I am currently enrolled at the University Teknologi Malaysia, pursuing a Bachelor's degree in Data Engineering. I have a strong passion for studying and researching deep learning algorithms, with the goal of applying them in the industry to create significant business value.
- 💬 Birth Date: 11th June 2002
- 🌱 Third-year student in Bachelor of Computer Science (Data Engineering), UTM.
- 📫 How to reach me: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ng-zi-xing-a3a466270/
- 🤝 Email: ngxing@graduate.utm.my
- Oktober 2021 -
- CGPA: 3.98
- Front end Framework: React
- Web Development Framework: Django
- Deep Learning Framework: Pytorch
- Natural Language Proecessing: LLM
- who are looking to guide me in the LLM field especially in researching
- who are looking for a helper to develop a full stack web application
- A Simple Handwitten Math Expression Recognization and convert them into python code for doing summation, integration and more operation by using Tensorflow, Keras, OpenCv and Sympy
- A simple Airplane Game reated by Qt
- A project that self implementation the common machine learning algorithm from scratch for better understanding by python
- A web management application that help the Intellect Kindergarten to manage their dialy routine by using pure php, css, bootstrap, html, JavaScript and mysql