The proposal should be 3-4 pages and should contain:
Project Goals:
- what is the problem
- why is it important
- what impact will it have
- who cares about it
- who will take action based on your work
- what are the policy goals you care about?
- What is the data you will use in the project?
- What do you alredy have?
- What data do you need?
Analysis you’ll do
- what kind of models will you build/apply?
- what other analysis do you plan on doing?
What actions will this work enable or improve?
Evaluation Plan
- How would you evaluate the models?
- What metrics will you use?
Policy Recommendations
- what kind of recommendations do you hope to give to policymakers based on this analysis/project.
- How will you validate whether what you are proposing will have the desired impact?
We will have the presentations on April 25th.