Sometimes designers create complex logic and fix parts of the interface. Also they colour page sections contrasted. How to deal with this mess?
Immerser comes to help you. It’s a javascript library to change fixed elements on scroll.
Immerser fast, because it calculates states once on init. Then it watches the scroll position and schedules redraw document in the next event loop tick with requestAnimationFrame. Script changes transform property, so it uses graphic hardware acceleration.
Immerser is written on vanilla js. Only 5.39Kb gzipped.
Immerser root
— is the parent container for your fixed parts solids
. Actually, solids are positioned absolutely to fixed immerser root. The layers
are sections of your page. Also you may want to add pager
to navigate through layers and indicate active state.
Using npm:
npm install immerser
Using yarn:
yarn add immerser
Or if you want to use immerser in browser as global variable:
<script src=""></script>
First, setup fixed container as the immerser root container, and add the data-immerser
Next place absolutely positioned children into the immerser parent and add data-immerser-solid="solid-id"
to each.
Then add data-immerser-layer
attribute to each section and pass configuration in data-immerser-layer-config='{"solid-id": "classname-modifier"}'
. Otherwise, you can pass configuration as solidClassnameArray
option to immerser. Config should contain JSON describing what class should be applied on each solid element, when it's over a section.
Also feel free to add data-immerser-pager
to create a pager for your layers.
<div class="fixed" data-immerser>
<div class="fixed__pager pager" data-immerser-pager data-immerser-solid="pager"></div>
<a href="#reasoning" class="fixed__logo logo" data-immerser-solid="logo">immerser</a>
<div class="fixed__menu menu" data-immerser-solid="menu">
<a href="#reasoning" class="menu__link">Reasoning</a>
<a href="#how-to-use" class="menu__link">How to Use</a>
<a href="#how-it-works" class="menu__link">How it Works</a>
<a href="#options" class="menu__link">Options</a>
<a href="#recipes" class="menu__link">Recipes</a>
<div class="fixed__language language" data-immerser-solid="language">
<a href="/" class="language__link">english</a>
<a href="/ru.html" class="language__link">по-русски</a>
<div class="fixed__about about" data-immerser-solid="about">
© 2022 — Vladimir Lysov, Chelyabinsk, Russia
<a href="">github</a>
<a href=""></a>
<div data-immerser-layer data-immerser-layer-config='{"logo": "logo--contrast", "pager": "pager--contrast", "social": "social--contrast"}' id="reasoning"></div>
<div data-immerser-layer data-immerser-layer-config='{"menu": "menu--contrast", "about": "about--contrast"}' id="how-to-use"></div>
<div data-immerser-layer data-immerser-layer-config='{"logo": "logo--contrast", "pager": "pager--contrast", "social": "social--contrast"}' id="how-it-works"></div>
<div data-immerser-layer data-immerser-layer-config='{"menu": "menu--contrast", "about": "about--contrast"}' id="options"></div>
<div data-immerser-layer data-immerser-layer-config='{"logo": "logo--contrast", "pager": "pager--contrast", "social": "social--contrast"}' id="recipes"></div>
Apply colour and background styles to your layers and solids according to your classname configuration passed in data attribute or options. I’m using BEM methodology in this example.
.fixed {
position: fixed;
top: 2em;
bottom: 3em;
left: 3em;
right: 3em;
z-index: 1;
.fixed__pager {
position: absolute;
top: 50%;
left: 0;
transform: translate(0, -50%);
.fixed__logo {
position: absolute;
top: 0;
left: 0;
.fixed__menu {
position: absolute;
top: 0;
right: 0;
.fixed__language {
position: absolute;
bottom: 0;
left: 0;
.fixed__about {
position: absolute;
bottom: 0;
right: 0;
.about {
color: black;
.about--contrast {
color: white;
Include immerser in your code and create immerser instance with options.
