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Install Kubectl plugin

The directpv kubectl plugin has been provided to manage the lifecycle of directpv

$ kubectl krew install directpv

Install DirectPV

Using the kubectl plugin, install directpv driver in your kubernetes cluster

$ kubectl directpv install --help

	-k, --kubeconfig string   path to kubeconfig
	-c, --crd                 register crds along with installation [use it on your first installation]
	-f, --force               delete and recreate CRDs [use it when upgrading directpv]

Uninstall DirectPV

Using the kubectl plugin, uninstall directpv driver from your kubernetes cluster

$ kubectl directpv drives uninstall --help

  kubectl-directpv uninstall [flags]

  -c, --crd    unregister group crds
  -h, --help   help for uninstall

Global Flags:
  -k, --kubeconfig string   path to kubeconfig
  -v, --v Level             log level for V logs


The kubectl plugin makes it easy to discover drives in your cluster

list drives in the DirectPV cluster

  directpv drives list [flags]

  list, ls


# Filter drives by ellipses notation for drive paths and nodes
$ kubectl directpv drives ls --drives='/dev/xvd{a...d}' --nodes='node-{1...4}'

# Filter all ready drives 
$ kubectl directpv drives ls --status=ready

# Filter all drives from a particular node
$ kubectl directpv drives ls --nodes=directpv-1

# Combine multiple filters using multi-arg
$ kubectl directpv drives ls --nodes=directpv-1 --nodes=othernode-2 --status=available

# Combine multiple filters using csv
$ kubectl directpv drives ls --nodes=directpv-1,othernode-2 --status=ready

# Filter all drives based on access-tier
$ kubectl directpv drives drives ls --access-tier="hot"

# Filter all drives with access-tier being set
$ kubectl directpv drives drives ls --access-tier="*"

      --access-tier strings   match based on access-tier
  -a, --all                   list all drives (including unavailable)
  -d, --drives strings        filter by drive path(s) (also accepts ellipses range notations)
  -h, --help                  help for list
  -n, --nodes strings         filter by node name(s) (also accepts ellipses range notations)
  -s, --status strings        match based on drive status [InUse, Available, Unavailable, Ready, Terminating, Released]

EXAMPLE When directpv is first installed, the output will look something like this, with most drives in Available status

$ kubectl directpv drives list
 /dev/xvdb  10 GiB    -          -        directpv-1  Available
 /dev/xvdc  10 GiB    -          -        directpv-1  Available 
 /dev/xvdb  10 GiB    -          -        directpv-2  Available 
 /dev/xvdc  10 GiB    -          -        directpv-2  Available 
 /dev/xvdb  10 GiB    -          -        directpv-3  Available 
 /dev/xvdc  10 GiB    -          -        directpv-3  Available 
 /dev/xvdb  10 GiB    -          -        directpv-4  Available 
 /dev/xvdc  10 GiB    -          -        directpv-4  Available 

Format and add Drives to DirectPV

format drives in the DirectPV cluster

  directpv drives format [flags]


# Format all available drives in the cluster
$ kubectl directpv drives format --all

# Format the 'sdf' drives in all nodes
$ kubectl directpv drives format --drives '/dev/sdf'

# Format the selective drives using ellipses notation for drive paths
$ kubectl directpv drives format --drives '/dev/sd{a...z}'

# Format the drives from selective nodes using ellipses notation for node names
$ kubectl directpv drives format --nodes 'directpv-{1...3}'

# Format all drives from a particular node
$ kubectl directpv drives format --nodes=directpv-1

# Format all drives based on the access-tier set [hot|cold|warm]
$ kubectl directpv drives format --access-tier=hot

# Combine multiple parameters using multi-arg
$ kubectl directpv drives format --nodes=directpv-1 --nodes=othernode-2 --status=available

# Combine multiple parameters using csv
$ kubectl directpv drives format --nodes=directpv-1,othernode-2 --status=available

# Combine multiple parameters using ellipses notations
$ kubectl directpv drives format --nodes "directpv-{3...4}" --drives "/dev/xvd{b...f}"

