📰 2024-05-24: Weekly Prophet! #5985
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Prophet (Weekly Updates)
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This is your weekly summary of 30 PRs merged from 20 wizards. Great job everyone! 🎉
We had 80 added models 🟢 and 103 modified models 🟠 for 22 Sectors.
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MODEL: dex_aggregator_trades.sql
🟠 Modified by:
🔧 PR: #5830, Refactor legacy codes for dex.trades_legacy
🧙 Author: @Hosuke on 2024-05-24
📝 Summary: The reference model that was removed from the dbt SQL model is 'openocean_trades'.
SECTOR: prices
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MODEL: prices_avalanche_c_tokens.sql
🟠 Modified by:
🔧 PR: #5974, Add more coins on Ethereum, bnb, polygon, optimism, solana, base, avalanche_c and bitcoin
🧙 Author: @lydiapuspita on 2024-05-23
📝 Summary: The token symbols that were added or removed are: BAWLS, SHRAP
MODEL: prices_base_tokens.sql
🟠 Modified by:
🔧 PR: #5946, Add more coins on Ethereum, bnb, polygon, optimism, solana, base, avalanche_c and bitcoin
🧙 Author: @lydiapuspita on 2024-05-23
📝 Summary: The token symbols that were added or removed are: RDNT, WELL, MOCHI
🔧 PR: #5946, add missing tokens
🧙 Author: @viniabussafi on 2024-05-20
📝 Summary: WEETH, RDNT
MODEL: prices_bitcoin_tokens.sql
🟠 Modified by:
🔧 PR: #5974, Add more coins on Ethereum, bnb, polygon, optimism, solana, base, avalanche_c and bitcoin
🧙 Author: @lydiapuspita on 2024-05-23
📝 Summary: WHEE, PUPS
MODEL: prices_bnb_tokens.sql
🟠 Modified by:
🔧 PR: #5974, Add more coins on Ethereum, bnb, polygon, optimism, solana, base, avalanche_c and bitcoin
🧙 Author: @lydiapuspita on 2024-05-23
📝 Summary: The token symbols that were added or removed are: Added: WSM
Removed: MAGA
MODEL: prices_ethereum_tokens.sql
🟠 Modified by:
🔧 PR: #5944, Add more coins on Ethereum, bnb, polygon, optimism, solana, base, avalanche_c and bitcoin
🧙 Author: @lydiapuspita on 2024-05-23
🔧 PR: #5944, Add THORSwap token to prices_ethereum_tokens.sql
🧙 Author: @ochhii1337 on 2024-05-22
📝 Summary: The token symbols that were added or removed are: THOR
🔧 PR: #5944, Update prices_ethereum_tokens.sql
🧙 Author: @lydiapuspita on 2024-05-20
📝 Summary: The token symbols that were added or removed are: DOG, TRU, TRADE, CHEX, NXRA, LNDX and CPOOL.
MODEL: prices_optimism_tokens_curated.sql
🟠 Modified by:
🔧 PR: #5974, Add more coins on Ethereum, bnb, polygon, optimism, solana, base, avalanche_c and bitcoin
🧙 Author: @lydiapuspita on 2024-05-23
📝 Summary: One token ('TUX') with its details was added to the list of tokens, while another token ('ankrETH') was removed from the list.
MODEL: prices_polygon_tokens.sql
🟠 Modified by:
🔧 PR: #5974, Add more coins on Ethereum, bnb, polygon, optimism, solana, base, avalanche_c and bitcoin
🧙 Author: @lydiapuspita on 2024-05-23
📝 Summary: The token symbols that were added are: BONSAI, WIFI
MODEL: prices_native_tokens.sql
🟠 Modified by:
🔧 PR: #5950, Add more coins on Ethereum, bnb, polygon, optimism, solana, base, avalanche_c and bitcoin
🧙 Author: @lydiapuspita on 2024-05-23
📝 Summary: The token symbols that were added or removed are: FUSE, FLUX, MYRIA
🔧 PR: #5950, Update prices_native_tokens.sql
🧙 Author: @IrishLatte19 on 2024-05-20
📝 Summary: The token symbols that were added or removed are: FUSE
MODEL: prices_solana_tokens.sql
🟠 Modified by:
🔧 PR: #5966, Add more coins on Ethereum, bnb, polygon, optimism, solana, base, avalanche_c and bitcoin
🧙 Author: @lydiapuspita on 2024-05-23
📝 Summary: The token symbols that were added are: $MICHI, GME, USA, SCNSOL
🔧 PR: #5966, Update prices_solana_tokens.sql
🧙 Author: @andrewhong5297 on 2024-05-22
📝 Summary: The token symbols that were added or removed are: POPCAT, JUPSOL
MODEL: prices_celo_tokens.sql
🟠 Modified by:
🔧 PR: #5963, Add USDC and USDT on Celo
🧙 Author: @jeanregisser on 2024-05-22
📝 Summary: The tokens that were added are: USDC, USDT
MODEL: prices_arbitrum_tokens.sql
🟠 Modified by:
🔧 PR: #5938, add missing tokens
🧙 Author: @viniabussafi on 2024-05-20
📝 Summary: The token symbols that were added or removed are: ANKR, FOREX, ETHX, GYD
🔧 PR: #5938, Add YAK token to prices for Arbitrum
🧙 Author: @yy-analytics on 2024-05-20
📝 Summary: The token symbol that was added is 'YAK'. Therefore, the comma-separated list of all token symbols that were added or removed is: YAK
SECTOR: _trino_upgrade
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MODEL: trino_upgrade_alienswap_base_base_trades.sql
🟢 Added by:
🔧 PR: #5984, test trino upgrade: commit a few of the troubled models
🧙 Author: @jeff-dude on 2024-05-24
📝 Summary: This model creates a base table for AlienSwap trades, including details like blockchain, project version, block time and date, NFT contract address and token ID. It categorizes trades as buys in the secondary market with pricing information. The model also calculates platform and royalty fees based on considerations from the trade transactions. This enables data analysts to analyze AlienSwap trade data comprehensively for insights into buyer-seller interactions within the platform.
