Call macdeployqt (bundled with Qt) on the compiled application bundle to include all required libs. Also specify the root directory containing the .qml files so that the proper QtQuick modules can be included in the application bundle.
$ macdeployqt -qmldir=/Users/dthul/Documents/capture/CaptureQuick/
Since libgphoto2 tries to load shared libraries at runtime macdeplyqt does not know about these libs and won't include them in the application bundle. These libraries need to be copied and relinked manually:
Copy the iolibs and camlibs (in a MacPorts installation these can be found in /opt/local/lib/libgphoto2_port and /opt/local/lib/libgphoto2 respectively) into the bundle's "Frameworks" folder. So after this step you will have for example a file "./Frameworks/libgphoto2/2.5.7/" in your application bundle. Btw: You can delete all shared libs from the libgphoto2 folder that do not correspond to a camera you want to use, so I only kept the (it seems that the is not needed for the EOS 700D).
Copy also libusb-0.1.4.dylib and libusb-1.0.0.dylib into the Frameworks folder, which are needed by libgphoto2_port's and libs.
If you want/need to copy the libs somewhere else you have to adjust the main.cpp accordingly where the IOLIBS and CAMLIBS environment variables are set.
At last the manually copied libs need to be relinked (a step that macdeployqt already did to the other libs). With "otool -L " you can see which libraries are dynamically linked to this file. If you apply this call to the bundle's libgphoto2.6.dylib you will see that some libs like libexif are linked with a path relative to the application bundle. The manually copied libs still reference some libs with absolute paths. This can be fixed with the install_name_tool command (adjust paths / versions to your needs):
cd to the bundle's Frameworks folder, then:
Copy all the needed libs from the system to the application bundle:
mkdir -p libgphoto2/2.5.7
cp /opt/local/lib/libgphoto2/2.5.7/ libgphoto2/2.5.7/
cp -r /opt/local/lib/libgphoto2_port .
cp /opt/local/lib/liblzma.5.dylib .
cp /opt/local/lib/libusb-0.1.4.dylib .
cp /opt/local/lib/libusb-1.0.0.dylib .
cp /opt/local/lib/libxml2.2.dylib .
cp /opt/local/lib/libz.1.dylib .
Relink the libs to use relative paths:
install_name_tool -id @executable_path/../Frameworks/liblzma.5.dylib liblzma.5.dylib
install_name_tool -id @executable_path/../Frameworks/libusb-0.1.4.dylib libusb-0.1.4.dylib
install_name_tool -change /opt/local/lib/libusb-0.1.4.dylib @executable_path/../Frameworks/libusb-0.1.4.dylib libgphoto2_port/0.12.0/
install_name_tool -id @executable_path/../Frameworks/libusb-1.0.0.dylib libusb-1.0.0.dylib
install_name_tool -change /opt/local/lib/libusb-1.0.0.dylib @executable_path/../Frameworks/libusb-1.0.0.dylib libusb-0.1.4.dylib
install_name_tool -change /opt/local/lib/libusb-1.0.0.dylib @executable_path/../Frameworks/libusb-1.0.0.dylib libgphoto2_port/0.12.0/
install_name_tool -id @executable_path/../Frameworks/libxml2.2.dylib libxml2.2.dylib
install_name_tool -change /opt/local/lib/libz.1.dylib @executable_path/../Frameworks/libz.1.dylib libxml2.2.dylib
install_name_tool -change /opt/local/lib/liblzma.5.dylib @executable_path/../Frameworks/liblzma.5.dylib libxml2.2.dylib
install_name_tool -change /opt/local/lib/libiconv.2.dylib @executable_path/../Frameworks/libiconv.2.dylib libxml2.2.dylib
install_name_tool -id @executable_path/../Frameworks/libz.1.dylib libz.1.dylib
for LIB in
install_name_tool -change /opt/local/lib/libgphoto2_port.12.dylib @executable_path/../Frameworks/libgphoto2_port.12.dylib libgphoto2_port/0.12.0/$LIB
install_name_tool -change /opt/local/lib/libltdl.7.dylib @executable_path/../Frameworks/libltdl.7.dylib libgphoto2_port/0.12.0/$LIB
install_name_tool -change /opt/local/lib/libintl.8.dylib @executable_path/../Frameworks/libintl.8.dylib libgphoto2_port/0.12.0/$LIB
for LIB in
install_name_tool -change /opt/local/lib/libgphoto2.6.dylib @executable_path/../Frameworks/libgphoto2.6.dylib libgphoto2/2.5.7/$LIB
install_name_tool -change /opt/local/lib/libgphoto2_port.12.dylib @executable_path/../Frameworks/libgphoto2_port.12.dylib libgphoto2/2.5.7/$LIB
install_name_tool -change /opt/local/lib/libltdl.7.dylib @executable_path/../Frameworks/libltdl.7.dylib libgphoto2/2.5.7/$LIB
install_name_tool -change /opt/local/lib/libintl.8.dylib @executable_path/../Frameworks/libintl.8.dylib libgphoto2/2.5.7/$LIB
install_name_tool -change /opt/local/lib/libexif.12.dylib @executable_path/../Frameworks/libexif.12.dylib libgphoto2/2.5.7/$LIB
install_name_tool -change /opt/local/lib/libiconv.2.dylib @executable_path/../Frameworks/libiconv.2.dylib libgphoto2/2.5.7/$LIB
install_name_tool -change /opt/local/lib/libxml2.2.dylib @executable_path/../Frameworks/libxml2.2.dylib libgphoto2/2.5.7/$LIB