# Format a drive by it's drive-id
$ kubectl directpv drives format <drive_id>

# Format more than one drive by their drive-ids
$ kubectl directpv drives format <drive_id_1> <drive_id_2>

      --access-tier strings   format based on access-tier set. The possible values are hot|cold|warm
  -a, --all                   format all available drives
  -d, --drives strings        filter by drive path(s) (also accepts ellipses range notations)
  -f, --force                 force format a drive even if a FS is already present
  -h, --help                  help for format
  -n, --nodes strings         filter by node name(s) (also accepts ellipses range notations)

WARNING - Adding drives to directpv will result in them being formatted

  • You can optionally select particular nodes from which the drives should be added using the --nodes flag
  • The drives are always formatted with XFS filesystem
  • If a parition table or a filesystem is already present on a drive, then drive format will fail
  • You can override this behavior by setting the --force flag, which overwrites any parition table or filesystem present on the drive
  • Any drive/paritition mounted at '/' (root) or having the GPT PartUUID of Boot partitions will be marked Unavailable. These drives cannot be added even if --force flag is set

Drive Status

Status Description
Available These drives are available for DirectPV to use
Unavailable Either a boot partition or drive mounted at '/'. Note: All other drives can be given to directpv to manage
InUse Drive is currently in use by a volume. i.e. number of volumes > 0
Ready Drive is formatted and ready to be used, but no volumes have been assigned on this drive yet
Terminating Drive is currently being deleted


The kubectl plugin makes it easy to discover volumes in your cluster

list volumes in the DirectPV cluster

  directpv volumes list [flags]

  list, ls


# List all staged and published volumes
$ kubectl directpv volumes ls --status=staged,published

# List all volumes from a particular node
$ kubectl directpv volumes ls --nodes=directpv-1

# Combine multiple filters using csv
$ kubectl directpv vol ls --nodes=directpv-1,directpv-2 --status=staged --drives=/dev/nvme0n1

# List all published volumes by pod name
$ kubectl directpv volumes ls --status=published --pod-name=minio-{1...3}

# List all published volumes by pod namespace
$ kubectl directpv volumes ls --status=published --pod-namespace=tenant-{1...3}

# List all volumes provisioned based on drive and volume ellipses
$ kubectl directpv volumes ls --drives '/dev/xvd{a...d} --nodes 'node-{1...4}''

  -a, --all                     list all volumes (including non-provisioned)
  -d, --drives strings          filter by drive path(s) (also accepts ellipses range notations)
  -h, --help                    help for list
  -n, --nodes strings           filter by node name(s) (also accepts ellipses range notations)
      --pod-name strings        filter by pod name(s) (also accepts ellipses range notations)
      --pod-namespace strings   filter by pod namespace(s) (also accepts ellipses range notations)
  -s, --status strings          match based on volume status. The possible values are [staged,published]

