For our 2015 Summer of code, we wrote a slightly more specific code of conduct.
The Golden Rule: treat others as one would like others to treat oneself.
Be happy. We're surrounding ourselves with sun, sea/forest, fresh/healthy food and great people so good vibes are mandatory (read: almost unavoidable).
Be respectful of other people's working hours. It's an awesome place but we're here to work as well as relax and enjoy the beautiful surroundings. People may be working when you're relaxing and vice versa so keep that in mind!
Be tidy. Common sense/courtesy apply here - always clean any mess on counters/floors, wash dishes/cultery you use and leave things as you find them (or better!).
Keep the noise levels down. Avoid being super loud, especially during the group's established working hours or after 22h00.
Be human. Behave like a
decentawesome human being, as if someone you respect is always around! (failing that treat others as if they have a migraine; minimal noise/light) -
Be curious. Got a question? Ask people on their breaks. Found the prettiest flower you ever did see? Point it out! Take time to explore, breathe in the fresh air and draw inspiration from your new surroundings.
Fear not, '+1's. You can do your own thing or work with us all, as long as when you're with us you follow this code. There are lots of ways you can add value to the group if you're interested!
If someone is doing something offensive, hurtful or that is damaging yours (and others') productivity, ask them to stop. They probably don't even realise they're doing so, just be nice about it.
If someone asks you nicely to stop doing something, stop. They're coming from a good place.
We're here to help! If there's anything you need, just ask!
Recycle. Both locations have recycling points nearby. Separate waste into recycleable and non-recycleable. If in doubt, ask!
Take & Share LOTS of Photos: Please take lots of lovely lovely photos (and videos!) and post them to your favourite social networks.
Hashtags: #dwyl #dwylSummer2015 (always ask for people's permission before posting a photo of them) -
Buy/Use/Wear Sun Screen: The Sun is Strong, you will burn if you aren't careful! Buy factor 50+ sun block/cream in Boots (after security control) before you leave London! Write your name on it with a sharpie so you don't lose it. And apply generously & regularly.