This section describes the architecture and functionality of the voting smart contract.
As explained in here, Firestore exists solely for the quick retrieval of votes. Therefore, important
such as statistics is not stored; only data for search purposes, such as the title, content, and vote creation date, are
saved. Chainlink serves this purpose by receiving requests from the smart contract to access Firebase and returning the
results back to the smart contract.
Generated by sol2uml
Name | Type | Description | Reference |
dbName | string | The database name of Firestore | (default) or test |
router | address | The router address of a network supported by ChainLink | Link |
donId | bytes32 | The don id of a network supported by ChainLink | Link |
secretsUrls | bytes | The URL for the secret value to be used with ChainLink | Link |
subscriptionId | uint64 | The subscription ID of ChainLink | Link |
chainLinkGasLimit | uint32 | The gas limit per call for ChainLink | Maximum 300,000 |
createVoteSource | string | The js for storing vote data in Firestore | Link |
closeVoteSource | string | The js for calling Firebase to change the voting end flag | Link |
To reduce the frequency of redeploying the smart contract, setter methods for the constructor items are provided.
Name | Purpose |
(default) | Production |
test | Test |
Once the contract is deployed, the contract address must be registered as a customer with ChainLink.
Name | Description |
owner | Return the contract owner's address |
Name | Description |
dbName | Return the database name |
setDbName | Set the database name |
Name | Description |
votes | Return the voting data stored in the contract |
voteCount | Return the number of votes created |
lastVoteId | Return the last created vote ID |
createVote | Create a new vote |
closeVote | Calling this method will disable further voting on the specified vote |
voting | Each account can vote only once per vote, and voting is not allowed in ended votes |
getVoter | Return data on which item the caller voted for |
getVoteBallotItems | Return the ballot items of the vote |
Name | Description |
router | Return the router address |
donId | Return the don ID |
setNetwork | Set the router and don ID |
secretsUrls | Return the secrets url |
setSecretsUrls | Set the secrets url |
subscriptionId | Return the subscription ID |
setSubscriptionId | Set the subscription ID |
lastRequestId | The request ID generated by the most recent ChainLink call |
gasLimit | Return the gas limit |
setGasLimit | Set the gas limit |
setCreateVoteSource | Set the JS code to create voting data in Firestore |
setCloseVoteSource | Set the JS code to change the voting end flag to true for a vote stored in Firestore |
In the External
method, if it changes the state and has a return value, it can be received using eth_getlogs
Name | Description |
CreateVote | Receive results after creating a vote |
Voting | Receive results after voting |
CloseVote | Receive results after the vote close |
ChainLinkResponse | Response from the source executed by ChainLink |