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Images in the terminal

Dylan Araps edited this page Nov 16, 2016 · 32 revisions

I get a lot of comments/questions about how to get w3m-img mode working with<br > neofetch. This wiki page will guide you through setting up neofetch/w3m-img and<br > will try to explain the various quirks of this mode.



  • w3m-img

    • Image rendering in the terminal.
    • This is sometimes bundled together with w3m.
    • Terminology and iTerm users don't need to install w3m-img.
  • imagemagick

    • Generating thumbnails and cropping the images.
  • A terminal emulator that supports \033[14t or xdotool or<br > xwininfo + xprop or xwininfo + xdpyinfo

    • Getting the terminal window size in pixels so that we can size the image correctly.

Terminal Emulator

The table below lists my testing of various terminal emulators, what works and<br > what doesn't.

Terminal Emulator w3m-img Quirks
Gnome-terminal Yes - Image disappears on window focus and resize<br>- Possible issues on Fedora, see #295
iTerm N/A See [1]
konsole Yes
st Yes Image disappears on window focus and resize
Terminator Yes Image disappears on window focus and resize
Terminology N/A See [2]
Termite Yes
tilda No
URxvt Yes Display problems with xft fonts Fixed! See: Changelog
Xfce4-terminal Yes
Xterm Yes

[1] iTerm doesn't require w3m-img to display images. Instead it uses a<br > set of escape sequences built into iTerm.

[2] Terminology doesn't require w3m-img to display images. Instead it uses<br> a builtin program called tycat.

Note: For image mode to work, the w3m-img column must say yes and you must have<br > the dependencies installed.

Image source

Neofetch by default will try to use your current wallpaper as the image. If the<br > wallpaper detection fails we fallback to ascii mode, when ths happens you should<br > try and launch neofetch with --image path/to/image or --image path/to/dir/.

The list below shows the current wallpaper setters we support.

Linux / BSD

  • feh
  • nitrogren
  • gsettings

Mac OS X / Windows

  • Builtin wallpaper setter

If your wallpaper setter isn't listed here and there's an easy way to find where<br > the current wallpaper is stored, open an issue and I'll gladly add support for it.


Once you've installed w3m-img, imagemagick, have a terminal emulator that<br > meets the criteria above and have a working image source, neofetch should<br > display images correctly.

If neofetch still won't display the images then you should open a new issue on<br > github and provide me with a verbose log.


Neofetch has various flags/options that let you customize the image output.


Option Name Launch Flag Config Option Args Notes
Source --image image wall ascii /path/to/img /path/to/dir/ off If an invalid image mode is specified neofetch will fallback to ascii mode.
Size --size image_size auto 00px 00% none
Position --image_position image_position left right Doesn't work with iTerm2 and Terminology
Crop Mode --crop_mode crop_mode normal fit fill See this wiki page for more info. What is waifu crop?
Crop Offset --crop_offset crop_offset northwest north northeast west center east southwest south southeast How this works: crop_gravity
X offset --xoffset xoffset num Doesn't work with iTerm2 and Terminology
Y offset --yoffset yoffset num Doesn't work with iTerm2 and Terminology
Gap --gap gap num Gap between image and text
Clean --clean N/A N/A Remove all cropped images