MODEL: trino_upgrade_paraswap_v5_arbitrum_trades.sql
🟢 Added by:
🔧 PR: #5984, test trino upgrade: commit a few of the troubled models
🧙 Author: @jeff-dude on 2024-05-24
📝 Summary: This model creates a dataset that combines trade event information from multiple tables related to decentralized exchanges. It enables data analysts to analyze and track token trades on the Arbitrum blockchain, including details such as token amounts, addresses, prices in USD, transaction information, and more. The model also includes joins with tables containing token information and price data for further analysis.
MODEL: trino_upgrade_tevaera_zksync_base_trades.sql
🟢 Added by:
🔧 PR: #5984, test trino upgrade: commit a few of the troubled models
🧙 Author: @jeff-dude on 2024-05-24
📝 Summary: This model creates a base table of trades for the Tevaera project on the zksync blockchain. It includes details such as block time, block date, NFT contract address, token ID, buyer and seller information, trade category and type, price paid in WETH currency (with its contract address), transaction hash details. This model enables data analysts to analyze secondary market transactions for NFTs within the Tevaera project on zksync blockchain starting from a specified date.
MODEL: trino_upgrade_unidex_v3_optimism_perpetual_trades.sql
🟢 Added by:
🔧 PR: #5984, test trino upgrade: commit a few of the troubled models
🧙 Author: @jeff-dude on 2024-05-24
📝 Summary: This model creates a dataset that tracks positions and transactions related to trading activities on the Unidex platform. It includes information such as block time, virtual and underlying assets, market details, volume, fees, margins, trade type (long/short), project details, trader information,and transaction specifics. The model enables data analysts to analyze trading activities on the Unidex platform within specified timeframes and across different dimensions like date,trader,and project.
SECTOR: _project
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MODEL: aerodrome_trades.sql
🟢 Added by:
🔧 PR: #5830, Refactor legacy codes for dex.trades_legacy
🧙 Author: @Hosuke on 2024-05-24
📝 Summary: This model creates a dataset of decentralized exchange trades for the 'aerodrome' project. It includes details such as blockchain information, trade version, block details, token symbols and amounts bought/sold, USD value, addresses involved in the trade, transaction information like hash and participants (taker/maker), contract address related to the project. This enables data analysts to analyze trading activities specific to the 'aerodrome' project on decentralized exchanges.
MODEL: airswap_trades.sql
🟢 Added by:
🔧 PR: #5830, Refactor legacy codes for dex.trades_legacy
🧙 Author: @Hosuke on 2024-05-24
📝 Summary: This model creates a dataset of decentralized exchange trades specifically for the project 'airswap'. It includes details such as blockchain information, trade version, block details, token symbols and amounts bought/sold, USD equivalent amount, addresses involved in the trade, transaction hash and participants (taker/maker). This enables data analysts to analyze trading activities within the AirSwap project on decentralized exchanges.
MODEL: apeswap_trades.sql
🟢 Added by:
🔧 PR: #5830, Refactor legacy codes for dex.trades_legacy
🧙 Author: @Hosuke on 2024-05-24
📝 Summary: This model creates a dataset of decentralized exchange trades specifically for the 'apeswap' project. It includes details such as blockchain information, trade version, block details, token symbols and amounts bought/sold, USD value, addresses involved in the trade, transaction hash and participants (taker/maker). This enables data analysts to analyze trading activities on the Apeswap platform within specified parameters.
MODEL: arbswap_trades.sql
🟢 Added by:
🔧 PR: #5830, Refactor legacy codes for dex.trades_legacy
🧙 Author: @Hosuke on 2024-05-24
📝 Summary: This model creates a dataset of decentralized exchange trades related to the 'arbswap' project. It includes details such as blockchain, project, trade version, block information, token symbols and amounts bought/sold, USD value of the trade, addresses involved in the transaction (token and user), transaction hash details like sender and receiver addresses along with event index. This data enables analysts to track trading activities specific to the 'arbswap' project on decentralized exchanges for further analysis or reporting purposes.
MODEL: babyswap_trades.sql
🟢 Added by:
🔧 PR: #5830, Refactor legacy codes for dex.trades_legacy
🧙 Author: @Hosuke on 2024-05-24
📝 Summary: This model creates a dataset of decentralized exchange trades for the 'babyswap' project. It includes details such as blockchain, project, trade version, block information, token symbols and amounts bought/sold, USD value of the trade, addresses involved in the transaction (token and user), contract information, transaction hash details like sender and receiver addresses along with event index. This model enables data analysts to analyze trading activities specifically related to the 'babyswap' project on decentralized exchanges.
