All notable changes included in tagged releases will be documented in this file.
- Changed paths for library dependencies used in MTS as mis-leadingly labeled 'old'
- jQuery 1.1.11 left in this repo but may be removed once confirmed remains unused in MTS
- Max width for images added to Special Notice markdown
- Responsive Table to MTS Component Library
- Utility class for grey border
- Adds image for MTS messages markdown
- Increased width of Action panel buttons used in Site Review
- MOTH Accordion - last border-bottom fix on History panels
- Bottom spacing on
element for mobile
- Various Tablet and Touch affordances on the core MTS journey
- Interrupt panel component
- Utility CSS class to remove border bottom on 'last-of-type'
- Updated tests for MOTH elements, so no warning shown for elements which shouldn't be present
- Updated tests for MOTH elements.
- Directory maintenance
- Extended GDS Summary List component for Change links in titles
- npm script for copying files to MOTH (MOT History) project
- MOTH accordion UI tweak
- Mobile-optimised behaviour for bdefect tree UI in MTS
- Removes relative sizing at the root element to allow easier use of GDS components which use
units. - Breadcrumbs which relied on root component for
sizing are updated to retain expected font size
- Updated asset paths for new directory names in MOTH application
- Responsive table component
- Percentage complete badge component used in this table
- Updated 'Check your answers' pattern to be GovUK's own summary list with overrides for MTS
- Removed legacy 'Check your answers' pattern
- Breaking change for Action Panels used in Site Review and MOT Test Results
- Utility class for borders
- Button display property bug for brake test panel
- MTS messages: Persist filter state between Message view and Inbox
- Adds 'Check Your Answers' GDS pattern
- Mobile-friendly links on 2fa login page
- CSS Border-box fix for use in MOTH accordions and MTS Messages filters
- Fonts now loaded via font files, removing use of base64 fonts for a smaller CSS file. SASS Partial _fonts-64.scss now deprecated and not used. To be eventually deleted.
- Changelog ;)
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.