor.

Relevant Schema Info

Import Resource Fields (/imports)
Field Description
_id .
name .
_connectionId .
lastModified .
apiIdentifier .
_integrationId .
_connectorId .
maxAttempts .
ignoreExisting .
ignoreMissing .
netsuite.recordType .
netsuite.operation .
netsuite.internalIdLookup.extract .
netsuite.internalIdLookup.searchField . . .
netsuite.lookups.recordType .
netsuite.lookups.searchField .
netsuite.lookups.resultField .
netsuite.lookups.includeInactive .
netsuite.lookups.allowFailures .
netsuite.customFieldMetadata .
mapping.fields.extract .
mapping.fields.generate .
mapping.fields.hardCodedValue .
mapping.fields.lookupName .
mapping.fields.extractDateFormat .
mapping.fields.extractDateTimezone .
mapping.fields.generateDateFormat .
mapping.lists.generate .
mapping.lists.fields .

REST API Adaptor Imports

The Integrator supports the ability to define imports for any RESTful JSON API. Following are two examples, one simple, the other more complex.

POST /imports

The following simple import will send a POST request to the /customers relative URI to create new customers.

  "name": "REST API Sample Post",
  "_connectionId": "5587092ed7822800000d0c0a",
  "rest": {
    "relativeURI": "/customers",
    "method": "POST",
  "mapping": {
    "fields": [
      {"extract": "street1", "generate": "billingAddress.addr1"},
      {"extract": "street2", "generate": "billingAddress.addr2"},
      {"extract": "city", "generate": ""},
      {"extract": "state", "generate": "billingAddress.state"},
      {"extract": "zip", "generate": ""},
      {"extract": "{first_name} {last_name}", "generate": "billingAddress.addressee"},

You should receive a response that includes the following fields.

  "_id": "507f1f77bcf86cd799439030",
  "apiIdentifier": "i66ec312"

Here is a more complex import. This import will check to see if a customer resource already exists (by performing the lookup defined by 'idLookup'). If the customer does exists the import will submit a PUT request to update the existing customer. If the customer does not exist the import will submit a POST request to a different URI to create a new customer.

  "name": "Composite Add or Update Import",
  "_connectionId": "5587092ed78228000000000a",
  "rest" : {
    "relativeURI": [
    "method": [
    "lookups" : [
        "name": "idLookup",
        "relativeURI": "/customers?ns_id={internalId}",
        "method": "GET",
        "extract": "",
        "name": "currencyMap",
        "map": {
          "USA": "USD",
          "JAPAN": "JPY",
          "UK": "GDP"
        "allowFailures": false
  "mapping": {
    "fields": [
      {"extract": "", "generate": "city"},
      {"extract": "", "generate": "zip"},
      {"extract": "{firstName} {lastName}", "generate": "addressee"},
      {"generate": "opt_out", "hardCodedValue": false},
      {"generate": "source", "hardCodedValue": "phone"},
      {"extract": "", "generate": "currency", "lookupName": "currencyMap"}
  "hooks": {
    "_preMapId": "5587092fd78228000000000a",
    "_postMapId": "5561092fd78228000000010b",
    "_postSubmitId": "5521092fd78228000100011c"

Relevant Schema Info

Import Resource Fields (/imports)
Field Description
_id .
name .
_connectionId .
lastModified .
apiIdentifier .
_integrationId .
_connectorId .
maxAttempts .
ignoreExisting .
ignoreExistingLoE .
ignoreMissing .
ignoreMissingLoE .
rest.relativeURI .
rest.method .
rest.headers .
rest.responseIdPath .
rest.successPath .
rest.resourceId.lookupName .
rest.resourceId.extract . .
rest.lookups.relativeURI .
rest.lookups.method .
rest.lookups.postData .
rest.lookups.extract . .
rest.lookups.default .
rest.lookups.allowFailures .
mapping.fields.extract .
mapping.fields.generate .
mapping.fields.dataType .
mapping.fields.hardCodedValue .
mapping.fields.lookupName .
mapping.fields.extractDateFormat .
mapping.fields.extractDateTimezone .
mapping.fields.generateDateFormat .
mapping.lists.generate .
mapping.lists.fields .


What is a Flow?

Flows are used to export data out of one application and import it into another application. A Flow is basically an Export linked to one or more Imports. A Flow can channel data generated by a real time export, or if real-time is not an options (based on the application where data is being exported) a Flow can be scheduled to run on a periodic basis. Flows can be scheduled to run as often as once per minute; however, only one instance of a Flow can run at any given time (i.e. you cannot run the same Flow more than once at the same time, and if a Flow is still running when it is scheduled to run again it will simply queue itself up and run when the currently running instance completes).

Flow Related HTTP Endpoints
Relative URI Method Success Code Description
/flows GET 200 List all flows.
/flows POST 201 Create new flow.
/flows/{_id} PUT 200 Update existing flow.
/flows/{_id} GET 200 Retrieve existing flow.
/flows/{_id} DELETE 204 Delete existing flow.

Relevant Schema Info

Field Description
_id .
name .
schedule .
lastModified .
_exportId .
_importId .
_integrationId .
_connectorId .
disabled .


What is an Integration?

Integrations are used group one or more Imports, Exports, or Flows. Integrations will show as tiles in the Integrator dashboard.

Integration Related HTTP Endpoints
Relative URI Method Success Code Description
/integrations GET 200 List all integrations.
/integrations POST 201 Create new integration.
/integrations/{_id} PUT 200 Update existing integration.
/integrations/{_id} GET 200 Retrieve existing integration.
/integrations/{_id} DELETE 204 Delete existing integration.
/integrations/{_connectorId}/install POST 200 Install connector.
/integrations/{_id}/install DELETE 200 Uninstall connector.
/integrations/{_id}/installer/{function} PUT 200 Invoke 'function' (belonging to installer module).
/integrations/{_id}/uninstaller/{function} PUT 200 Invoke 'function' (belonging to uninstaller module).
/integrations/{_id}/settings/{function} PUT 200 Invoke 'function' (belonging to settings module).

Relevant Schema Info

Field Description
_id .
name .
tag .
lastModified .
_connectorId .
mode .
install .
version .
settings .
updateInProgress .


What is a Connector?

Connectors represent fully functional pre-built integrations that any user can install into their Integrator account, directly from the Integrator Marketplace. Connectors include an installer, uninstaller, and a settings interface. Connector developers can push updates at any time for their Connector to their entire install base. Connectors are mostly made up of code (that subsequently uses the Integrator API to interact with a user's account). A Connector can create any number of components in a user's account. All components created in a user's account are tagged with the Connector's _id (via the _connectorId field). A Connector can only modify components tagged with its own _id. The schema below mostly serves the purpose of listing a Connector in the Integrator Marketplace (i.e. description, imageURL, websiteURL, etc...).

Connector Related HTTP Endpoints
Relative URI Method Success Code Description
/connectors GET 200 List all connectors.
/connectors POST 201 Create new connector.
/connectors/{_id} PUT 200 Update existing connector.
/connectors/{_id} GET 200 Retrieve existing connector.
/connectors/{_id} DELETE 204 Delete existing connector.
/connectors/{_id}/installBase GET 200 Retrieve information related to install base for given connector _id.
/connectors/{_id}/update PUT 200 Push update to _integrationIds[] provided in the request body.

Relevant Schema Info

Field Description
_id .
name .
handle .
lastModified .
published .
_integrationId .
description .
imageURL .
websiteURL .
installerFunction .
uninstallerFunction .
updateFunction .



Job Error
