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File metadata and controls

521 lines (413 loc) · 15.3 KB

Adding Presence in 10 Minutes! 👥

Most chat apps have a feature where you can check who is currently online. We can use Presence to track processes that are connected to our public channel room.

By using Presence, we can show which processes are actively connected to the channel and show it to the person!

It isn't as difficult as you may think. Let's do it! 🏃‍♂️

1. Setting up Presence

Presence is a Phoenix module that needs to be set up before being used.

Firstly, in lib/chat_web, create a file called presence.ex and add the following code.

defmodule ChatWeb.Presence do
  use Phoenix.Presence,
    otp_app: :chat,
    pubsub_server: Chat.PubSub

We are populating the :otp_app and :pubsub_server with already pre-existent configurations. For example, :chat is configured inside the config/config.exs file and being fed to :otp_app.

Next, we need to add this new supervisor to the supervision tree in lib/chat/application.ex. Make sure to add ChatWeb.Presence before ChatWeb.Endpoint and after the PubSub child.

    children = [
      {Phoenix.PubSub, name: Chat.PubSub},
      ChatWeb.Presence,                 # add this line

And we're done! 🎉

We can now freely use Presence by importing alias ChatWeb.Presence in lib/chat_web/channels/room_channel.ex.

2. Tracking people in room_channel.ex

We are ready to track people in room_channel.ex!

We have to note that not all people are authenticated. Ideally, we would begin tracking people/processes whenever they join the channel. However, when people are not using authentication (via Github or Google, for example), we don't know their names until they send a message.

Additionally, a person using the app can have different names throughout their visit. So different names must be properly removed or added according to the processes that are associated to it.

By allowing people to have multiple names, there might be some cases where two different people can have the same name. Therefore, we need to properly remove one name pertaining to one process whenever it leaves the room, while maintaining the other same name for the other process in the online people list.

Let's start implementing Presence into our application so it satisfies these needs!

In lib/chat_web/channels/room_channel.ex, let's import Presence and start tracking processes.

alias ChatWeb.Presence

Change the handle_info(:after_join, socket) function so it looks like the following.

def handle_info(:after_join, socket) do
    # Get messages and list them
    |> Enum.reverse()     # reverts the enum to display the latest message at the bottom of the page
    |> Enum.each(fn msg ->
      push(socket, "shout", %{

    # Send currently online people in lobby
    push(socket, "presence_state", Presence.list("room:lobby"))

    {:noreply, socket}

We have added the push/3 function that the current presence information for the socket's topic is pushed to the client as a "presence_state" event.

Next, in handle_in("shout", payload, socket), change it like so:

  def handle_in("shout", payload, socket) do
    # Insert message in database
    {:ok, msg} = Chat.Message.changeset(%Chat.Message{}, payload) |> Chat.Repo.insert()

    # Assigning name to socket assigns and tracking presence
      |> assign(:person_name,
      |> track_presence()
      |> broadcast("shout", Map.put_new(payload, :id,

    {:noreply, socket}

  defp track_presence(%{assigns: %{person_name: person_name}} = socket) do
    Presence.track(socket, person_name, %{
      online_at: inspect(System.system_time(:second))


Every time the person sends a message (sends a "shout" event), the :person_name if assigned to the socket assigns, the process is tracked using Presence (by calling do_track, which uses the Presence.track/3 function) and broadcasts the event to other people.

e.g. lib/chat_web/channels/room_channel.ex

3. Changing the UI

Now that we are tracking each process, we are now ready to show to each person who is online!

3.1 Change HTML in view file

Let's first add a space in our page dedicated to show the list of online people. We want to make our page responsive, meaning we want our page to be properly resized according to any viewport dimension, be it a mobile device or desktop.

Open lib/chat_web/controllers/page_html/home.html.heex and change it.

