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293 lines (285 loc) · 8.81 KB

File metadata and controls

293 lines (285 loc) · 8.81 KB


Available since version 1.8.0.

Omniauth is a library that standardizes multi-provider authentication for web applications. Each of the following methods will return a randomized hash that mimics the hash returned by each of these omniauth strategies. #=>
  :provider => "google_oauth2",
  :uid => "123456789",
  :info => {
    :name => "John Doe",
    :email => "",
    :first_name => "John",
    :last_name => "Doe",
    :image => ""
  :credentials => {
      :token => "token",
      :refresh_token => "another_token",
      :expires_at => 1354920555,
      :expires => true
  :extra => {
    :raw_info => {
      :sub => "123456789",
      :email => "",
      :email_verified => true,
      :name => "John Doe",
      :given_name => "John",
      :family_name => "Doe",
      :profile => "",
      :picture => "",
      :gender => "male",
      :birthday => "0000-06-25",
      :locale => "en",
      :hd => ""
    :id_info => {
      "iss" => "",
      "at_hash" => "HK6E_P6Dh8Y93mRNtsDB1Q",
      "email_verified" => "true",
      "sub" => "10769150350006150715113082367",
      "azp" => "APP_ID",
      "email" => "",
      "aud" => "APP_ID",
      "iat" => 1353601026,
      "exp" => 1353604926,
      "openid_id" => ""

Faker::Omniauth.facebook #=>
  provider: 'facebook',
  uid: '1234567',
  info: {
    email: '',
    name: 'Joe Bloggs',
    first_name: 'Joe',
    last_name: 'Bloggs',
    image: '',
    verified: true
  credentials: {
    token: 'ABCDEF...',
    expires_at: 1321747205,
    expires: true
  extra: {
    raw_info: {
      id: '1234567',
      name: 'Joe Bloggs',
      first_name: 'Joe',
      last_name: 'Bloggs',
      link: '',
      username: 'jbloggs',
      location: { id: '123456789', name: 'Palo Alto, California' },
      gender: 'male',
      email: '',
      timezone: -8,
      locale: 'en_US',
      verified: true,
      updated_time: '2011-11-11T06:21:03+0000',

Faker::Omniauth.twitter #=>
  :provider => "twitter",
  :uid => "123456",
  :info => {
    :nickname => "johnqpublic",
    :name => "John Q Public",
    :location => "Anytown, USA",
    :image => "",
    :description => "a very normal guy.",
    :urls => {
      :Website => nil,
      :Twitter => ""
  :credentials => {
    :token => "a1b2c3d4...", # The OAuth 2.0 access token
    :secret => "abcdef1234"
  :extra => {
    :access_token => "", # An OAuth::AccessToken object
    :raw_info => {
      :name => "John Q Public",
      :listed_count => 0,
      :profile_sidebar_border_color => "181A1E",
      :url => nil,
      :lang => "en",
      :statuses_count => 129,
      :profile_image_url => "",
      :profile_background_image_url_https => "",
      :location => "Anytown, USA",
      :time_zone => "Chicago",
      :follow_request_sent => false,
      :id => 123456,
      :profile_background_tile => true,
      :profile_sidebar_fill_color => "666666",
      :followers_count => 1,
      :default_profile_image => false,
      :screen_name => "",
      :following => false,
      :utc_offset => -3600,
      :verified => false,
      :favourites_count => 0,
      :profile_background_color => "1A1B1F",
      :is_translator => false,
      :friends_count => 1,
      :notifications => false,
      :geo_enabled => true,
      :profile_background_image_url => "",
      :protected => false,
      :description => "a very normal guy.",
      :profile_link_color => "2FC2EF",
      :created_at => "Thu Jul 4 00:00:00 +0000 2013",
      :id_str => "123456",
      :profile_image_url_https => "",
      :default_profile => false,
      :profile_use_background_image => false,
      :entities => {
        :description => {
          :urls => []
      :profile_text_color => "666666",
      :contributors_enabled => false

Faker::Omniauth.linkedin #=>
  "info"=> {
    "name"=>"John Doe",
    "nickname"=>"John Doe",
    "location"=>"Greater Boston Area, US",
    "description"=>"Senior Developer, Hammertech",
    "image"=> "",
    "headline"=> "Senior Developer, Hammertech",
  "credentials"=> {
    "access_token"=> {
      "consumer"=>nil, #<OAuth::Consumer>
      "params"=> {
      "response"=>nil #<Net::HTTPResponse>
   "raw_info"=> {
     "headline"=>"Senior Developer, Hammertech",
     "location"=> {"country"=>{"code"=>"us"}, "name"=>"Greater Boston Area"},
     "pictureUrl"=> "",

Faker::Omniauth.github #=>
  :provider =>"github",
  :uid =>"95144751",
  :info => {
    :nickname => "jackson-keeling",
    :email => "",
    :name => "Jackson Keeling",
    :image => "",
    :urls => {
      :GitHub => ""
  :credentials => {
    :token => "9ea49b946a31b705a0168295a0caa195",
    :expires => false
  :extra => {
    :raw_info => {
      :login => "jackson-keeling",
      :id => "95144751",
      :avatar_url => "",
      :gravatar_id => "",
      :url => "",
      :html_url => "",
      :followers_url => "",
      :following_url => "{/other_user}",
      :gists_url => "{/gist_id}",
      :starred_url => "{/owner}{/repo}",
      :subscriptions_url => "",
      :organizations_url => "",
      :repos_url => "",
      :events_url => "{/privacy}",
      :received_events_url => "",
      :type => "User",
      :site_admin => true,
      :name => "Jackson Keeling",
      :company => nil,
      :blog => nil,
      :location => "Paigeton, Massachusetts",
      :email => "",
      :hireable => nil,
      :bio => nil,
      :public_repos => 263,
      :public_gists => 658,
      :followers => 294,
      :following => 865,
      :created_at => "2017-03-10T19:49:54+03:00",
      :updated_at => "2017-04-04T10:32:08+03:00"
} #=>
  :provider => "apple",
  :uid => "529731.75429b71301caccc750a77b9369d2bc5.7027",
  :info => {
    :sub => "529731.75429b71301caccc750a77b9369d2bc5.7027",
    :email => "",
    :first_name => "Robert",
    :last_name => "Kirlin"
  :credentials => {
    :token => "ba6089c326c800190b88746f8a2e13f7",
    :refresh_token => "ebcdb693d801c5055fe62ff37b48c3b6",
    :expires_at => 1579805533,
    :expires => true
  :extra => {
    :raw_info => {
      :iss => "",
      :aud => "CLIENT_ID",
      :exp => 1591575417,
      :iat => 1571433587,
      :sub => "529731.75429b71301caccc750a77b9369d2bc5.7027",
      :at_hash => "d8bc8da580222598bba9da1470ad7b94",
      :auth_time => 1583778038,
      :email => "",
      :email_verified => true