MODEL: balancer_trades.sql
🟢 Added by:
🔧 PR: #5830, Refactor legacy codes for dex.trades_legacy
🧙 Author: @Hosuke on 2024-05-24
📝 Summary: This model creates a dataset of decentralized exchange trades specifically for the Balancer project. It includes details such as blockchain information, trade version, block details, token symbols and amounts bought/sold, USD value, addresses involved in the trade, transaction specifics like hash and participants (taker/maker), contract address related to the project. This model enables data analysts to analyze trading activities on Balancer within specified parameters.
MODEL: bancor_trades.sql
🟢 Added by:
🔧 PR: #5830, Refactor legacy codes for dex.trades_legacy
🧙 Author: @Hosuke on 2024-05-24
📝 Summary: This model creates a dataset of decentralized exchange trades specifically for the project 'bancor'. It includes details such as blockchain, project information, trade version, block details, token symbols and amounts bought/sold, USD value of the trade, addresses involved in the transaction (token and Ethereum), taker/maker information along with transaction hash and event index. This dataset enables data analysts to analyze trading activities on Bancor's decentralized exchange platform.
MODEL: beethoven_x_trades.sql
🟢 Added by:
🔧 PR: #5830, Refactor legacy codes for dex.trades_legacy
🧙 Author: @Hosuke on 2024-05-24
📝 Summary: This model creates a dataset of decentralized exchange trades for the project 'beethoven_x'. It includes details such as blockchain, project, version, trade information (tokens bought/sold), transaction details (hash, addresses), and involved parties (taker/maker). This enables data analysts to analyze trading activities specific to the 'beethoven_x' project on decentralized exchanges.
MODEL: biswap_trades.sql
🟢 Added by:
🔧 PR: #5830, Refactor legacy codes for dex.trades_legacy
🧙 Author: @Hosuke on 2024-05-24
📝 Summary: This model creates a dataset of decentralized exchange trades for the project 'biswap,' including details such as blockchain, trade version, block information, token symbols and amounts bought/sold, USD value, addresses involved in the trade, transaction details like hash and participants (taker/maker), contract address related to the project. This enables data analysts to analyze trading activities specific to the 'biswap' project on various blockchains.
MODEL: camelot_trades.sql
🟢 Added by:
🔧 PR: #5830, Refactor legacy codes for dex.trades_legacy
🧙 Author: @Hosuke on 2024-05-24
📝 Summary: This model creates a table that captures data related to decentralized exchange trades for the project 'camelot'. It includes details such as blockchain information, trade version, block details, token symbols and amounts bought/sold, USD equivalent amount, addresses involved in the trade, transaction information like hash and participants (taker/maker), contract address of the project involved in the trade. This enables data analysts to analyze trading activities specific to the 'camelot' project on decentralized exchanges.
MODEL: carbon_defi_trades.sql
🟢 Added by:
🔧 PR: #5830, Refactor legacy codes for dex.trades_legacy
🧙 Author: @Hosuke on 2024-05-24
📝 Summary: This model creates a dataset of decentralized exchange trades for the project 'carbon_defi'. It includes details such as blockchain information, trade specifics like token symbols and amounts, transaction details like hash and addresses, as well as taker and maker information. This enables data analysts to analyze trading activities within the specified project on decentralized exchanges.
MODEL: clipper_trades.sql
🟢 Added by:
🔧 PR: #5830, Refactor legacy codes for dex.trades_legacy
🧙 Author: @Hosuke on 2024-05-24
📝 Summary: This model creates a dataset of decentralized exchange trades for the project 'clipper'. It includes details such as blockchain information, trade specifics (tokens bought/sold), transaction details (hash, addresses), and participant identifiers. This enables data analysts to analyze trading activities specific to the 'clipper' project on decentralized exchanges.
MODEL: curvefi_trades.sql
🟢 Added by:
🔧 PR: #5830, Refactor legacy codes for dex.trades_legacy
🧙 Author: @Hosuke on 2024-05-24
📝 Summary: This model creates a dataset of decentralized exchange trades related to the 'curvefi' project. It includes details such as blockchain information, trade version, block details, token symbols and amounts bought/sold, USD value, addresses involved in the trade, transaction hashes and indices. This enables data analysts to analyze trading activities specific to the 'curvefi' project on decentralized exchanges.
MODEL: defiswap_trades.sql
🟢 Added by:
🔧 PR: #5830, Refactor legacy codes for dex.trades_legacy
🧙 Author: @Hosuke on 2024-05-24
📝 Summary: This model creates a table that captures data related to decentralized exchange trades for the project 'defiswap'. It includes details such as blockchain information, trade version, block details, token symbols and amounts bought/sold, USD value of the trade, addresses involved in the transaction (token and user), contract information, transaction hash and sender/receiver details. This enables data analysts to analyze trading activities specific to the 'defiswap' project on various blockchains.
MODEL: dfx_trades.sql
🟢 Added by:
🔧 PR: #5830, Refactor legacy codes for dex.trades_legacy
🧙 Author: @Hosuke on 2024-05-24
📝 Summary: This model creates a dataset of decentralized exchange trades for the project 'dfx'. It includes details such as blockchain information, trade version, block details, token symbols and amounts bought/sold, USD value, addresses involved in the trade, transaction information like hash and participants (taker/maker), contract address related to the project. This dataset enables data analysts to analyze trading activities specific to the 'dfx' project on decentralized exchanges.
