Hi, I'm Bakunga Bronson, a passionate software engineer from Uganda. I love learning about new technologies and creating innovative solutions for real-world problems. I have experience in software development, system administration, Enterprise Resource Planning Systems (ERPs), and blockchain. Currently pursuing a Masters in Computer Science at Universiti Teknologi Malaysia. In my free time, I enjoy writing articles on my blog, sharing my knowledge with others, and also exploring and contributing to open-source projects.
- Programming languages: Python, JavaScript, PHP, C, Rust (Learning)
- Web frameworks: React, Astro, Frappe
- Blockchain platforms: Bitcoin
- Cloud services: Oracle Cloud
- Other tools: Git, Docker, LXD
Here are some of the projects that I have worked on or contributed to:
Beep is a simple Python GUI application that helps a user limit the number of charge-cycles they use, thereby increasing the lifespan of the laptop battery. The theory behind this is that a laptop battery has a number of predefined charge-cycles, and every time we charge a battery to 100%, we lose one cycle. For this reason, manufacturers recommend that you shouldn't charge your battery to 100% all the time. The charge percentage is, however, hard to keep track of; therefore, Beep notifies you when your battery reaches a certain threshold (80%).
- I have worked for several companies over the last couple of years, starting in 2021 where I took an intern role at Pelican International, a procurement company based in Kampala. I then worked on a number of projects with Inter Miles, Code Sync and also did several projects under the mentorship of Chris Kateera built on Frappe Framework: Open Source Low Code Framework. More recently, I worked at AfroFleet Technologies (South Africa) and Bitcoin Innovation Hub (Uganda) before resuming my studies here at UTM. For a full breakdown of my work experience, please refer to my resume
- Bachelor of Science in Software Engineering (Hons.) at Makerere University (2018 - 2023)
- Certificate of Accomplishment in the Blockchain Innovation Program, Uganda (2022 - 2023). Also emerged as the overall best student in the cohort.
I regularly write articles on my blog about various topics related to software engineering, blockchain, and more. Here are some of my recent posts:
If you want to get in touch with me, you can reach me through any of the following channels:
- Email: bakungabro@gmail.com ✉️
- LinkedIn: Bakunga Bronson 💼
- GitHub: BakungaBronson 🐱