<!-- Shown only on mobile devices -->
<div class="mt-[5rem] p-4 ml-4 mr-4 mb-4 border-2 radius rounded-md lg:hidden">
  <div class="flex justify-start flex-col overflow-hidden whitespace-nowrap">
    <h5 class="text-md leading-tight font-medium mb-2 text-green-700">people online</h5>
    <ul id="people_online-list-mobile" phx-update="append" class="pa-1"></ul>

<div id="chat-container" class="max-h-screen flex flex-col lg:flex-row lg:min-h-screen ">
  <div class="flex flex-col lg:flex-grow">
    <!-- The list of messages will appear here: -->
    <ul id="msg-list" phx-update="append" class="pa-1 lg:mt-[4rem] overflow-y-auto"></ul>

    <footer class="bg-slate-800 p-2 h-[3rem] bottom-0 w-full flex justify-center sticky mt-[auto]">
      <div class="w-full flex flex-row items-center text-gray-700 focus:outline-none font-normal">
        <%= if @loggedin do %>
        <% else %>
            class="grow-0 w-1/6 px-1.5 py-1.5"
        <% end %>

          placeholder="Your message"
          class="grow w-2/3 mx-1 px-2 py-1.5"

          class="text-white bold rounded px-3 py-1.5 w-fit
            transition-colors duration-150 bg-sky-500 hover:bg-sky-600"
  <!-- Online people will only be shown here on desktop devices -->
  <div class="hidden lg:flex">
    <div class="mt-[5rem] p-4 ml-4 mr-4 mb-4 border-2 radius rounded-md max-w-[20vw]">
      <div class="flex justify-start flex-col overflow-hidden whitespace-nowrap">
        <h5 class="text-md leading-tight font-medium mb-2 text-green-700">people online</h5>
        <ul id="people_online-list-desktop" phx-update="append" class="pa-1"></ul>

We have made some changed to the layout of the image so it works better on both mobile and desktop devices.

What's important is that we've added two <ul> elements with id people_online-list, one for both mobile and another for desktop. We've done it like this because this list needs to be in different places depending on the device. We've achieved this by hiding one list on mobile devices and showing it on desktops, and vice-versa.

This is why we have two lists:

  • one for mobile, with id "people_online-list-mobile".
  • one for desktop, with id "people_online-list-desktop".

The names of the online people will be appended to both lists dynamically.

Your page should now look like this on your desktop.


In a mobile device, the list gets "pushed" to the top of the page.


3.2 Adding/removing people to online people list

The only thing that's left is populating the list with <li> elements (online people) inside the <ul> list.

We are going to make these changes in assets/js/app.js. Add these functions to the file.

const peopleListMobile = document.getElementById('people_online-list-mobile');      // online people list mobile
const peopleListDesktop = document.getElementById('people_online-list-desktop');      // online people list desktop

// This function will be probably caught when the person first enters the page
channel.on('presence_state', function (payload) {
  // Array of objects with id and name
  const currentlyOnlinePeople = Object.entries(payload).map(elem => ({name: elem[0], id: elem[1].metas[0].phx_ref}))

// Listening to presence events whenever a person leaves or joins
channel.on('presence_diff', function (payload) {
  if(payload.joins && payload.leaves) {
    // Array of objects with id and name
    const currentlyOnlinePeople = Object.entries(payload.joins).map(elem => ({name: elem[0], id: elem[1].metas[0].phx_ref}))
    const peopleThatLeft = Object.entries(payload.leaves).map(elem => ({name: elem[0], id: elem[1].metas[0].phx_ref}))


function updateOnlinePeopleList(currentlyOnlinePeople) {
    // Add joined people
    for (var i = currentlyOnlinePeople.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
      const name = currentlyOnlinePeople[i].name
      const id = name + "-" + currentlyOnlinePeople[i].id
      if (document.getElementById(name) == null) {
        var liMobile = document.createElement("li"); // create new person list item DOM element for mobile
        var liDesktop = document.createElement("li"); // create new person list item DOM element for desktop
        = id + '_mobile' = id + '_desktop'
        liMobile.innerHTML = `<caption>${sanitizeString(name)}</caption>`
        liDesktop.innerHTML = `<caption>${sanitizeString(name)}</caption>`