MODEL: dodo_trades.sql
🟢 Added by:
🔧 PR: #5830, Refactor legacy codes for dex.trades_legacy
🧙 Author: @Hosuke on 2024-05-24
📝 Summary: This model creates a dataset of decentralized exchange trades specifically for the project 'dodo'. It includes details such as blockchain, project, version, block information, token symbols and amounts bought/sold, USD value, addresses involved in the trade (taker/maker), contract information and transaction details. This enables data analysts to analyze trading activities related to the 'dodo' project on decentralized exchanges.
MODEL: ellipsis_finance_trades.sql
🟢 Added by:
🔧 PR: #5830, Refactor legacy codes for dex.trades_legacy
🧙 Author: @Hosuke on 2024-05-24
📝 Summary: This model creates a dataset of decentralized exchange trades for the project 'ellipsis_finance'. It includes details such as blockchain, project, trade version, block information, token symbols and amounts bought/sold, USD value of the trade, addresses involved in the trade (buying and selling), transaction details like hash and participants (taker/maker), contract address related to the project. This enables data analysts to analyze trading activities specific to 'ellipsis_finance' on decentralized exchanges.
MODEL: equalizer_trades.sql
🟢 Added by:
🔧 PR: #5830, Refactor legacy codes for dex.trades_legacy
🧙 Author: @Hosuke on 2024-05-24
📝 Summary: This model creates a dataset of decentralized exchange trades for the project 'equalizer'. It includes details such as blockchain, project, trade version, block information, token symbols and amounts bought/sold, USD value of the trade, addresses involved in the trade (buying and selling), transaction details like hash and participants (taker/maker), contract address related to the project. This model enables data analysts to analyze trading activities specific to the 'equalizer' project on decentralized exchanges.
MODEL: fraxswap_trades.sql
🟢 Added by:
🔧 PR: #5830, Refactor legacy codes for dex.trades_legacy
🧙 Author: @Hosuke on 2024-05-24
📝 Summary: This model creates a table that captures data related to decentralized exchange trades within the 'fraxswap' project. It includes details such as blockchain information, trade version, block details, token symbols and amounts bought/sold, USD value of the transaction, addresses involved in the trade, transaction hash and participants (taker/maker). This enables data analysts to analyze trading activities specifically for the 'fraxswap' project on decentralized exchanges.
MODEL: glacier_trades.sql
🟢 Added by:
🔧 PR: #5830, Refactor legacy codes for dex.trades_legacy
🧙 Author: @Hosuke on 2024-05-24
📝 Summary: This model creates a dataset of decentralized exchange trades related to the 'glacier' project. It includes details such as blockchain information, trade specifics (tokens bought/sold), transaction details (hash, addresses), and parties involved (taker, maker). This enables data analysts to analyze trading activities specific to the 'glacier' project on decentralized exchanges.
MODEL: gmx_trades.sql
🟢 Added by:
🔧 PR: #5830, Refactor legacy codes for dex.trades_legacy
🧙 Author: @Hosuke on 2024-05-24
📝 Summary: This model creates a dataset of decentralized exchange trades for the project 'gmx'. It includes details such as blockchain, project, version, block information, token symbols and amounts bought/sold, USD value, addresses involved in the trade (taker/maker), contract information, transaction hash and details. This enables data analysts to analyze trading activities specific to the 'gmx' project on decentralized exchanges.
MODEL: hashflow_trades.sql
🟢 Added by:
🔧 PR: #5830, Refactor legacy codes for dex.trades_legacy
🧙 Author: @Hosuke on 2024-05-24
📝 Summary: This model creates a dataset of decentralized exchange trades for the project 'hashflow'. It includes details such as blockchain, project, version, trade information (tokens bought/sold), transaction details (hashes, addresses), and USD amounts. This enables data analysts to analyze trading activities specific to the 'hashflow' project on decentralized exchanges.
MODEL: honeyswap_trades.sql
🟢 Added by:
🔧 PR: #5830, Refactor legacy codes for dex.trades_legacy
🧙 Author: @Hosuke on 2024-05-24
📝 Summary: This model creates a dataset of decentralized exchange trades specifically for the project 'honeyswap'. It includes details such as blockchain information, trade version, block details, token symbols and amounts bought/sold, USD value, addresses involved in the trade, transaction hashes and indices. This enables data analysts to analyze trading activities within the Honeyswap project on decentralized exchanges.
MODEL: integral_trades.sql
🟢 Added by:
🔧 PR: #5830, Refactor legacy codes for dex.trades_legacy
🧙 Author: @Hosuke on 2024-05-24
📝 Summary: This model creates a dataset of decentralized exchange trades for the project 'integral'. It includes details such as blockchain information, trade version, block details, token symbols and amounts bought/sold, USD value, addresses involved in the trade, transaction hash and participants. This enables data analysts to analyze trading activities specific to the 'integral' project on decentralized exchanges.
MODEL: iziswap_trades.sql
🟢 Added by:
🔧 PR: #5830, Refactor legacy codes for dex.trades_legacy
🧙 Author: @Hosuke on 2024-05-24
📝 Summary: This model creates a dataset of decentralized exchange trades for the project 'iziswap'. It includes details such as blockchain information, trade version, block details, token symbols and amounts bought/sold, USD value, addresses involved in the trade, transaction hash and participants. This enables data analysts to analyze trading activities specific to the 'iziswap' project on decentralized exchanges.
