Welcome dear contributor, there are many ways to help Privacy Badger. From quick and whimsical to involved and academic. From JavaScript to Japanese. From algorithmic and O(n²) to grammatical and stylistic. There is surely a way you can help. Here's a quick orientation to guide your adventure:
- Did we break a site? We want to fix it, so we wrote this how-to guide for fixing broken sites.
- Security vulnerabilities can be reported privately at vulnerabilities@eff.org, the GPG key and other information can be found here.
- Translations are currently done on GitHub. Here is a great example of a translation pull request. See the translations label for related issues and more example pull requests.
- Tests are crucial, so here's a guide on how to use them.
If you find something confusing, esoteric, non-obvious, or uncool speak up! We don't bite. We believe in making Privacy Badger better by making it easier for you to contribute.
Thank you!