        peopleListMobile.appendChild(liMobile);                    // append to  peoplelist
        peopleListDesktop.appendChild(liDesktop);                    // append to  peoplelist

function removePeopleThatLeft(peopleThatLeft) {
  // Remove people that left
  for (var i = peopleThatLeft.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
    const name = peopleThatLeft[i].name
    const id = name + "-" + peopleThatLeft[i].id

    const personThatLeftMobile = document.getElementById(id + '_mobile')
    const personThatLeftDesktop = document.getElementById(id +  '_desktop')

    if (personThatLeftMobile != null && personThatLeftDesktop != null) {
      peopleListMobile.removeChild(personThatLeftMobile);         // remove the person from list mobile
      peopleListDesktop.removeChild(personThatLeftDesktop);        // remove the person from list desktop

function sanitizeString(str){
  str = str.replace(/[^a-z0-9áéíóúñü \.,_-]/gim,"");
  return str.trim();

e.g. assets/js/app.js

That's a lot! To understand the code, we need to understand what presence_state and presence_diff are. These are documented in the Presence docs, but making long story short, they are objects that are sent to the client with information about the processes within the channel.

  • presence_state is pushed whenever the person joins the channel, which is useful to see who already is online in the channel on the get-go. It has a structure like:
    "name": {
        "metas": [
                "online_at": "1676345588",
                "phx_ref": "F0OTbkPqt3DqDALG"
  • presence_diff is sent to the client whenever a person joins or leaves the channel. It's a diff structure, a map of :joins and :leaves.
  joins: %{"123" => %{metas: [%{status: "away", phx_ref: ...}]}},
  leaves: %{"456" => %{metas: [%{status: "online", phx_ref: ...}]}}

With the information of both of these objects, we can construct our online person list!

We use metadata like phx_ref (which uniquely identifies the metadata for a given key) and the name of the person to act as an id of the element to be added to the list. This way, whenever a person leaves, we remove the element from the list by this id.

Do notice we are adding these elements, technically, two lists, one that is shown on mobile devices and another that is shown on desktops.

3.3 Fixing scrolling

When a person sends a message, the browser should scroll down.

This behaviour already existed. But now that we've changes the UI, scrolling no longer works. This is because scrolling is now done on the list of messages element in mobile devices.

To fix this, we just need to add a last line in sendMessage in assets/js/app.js.

function sendMessage() {

  channel.push('shout', {
    name: name.value || "guest",
    message: msg.value,
    inserted_at: new Date()

  msg.value = '';
  window.scrollTo(0, document.documentElement.scrollHeight) // scroll to the end of the page on send for desktop
  ul.scrollTo(0, ul.scrollHeight)                           // scroll to the end of the page on send for mobile (THIS IS THE NEW LINE)

4. Fixing test

If you run mix test, you will notice one test is broken. More specifically in test/chat_web/channels/room_channel_test.exs.

We can quickly fix it! Locate the shout broadcasts to room:lobby test, and change it.

  test "shout broadcasts to room:lobby a message with name", %{socket: socket} do
    push(socket, "shout", %{"name" => "test_name", "message" => "hey all"})
    assert_broadcast "shout", %{"name" => "test_name", "message" => "hey all"}

If you run mix test, all tests should pass!

Finished in 0.7 seconds (0.6s async, 0.05s sync)
12 tests, 0 failures

5. Give it a whirl! 🎉

We should all be done! If you run the app (mix phx.server) in two different windows, you will notice that the list of online people will be shown!

This also works for authenticated people.

Check the gif below for a quick demo!


Notice how the anonymonus person goes under two different names. Both disappear when he leaves!