MODEL: kyberswap_trades.sql
🟢 Added by:
🔧 PR: #5830, Refactor legacy codes for dex.trades_legacy
🧙 Author: @Hosuke on 2024-05-24
📝 Summary: This model creates a dataset of decentralized exchange trades specifically for the KyberSwap project. It includes details such as blockchain information, trade version, block details, token symbols and amounts bought/sold, USD equivalent amount, addresses involved in the trade, transaction details like hash and participants (taker/maker), contract address related to the project. This dataset enables data analysts to analyze trading activities on KyberSwap within specified parameters.
MODEL: mauve_trades.sql
🟢 Added by:
🔧 PR: #5830, Refactor legacy codes for dex.trades_legacy
🧙 Author: @Hosuke on 2024-05-24
📝 Summary: This model creates a dataset of decentralized exchange trades for the project 'mauve', including details such as blockchain, version, block information, token symbols and amounts bought/sold, USD value, addresses involved in the trade, transaction details like hash and participants (taker/maker), contract address related to the project. This enables data analysts to analyze trading activities specific to the 'mauve' project on decentralized exchanges.
MODEL: maverick_trades.sql
🟢 Added by:
🔧 PR: #5830, Refactor legacy codes for dex.trades_legacy
🧙 Author: @Hosuke on 2024-05-24
📝 Summary: This model creates a dataset of decentralized exchange trades for the 'maverick' project. It includes details such as blockchain information, trade version, block details, token symbols and amounts bought/sold, USD equivalent amount, addresses involved in the trade, transaction details like hash and participants (taker/maker), contract address related to the project. This model enables data analysts to analyze trading activities specific to the 'maverick' project on decentralized exchanges.
MODEL: mdex_trades.sql
🟢 Added by:
🔧 PR: #5830, Refactor legacy codes for dex.trades_legacy
🧙 Author: @Hosuke on 2024-05-24
📝 Summary: This model creates a dataset of decentralized exchange trades specifically for the project 'mdex'. It includes details such as blockchain information, trade version, block details, token symbols and amounts bought/sold, USD value, addresses involved in the trade, transaction specifics like hash and participants (taker/maker), contract address related to the project. This model enables data analysts to analyze trading activities on this decentralized exchange platform for the specified project.
MODEL: mstable_trades.sql
🟢 Added by:
🔧 PR: #5830, Refactor legacy codes for dex.trades_legacy
🧙 Author: @Hosuke on 2024-05-24
📝 Summary: This model creates a dataset of decentralized exchange trades related to the 'mstable' project. It includes details such as blockchain, project, trade version, block information, token symbols and amounts bought/sold, USD value of the trade, addresses involved in the trade (buying and selling), transaction details like hash and participants (taker/maker), contract address for the project involved in the trade. This model enables data analysts to analyze trading activities specific to mStable on decentralized exchanges.
MODEL: mummy_finance_trades.sql
🟢 Added by:
🔧 PR: #5830, Refactor legacy codes for dex.trades_legacy
🧙 Author: @Hosuke on 2024-05-24
📝 Summary: This model creates a dataset of decentralized exchange trades for the project 'mummy_finance.' It includes details such as blockchain information, trade version, block details, token symbols and amounts bought/sold, USD value, addresses involved in the trade, transaction hashes and indices. This enables data analysts to analyze trading activities specific to the 'mummy_finance' project on decentralized exchanges.
MODEL: nomiswap_trades.sql
🟢 Added by:
🔧 PR: #5830, Refactor legacy codes for dex.trades_legacy
🧙 Author: @Hosuke on 2024-05-24
📝 Summary: This model creates a dataset of decentralized exchange trades (DEX trades) specifically for the 'nomiswap' project. It includes details such as blockchain information, trade version, block details, token symbols and amounts bought/sold, USD value, addresses involved in the trade, transaction hash and related indices. This enables data analysts to analyze trading activities within the 'nomiswap' project on various blockchains for further insights and decision-making processes.
MODEL: onepunchswap_trades.sql
🟢 Added by:
🔧 PR: #5830, Refactor legacy codes for dex.trades_legacy
🧙 Author: @Hosuke on 2024-05-24
📝 Summary: This model creates a table that captures data related to decentralized exchange trades, including details such as blockchain information, project details, trade version, block timestamp and number, token symbols and amounts exchanged. It also includes transaction information like hash values and addresses of the tokens bought and sold. By filtering for a specific project ('onepunchswap' in this case), analysts can focus on analyzing trading activities within that particular decentralized exchange platform.
MODEL: openocean_trades.sql
🟢 Added by:
🔧 PR: #5830, Refactor legacy codes for dex.trades_legacy
🧙 Author: @Hosuke on 2024-05-24
📝 Summary: This model creates a dataset of decentralized exchange trades for the project 'openocean'. It includes details such as blockchain, project, version, trade information (tokens bought/sold), transaction details (hash, from/to addresses), and other relevant data. This enables data analysts to analyze trading activities specific to the 'openocean' project on decentralized exchanges.
MODEL: openxswap_trades.sql
🟢 Added by:
🔧 PR: #5830, Refactor legacy codes for dex.trades_legacy
🧙 Author: @Hosuke on 2024-05-24
📝 Summary: This model creates a dataset of decentralized exchange trades for the project 'openxswap'. It includes details such as blockchain information, trade version, block details, token symbols and amounts bought/sold, USD value, addresses involved in the trade, transaction information like hash and participants (taker/maker), contract address related to the project. This enables data analysts to analyze trading activities specific to 'openxswap' on decentralized exchanges.