// You don't have to import immerser
// if you're using it in browser as global variable
import Immerser from 'immerser';
const immerserInstance = new Immerser({
// this option will be overridden by options
// passed in data-immerser-layer-config attribute in each layer
solidClassnameArray: [
logo: 'logo--contrast-lg',
pager: 'pager--contrast-lg',
language: 'language--contrast-lg',
pager: 'pager--contrast-only-md',
menu: 'menu--contrast',
about: 'about--contrast',
logo: 'logo--contrast-lg',
pager: 'pager--contrast-lg',
language: 'language--contrast-lg',
logo: 'logo--contrast-only-md',
pager: 'pager--contrast-only-md',
language: 'language--contrast-only-md',
menu: 'menu--contrast',
about: 'about--contrast',
logo: 'logo--contrast-lg',
pager: 'pager--contrast-lg',
language: 'language--contrast-lg',
hasToUpdateHash: true,
fromViewportWidth: 1024,
pagerLinkActiveClassname: 'pager__link--active',
scrollAdjustThreshold: 50,
scrollAdjustDelay: 600,
onInit(immerser) {
// callback on init
onBind(immerser) {
// callback on bind
onUnbind(immerser) {
// callback on unbind
onDestroy(immerser) {
// callback on destroy
onActiveLayerChange(activeIndex, immerser) {
// callback on active layer change
First, immerser gathers information about the layers, solids, window and document. Then it creates a statemap for each layer, containing all necessary information, when the layer is partially and fully in viewport.
After that immerser modifies DOM, cloning all solids into mask containers for each layer and applying the classnames given in configuration. If you have added a pager, immerser also creates links for layers.
Finally, immerser binds listeners to scroll and resize events. On resize, it will meter layers, the window and document heights again and recalculate the statemap.
On scroll, immerser moves a mask of solids to show part of each solid group according to the layer below.
You can pass options to immerser as data-attributes on layers or as object as function parameter. Data-attributes are processed last, so they override the options passed to the function.
option | type | default | description |
solidClassnameArray | array |
[] |
Array of layer class configurations. Overriding by config passed in data-immerser-layer-config for corresponding layer. Configuration example is shown above |
fromViewportWidth | number |
0 |
A viewport width, from which immerser will init |
pagerThreshold | number |
0.5 |
How much next layer should be in viewport to trigger pager |
hasToUpdateHash | boolean |
false |
Flag to control changing hash on pager active state change |
scrollAdjustThreshold | number |
0 |
A distance from the viewport top or bottom to the section top or bottom edge in pixels. If the current distance is below the threshold, the scroll adjustment will be applied. Will not adjust, if zero passed |
scrollAdjustDelay | number |
600 |
Delay after user interaction and before scroll adjust |
pagerLinkActiveClassname | string |
pager-link-active |
Added to each pager link pointing to active |
isScrollHandled | boolean |
true |
Binds scroll listener if true. Set to false if you're using remote scroll controller |
onInit | function |
null |
Fired after initialization. Accept an immerser instance as the only parameter |
onBind | function |
null |
Fired after binding DOM. Accept an immerser instance as the only parameter |
onUnbind | function |
null |
Fired after unbinding DOM. Accept an immerser instance as the only parameter |
onDestroy | function |
null |
Fired after destroy. Accept an immerser instance as the only parameter |
onActiveLayerChange | function |
null |
Fired after active layer change. Accept active layer index as first parameter and an immerser instance as second |
Since immerser cloning nested nodes by default, all event listeners and data bound on nodes will be lost after init. Fortunately, you can markup the immerser yourself. It can be useful when you have event listeners on solids, reactive logic or more than classname switching. All you need is to place the number of nested immerser masks equal to the number of the layers. Look how I change the smiley emoji on the right in this page source.
<div class="fixed" data-immerser>
<div data-immerser-mask>
<div data-immerser-mask-inner>
<!-- your markup -->
<div data-immerser-mask>
<div data-immerser-mask-inner>
<!-- your markup -->
As mentioned above, immerser cloning nested nodes to achieve changing on scroll. Therefore if you hover a partially visible element, only the visible part will change. If you want to synchronize all cloned links, just pass data-immerser-synchro-hover="hoverId"
attribute. It will share _hover
class between all nodes with this hoverId
when the mouse is over one of them. Add _hover
selector alongside your :hover
pseudoselector to style your interactive elements.
a._hover {
color: magenta;
Immerser is not aware of changes in DOM, if you dynamically add or remove nodes. If you change height of the document and want immerser to recalculate and redraw solids, call onDOMChange
method on the immerser instance.
// adding or removing node, that changes DOM height
// then explicitly redraw immerser