Verify Installation

  • Check if all the pods are deployed correctly. i.e. they are 'Running'
$ kubectl -n directpv-min-io get pods
NAME                                 READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
directpv-min-io-2hcmc              3/3     Running   0          6s
directpv-min-io-79bc887cff-5rxzj   2/2     Running   0          6s
directpv-min-io-79bc887cff-hpzzx   2/2     Running   0          6s
directpv-min-io-79bc887cff-pf98s   2/2     Running   0          6s
directpv-min-io-l2hq8              3/3     Running   0          6s
directpv-min-io-mfv4h              3/3     Running   0          6s
directpv-min-io-zq486              3/3     Running   0          6s
  • Check if directpvdrives and directpvvolumes CRDs are registered
$ kubectl get crd | grep directpv                     2020-12-23T03:01:13Z                    2020-12-23T03:01:13Z
  • Check if DirectPV drives are discovered. Atleast 1 drive should be in Ready or InUse for volumes to be provisioned
$ kubectl directpv drives list --all
 /dev/xvda  64 GiB    -          -        directpv-1  Unavailable 
 /dev/xvdb  10 GiB    4.0 GiB    2        directpv-1  InUse 
 /dev/xvdc  10 GiB    4.0 GiB    2        directpv-1  InUse 
 /dev/xvda  64 GiB    -          -        directpv-2  Unavailable 
 /dev/xvdb  10 GiB    4.0 GiB    2        directpv-2  InUse 
 /dev/xvdc  10 GiB    4.0 GiB    2        directpv-2  InUse 
 /dev/xvda  64 GiB    -          -        directpv-3  Unavailable 
 /dev/xvdb  10 GiB    4.0 GiB    2        directpv-3  InUse 
 /dev/xvdc  10 GiB    4.0 GiB    2        directpv-3  InUse 
 /dev/xvda  64 GiB    -          -        directpv-4  Unavailable 
 /dev/xvdb  10 GiB    4.0 GiB    2        directpv-4  InUse 
 /dev/xvdc  10 GiB    4.0 GiB    2        directpv-4  InUse 
  • Check if volumes are being provisioned correctly
# Create a volumeClaimTemplate that refers to directpv-min-io driver
$ cat minio.yaml | grep -C 10
  volumeClaimTemplates: # This is the specification in which you reference the StorageClass
  - metadata:
      name: minio-data-1
      accessModes: [ "ReadWriteOnce" ]
          storage: 2Gi
      storageClassName: directpv-min-io # This field references the existing StorageClass
  • Check if volumes are being provisioned correctly
# Create the pods and check if PVCs are bound
$ kubectl get pvc | grep minio-data
minio-data-1-minio-0   Bound    pvc-a7c76893-f3d9-472e-9a43-ce5775df61fa   2Gi        RWO            directpv-min-io   13h
minio-data-1-minio-1   Bound    pvc-51232f07-30fa-48eb-ac4f-5d529f82fbcf   2Gi        RWO            directpv-min-io   13h
minio-data-1-minio-2   Bound    pvc-77915ec1-9c7a-4423-8879-4f4f19a12ca8   2Gi        RWO            directpv-min-io   13h
minio-data-1-minio-3   Bound    pvc-13b788ab-75ab-441c-a6a6-46af32929702   2Gi        RWO            directpv-min-io   13h

# List the volumes to see if they are provisioned
$ kubectl directpv vol ls
 VOLUME                                    CAPACITY  NODE         DRIVE
 pvc-590cf951-af53-4d6e-b3d1-3a5b07e88a83  2.0 GiB   directpv-1  xvdc
 pvc-a8171e3d-f4bd-48ef-9ea0-55f68ecaa664  2.0 GiB   directpv-1  xvdc
 pvc-b881c91b-64f3-479e-b1ef-ce8b87cc27ea  2.0 GiB   directpv-3  xvdc
 pvc-ec810adf-753a-47b1-8768-4d564fe360fc  2.0 GiB   directpv-3  xvdc
 pvc-d9979e3f-79c5-475e-a9a7-0545b497a692  2.0 GiB   directpv-2  xvdb
 pvc-1a2f599b-1a63-48da-a8b4-cc36a3ab7a41  2.0 GiB   directpv-2  xvdb
 pvc-7af9bcb4-1d0c-4ad3-b561-ee12d55c0395  2.0 GiB   directpv-1  xvdb
 pvc-95460617-dcc6-4b5f-b9cb-ccb2da504309  2.0 GiB   directpv-1  xvdb
 pvc-efded452-c5b9-45b9-bcda-11a584bee119  2.0 GiB   directpv-4  xvdc
 pvc-fbdfa236-c764-49ad-9b65-1d71366104a8  2.0 GiB   directpv-4  xvdc
 pvc-50b81c44-568d-4325-a63e-7f8abd25705c  2.0 GiB   directpv-2  xvdc
 pvc-c4c21bb2-503e-454a-87ac-c748e62e4d3d  2.0 GiB   directpv-2  xvdc
 pvc-1aea229e-4364-4b96-8c71-869ab627f520  2.0 GiB   directpv-3  xvdb
 pvc-7de5d796-28fa-4fcd-9fac-8e3861d9134c  2.0 GiB   directpv-3  xvdb
 pvc-c13a41f8-5bf0-4f45-84f1-10b3534e14d1  2.0 GiB   directpv-4  xvdb
 pvc-1ee1a06e-0b09-45c2-89c3-e596fb1d6cab  2.0 GiB   directpv-4  xvdb