MODEL: opx_finance_trades.sql
🟢 Added by:
🔧 PR: #5830, Refactor legacy codes for dex.trades_legacy
🧙 Author: @Hosuke on 2024-05-24
📝 Summary: This model creates a dataset of decentralized exchange trades for the project 'opx_finance'. It includes details such as blockchain, project, trade version, block information, token symbols and amounts bought/sold, USD value of the trade, addresses involved in the trade (buying and selling), transaction details like hash and participants (taker/maker), contract address related to the project. This enables data analysts to analyze trading activities specific to 'opx_finance' on decentralized exchanges.
MODEL: pancakeswap_trades.sql
🟢 Added by:
🔧 PR: #5830, Refactor legacy codes for dex.trades_legacy
🧙 Author: @Hosuke on 2024-05-24
📝 Summary: This model creates a dataset of decentralized exchange trades specifically for the PancakeSwap project. It includes details such as blockchain information, trade version, block details, token symbols and amounts bought/sold, USD value, addresses involved in the trade, transaction hash and participants. This enables data analysts to analyze trading activities on PancakeSwap within specified parameters.
MODEL: platypus_finance_trades.sql
🟢 Added by:
🔧 PR: #5830, Refactor legacy codes for dex.trades_legacy
🧙 Author: @Hosuke on 2024-05-24
📝 Summary: This model creates a dataset of decentralized exchange trades for the project 'platypus_finance.' It includes details such as blockchain, project, trade version, block information, token symbols and amounts bought/sold, USD value, addresses involved in the trade, transaction details like hash and participants (taker/maker), contract address related to the project. This model enables data analysts to analyze trading activities specific to Platypus Finance on decentralized exchanges.
MODEL: quickswap_trades.sql
🟢 Added by:
🔧 PR: #5830, Refactor legacy codes for dex.trades_legacy
🧙 Author: @Hosuke on 2024-05-24
📝 Summary: This model creates a dataset of decentralized exchange trades specifically for the QuickSwap project. It includes details such as blockchain information, trade version, block details, token symbols and amounts bought/sold, USD value, addresses involved in the trade, transaction hashes and indices. This enables data analysts to analyze trading activities on QuickSwap within specified parameters.
MODEL: rubicon_trades.sql
🟢 Added by:
🔧 PR: #5830, Refactor legacy codes for dex.trades_legacy
🧙 Author: @Hosuke on 2024-05-24
📝 Summary: This model creates a dataset of decentralized exchange trades for the project 'rubicon'. It includes details such as blockchain information, trade specifics like token symbols and amounts, transaction details like hash and addresses, as well as participant information. This dataset enables data analysts to analyze trading activities within the specified project on decentralized exchanges.
MODEL: shibaswap_trades.sql
🟢 Added by:
🔧 PR: #5830, Refactor legacy codes for dex.trades_legacy
🧙 Author: @Hosuke on 2024-05-24
📝 Summary: This model creates a dataset of decentralized exchange trades specifically for the 'shibaswap' project. It includes details such as blockchain, project information, trade version, block details, token symbols and amounts exchanged, USD value of the transaction, addresses involved in the trade, transaction hash and sender/receiver information. This model enables data analysts to analyze trading activities on Shibaswap within specified parameters.
MODEL: spartacus_exchange_trades.sql
🟢 Added by:
🔧 PR: #5830, Refactor legacy codes for dex.trades_legacy
🧙 Author: @Hosuke on 2024-05-24
📝 Summary: This model creates a dataset of decentralized exchange trades specifically for the 'spartacus_exchange' project. It includes details such as blockchain, project information, trade version, block details, token symbols and amounts bought/sold, USD equivalent amount, addresses involved in the trade transaction (taker/maker), contract information and transaction hashes. This data enables analysts to analyze trading activities within the specified decentralized exchange project for further insights or reporting purposes.
MODEL: spiritswap_trades.sql
🟢 Added by:
🔧 PR: #5830, Refactor legacy codes for dex.trades_legacy
🧙 Author: @Hosuke on 2024-05-24
📝 Summary: This model creates a dataset of decentralized exchange trades specifically for the project 'spiritswap'. It includes details such as blockchain information, trade version, block details, token symbols and amounts bought/sold, USD value, addresses involved in the trade, transaction hash and participants. This enables data analysts to analyze trading activities within the Spiritswap project on decentralized exchanges.
MODEL: spookyswap_trades.sql
🟢 Added by:
🔧 PR: #5830, Refactor legacy codes for dex.trades_legacy
🧙 Author: @Hosuke on 2024-05-24
📝 Summary: This model creates a dataset of decentralized exchange trades specifically for the project 'spookyswap'. It includes details such as blockchain information, trade version, block details, token symbols and amounts bought/sold, USD value of the trade, addresses involved in the transaction (both taker and maker), contract addresses related to the project, transaction hashes and indices. This enables data analysts to analyze trading activities within 'spookyswap' on decentralized exchanges.
MODEL: sushiswap_trades.sql
🟢 Added by:
🔧 PR: #5830, Refactor legacy codes for dex.trades_legacy
🧙 Author: @Hosuke on 2024-05-24
📝 Summary: This model creates a dataset of decentralized exchange trades specifically for the Sushiswap project. It includes details such as blockchain information, trade version, block details, token symbols and amounts bought/sold, USD value of the trade, addresses involved in the transaction (buying and selling), taker/maker information, contract address related to the project, transaction hash and sender/receiver details. This model enables data analysts to analyze trading activities on Sushiswap within specified parameters.
