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File metadata and controls

132 lines (115 loc) · 4.94 KB


An R package for processing Illumina gene expression idat files to a variety of formats, including GenomeStudio-like TXT files, LumiBatch or EListRaw objects for use with the lumi or limma R packages, and GCT files for use in Broad Institute's GenePattern.


This package enables the decryption, and preprocessing of Illumina gene expression iDAT files (aka version 1 iDAT files). Previously, the only option that Illumina gene expression customers had was to rely upon a microarray core facility with access to an Illumina Scanner and a copy of Illumina BeadStudio, or GenomeStudio to pre-process the array data. Our intention is to allow users to pre-process their bead-level Illumina gene expression data using this software, thereby enabling them to choose from the collection of sophisticated normalisation and pre-processing procedures, which have been demonstrated by Shi et al, 2010 to simultaneously improve noise and reduce bias, via the lumi, or limma pipelines. We have made every effort to reproduce the GenomeStudio output, down to the Detection P-Value calculation, the order of the rows, the background correction procedure (which is only applied to gene-probes), the file formats and names.


install_github("lumidat", "drmjc")


Importantly, this code is provided under a GenePattern License agreement. See LICENSE file for more info.


There's an extensive package overview in the package-wide helpfile:



# import & initial QC
idat.files <- dir("/path/to/idat/files", full.path=TRUE)
x.raw <- lumiR.idat(idat.files, probeID="ProbeID", manifestfile="/Volumes/GRIW/ICGCPancreas/icgc_data/icgc_gex/HumanHT-12_V4_0_R2_15002873_B.txt", convertNuID=FALSE,inputAnnotation=FALSE, QC=TRUE, memory="-Xmx4080m")
doMA <- doPairs <- FALSE
plot.lumi.QC.all(x.raw, "QC/01.unnorm/", "raw", "Unnormalised", doMA, doPairs)

# optional, import a probe-level annotation object
fData(x.raw) <- IlluminaHT4.anno
fvarMetadata(x.raw) <- structure(list(
	labelDescription = c(
		"The Illumina microarray probe identifier", 
		"Array Address code to identify the probe at the bead-level", 
		"Lumi's nuID (universal naming scheme for oligos)", 
		"Quality grade assigned to the probe", 
		"Coding status of the target sequence: intergenic / intronic / transcriptomic? / transcriptomic", 
		"50mer probe sequence", 
		"Genomic coordinates of second best matches between the probe and the genome", 
		"Genomic coordinates of sequences as alignable with the probe as its main target", 
		"Overlapping RepeatMasked sequences", 
		"Overlapping annotated SNPs", 
		"Entrez Gene ID's after remapping probes", 
		"Probe's genomic coordinates (hg19, mm9 or rn4)", 
		"Gene symbol derived by reannotation", 
		"A more descriptive identifier for controls", 
		"An identifier for probes designated as controls by Illumina", 
		"Gene title (derived from EntrezReannotated)",
		"Probe-level Description"
	.Names = "labelDescription", 
	row.names = c(
		"ArrayAddressID", "NuID", "ProbeQuality", "CodingZone", "ProbeSequence", 
		"SecondMatches", "OtherGenomicMatches", "RepeatMask", "ContainsSNP", 
		"EntrezReannotated", "GenomicLocation", "SymbolReannotated", 
		"ReporterGroupName", "ReporterGroupID", "GeneNameReannotated", "Description"
	class = "data.frame"

# potentially exclude 'bad' arrays
x.passedqc <- x.raw
plot.lumi.QC.all(x.passedqc, "QC/02.passedqc/", "raw", "Unnormalised", doMA, doPairs)

# VST transform
x.transformed   <- lumiT(x.passedqc, method="vst")
plot.lumi.QC.all(x.transformed, "QC/03.transformed/", "vst", "Transformed", MA=FALSE, pairs=FALSE)

# normalise. one of rsn, ssn, 
x.norm <- lumiN(x.transformed, "rsn")
plot.lumi.QC.all(x.norm, "QC/04.norm/", "rsn", "RSN Normalised", MA=FALSE, pairs=FALSE)

# average replicates
x.averaged <- average.replicates(x.norm, sub("\\.[12]$", "", sampleNames(x.norm)))

# filter on probe quality:
# [1] "No match"    "Bad"         "Perfect***"  "Perfect"     "Perfect****"
# [6] "Good****"    "Good"        "Good***"    
# keep the good, and perfect probes:
idx <- grep("Good|Perfect", fData(x.averaged)$ProbeQuality)
x.averaged.hiqual <- x.averaged[idx,]     

# collapse to 1 row per gene
# (using 2 of MJC's libraries)
x.averaged.genes <- collapse(x.averaged, T, F, FUN=var, "SymbolReannotated")
x.averaged.hiqual.genes <- collapse(x.averaged.hiqual, T, F, FUN=var, "SymbolReannotated")