MODEL: swapr_trades.sql
🟢 Added by:
🔧 PR: #5830, Refactor legacy codes for dex.trades_legacy
🧙 Author: @Hosuke on 2024-05-24
📝 Summary: This model creates a table that captures data related to decentralized exchange trades, specifically focusing on the Swapr project. It includes details such as blockchain information, trade version, block details, token symbols and amounts bought/sold, USD equivalent amount, addresses involved in the trade, transaction specifics like hash and participants (taker/maker), contract address of the project involved in the trade. This model enables data analysts to analyze trading activities within Swapr on various blockchains for further insights and decision-making processes.
MODEL: synthetix_trades.sql
🟢 Added by:
🔧 PR: #5830, Refactor legacy codes for dex.trades_legacy
🧙 Author: @Hosuke on 2024-05-24
📝 Summary: This model creates a dataset of decentralized exchange trades related to the 'synthetix' project. It includes details such as blockchain information, trade specifics (tokens bought/sold), transaction details (hash, addresses), and participant identifiers. This enables data analysts to analyze trading activities specific to the 'synthetix' project on decentralized exchanges.
MODEL: thena_trades.sql
🟢 Added by:
🔧 PR: #5830, Refactor legacy codes for dex.trades_legacy
🧙 Author: @Hosuke on 2024-05-24
📝 Summary: This model creates a dataset of decentralized exchange trades for the project 'thena.' It includes details such as blockchain, project, version, trade information (tokens bought/sold), transaction details (hash, sender/receiver), and event index. This model enables data analysts to analyze trading activities specific to the 'thena' project on decentralized exchanges.
MODEL: trader_joe_trades.sql
🟢 Added by:
🔧 PR: #5830, Refactor legacy codes for dex.trades_legacy
🧙 Author: @Hosuke on 2024-05-24
📝 Summary: This model creates a dataset of decentralized exchange trades for the 'trader_joe' project. It includes details such as blockchain information, trade specifics (tokens bought/sold), transaction details (hash, addresses), and participant identifiers. This enables data analysts to analyze trading activities specific to the 'trader_joe' project on decentralized exchanges.
MODEL: ubeswap_trades.sql
🟢 Added by:
🔧 PR: #5830, Refactor legacy codes for dex.trades_legacy
🧙 Author: @Hosuke on 2024-05-24
📝 Summary: This model creates a dataset of decentralized exchange trades for the project 'ubeswap'. It includes details such as blockchain information, trade version, block details, token symbols and amounts bought/sold, USD value, addresses involved in the trade, transaction information like hash and participants (taker/maker), contract address related to the project. This enables data analysts to analyze trading activities specific to the 'ubeswap' project on decentralized exchanges.
MODEL: uniswap_trades.sql
🟢 Added by:
🔧 PR: #5830, Refactor legacy codes for dex.trades_legacy
🧙 Author: @Hosuke on 2024-05-24
📝 Summary: This model creates a dataset of decentralized exchange trades specifically for the Uniswap project. It includes details such as blockchain information, trade version, block details, token symbols and amounts bought/sold, USD value, addresses involved in the trade, transaction information like hash and participants (taker/maker), contract address related to the project. This model enables data analysts to analyze trading activities on Uniswap within specified parameters.
MODEL: velodrome_trades.sql
🟢 Added by:
🔧 PR: #5830, Refactor legacy codes for dex.trades_legacy
🧙 Author: @Hosuke on 2024-05-24
📝 Summary: This model creates a dataset of decentralized exchange trades for the project 'velodrome.' It includes details such as blockchain information, trade version, block details, token symbols and amounts bought/sold, USD value, addresses involved in the trade, transaction hash and participants (taker/maker). This enables data analysts to analyze trading activities specific to the Velodrome project on decentralized exchanges.
MODEL: verse_dex_trades.sql
🟢 Added by:
🔧 PR: #5830, Refactor legacy codes for dex.trades_legacy
🧙 Author: @Hosuke on 2024-05-24
📝 Summary: This model creates a dataset of decentralized exchange trades specific to the 'verse_dex' project. It includes details such as blockchain information, trade version, block details, token symbols and amounts bought/sold, USD value, addresses involved in the trade, transaction specifics like hash and participants (taker/maker), contract address related to the project. This enables data analysts to analyze trading activities within this particular decentralized exchange project for further insights and decision-making processes.
MODEL: wardenswap_trades.sql
🟢 Added by:
🔧 PR: #5830, Refactor legacy codes for dex.trades_legacy
🧙 Author: @Hosuke on 2024-05-24
📝 Summary: This model creates a dataset of decentralized exchange trades for the project 'wardenswap.' It includes details such as blockchain information, trade version, block details, token symbols and amounts bought/sold, USD value, addresses involved in the trade, transaction information like hash and participants (taker/maker), contract address related to the project. This model enables data analysts to analyze trading activities specific to the 'wardenswap' project on decentralized exchanges.
MODEL: wigoswap_trades.sql
🟢 Added by:
🔧 PR: #5830, Refactor legacy codes for dex.trades_legacy
🧙 Author: @Hosuke on 2024-05-24
📝 Summary: This model creates a table that captures data related to decentralized exchange trades within the 'wigoswap' project. It includes details such as blockchain information, trade specifics (tokens bought/sold), transaction details (hash, addresses), and participant identifiers (taker, maker). This enables data analysts to analyze trading activities specific to the 'wigoswap' project on various blockchains.
MODEL: wombat_trades.sql
🟢 Added by:
🔧 PR: #5830, Refactor legacy codes for dex.trades_legacy
🧙 Author: @Hosuke on 2024-05-24
📝 Summary: This model creates a dataset of decentralized exchange trades for the project 'wombat'. It includes details such as blockchain, project, version, trade information (tokens bought/sold), transaction details (hash, from/to addresses), and other relevant data. This enables data analysts to analyze trading activities specific to the 'wombat' project on decentralized exchanges.
MODEL: woofi_trades.sql
🟢 Added by:
🔧 PR: #5830, Refactor legacy codes for dex.trades_legacy
🧙 Author: @Hosuke on 2024-05-24
📝 Summary: This model creates a dataset of decentralized exchange trades for the project 'woofi'. It includes details such as blockchain, project, version, trade information (tokens bought/sold), transaction details (hash, addresses), and participants involved (taker/maker). This enables data analysts to analyze trading activities specific to the 'woofi' project on decentralized exchanges.
MODEL: xchange_trades.sql
🟢 Added by:
🔧 PR: #5830, Refactor legacy codes for dex.trades_legacy
🧙 Author: @Hosuke on 2024-05-24
📝 Summary: This model creates a dataset of decentralized exchange trades for the 'xchange' project. It includes details such as blockchain, project, trade version, block information, token symbols and amounts bought/sold, USD value, addresses involved in the trade, transaction details like hash and participants (taker/maker), contract address related to the project. This data enables analysts to analyze trading activities on this specific decentralized exchange platform for further insights or reporting purposes.
MODEL: zigzag_trades.sql
🟢 Added by:
🔧 PR: #5830, Refactor legacy codes for dex.trades_legacy
🧙 Author: @Hosuke on 2024-05-24
📝 Summary: This model creates a dataset of decentralized exchange trades for the project 'zigzag'. It includes details such as blockchain information, trade specifics like token symbols and amounts, transaction details like hash and addresses, as well as taker and maker information. This enables data analysts to analyze trading activities specific to the 'zigzag' project on decentralized exchanges.
MODEL: zipswap_trades.sql
🟢 Added by:
🔧 PR: #5830, Refactor legacy codes for dex.trades_legacy
🧙 Author: @Hosuke on 2024-05-24
📝 Summary: This model creates a dataset of decentralized exchange trades for the project 'zipswap'. It includes details such as blockchain, project, trade version, block information, token symbols and amounts bought/sold, USD value of the trade, addresses involved in the trade (buying and selling), transaction details like hash and participants (taker/maker), contract address related to the project. This data enables analysts to analyze trading activities specific to 'zipswap' on decentralized exchanges.
SECTOR: curvefi
toggle to see all model updates
MODEL: curvefi_avalanche_c_trades.sql
🟠 Modified by:
🔧 PR: #5830, Refactor legacy codes for dex.trades_legacy
🧙 Author: @Hosuke on 2024-05-24
📝 Summary: [changes too large] The model curvefi_avalanche_c_trades.sql was removed.
SECTOR: dodo
toggle to see all model updates
MODEL: dodo_pools_bnb_trades.sql
🟠 Modified by:
🔧 PR: #5830, Refactor legacy codes for dex.trades_legacy
🧙 Author: @Hosuke on 2024-05-24
📝 Summary: [changes too large] The model dodo_pools_bnb_trades.sql was removed.
MODEL: dodo_pools_ethereum_trades.sql
🟠 Modified by:
🔧 PR: #5830, Refactor legacy codes for dex.trades_legacy
🧙 Author: @Hosuke on 2024-05-24
📝 Summary: [changes too large] The model dodo_pools_ethereum_trades.sql was removed.
SECTOR: pancakeswap
toggle to see all model updates
MODEL: pancakeswap_bnb_schema.yml
🟠 Modified by:
🔧 PR: #5830, Refactor legacy codes for dex.trades_legacy
🧙 Author: @Hosuke on 2024-05-24
📝 Summary: [changes too large] The model pancakeswap_bnb_schema.yml was removed.
SECTOR: _sector
toggle to see all model updates
MODEL: looter_solana_bot_trades.sql
🟢 Added by:
🔧 PR: #5881, feat: add looter, wifbot and soul sniper solana bot trades
🧙 Author: @whalehunting on 2024-05-23
📝 Summary: This model creates a dataset that combines fee payments and bot trades data from the Solana blockchain. It calculates various trade metrics such as USD amounts, token symbols, addresses, fees in USD and tokens, project details, user IDs, transaction information. Additionally it identifies the last trade in each transaction based on inner instruction index comparison. The model enables analysts to analyze trading activities on Solana including fees paid and trade specifics for further insights into project performance and user behavior.
MODEL: soul_sniper_solana_bot_trades.sql
🟢 Added by:
🔧 PR: #5881, feat: add looter, wifbot and soul sniper solana bot trades
🧙 Author: @whalehunting on 2024-05-23
📝 Summary: This model creates a dataset that combines fee payments data with bot trading activity on the Solana blockchain. It allows analysts to track trades, including buy and sell transactions, token amounts and symbols, fees in USD and tokens, project details, user information, transaction IDs,and indexes for further analysis. The model also identifies the last trade within each transaction based on inner instruction indexes.
MODEL: [wifbot_solana_bot_trades.sql](https://github.com/duneanalytics/spellbook/tree/main/models/_sector/dex/bot_trades/solana/platforms/wifbot_solana_bot_trades.sq
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