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Dawid Dziurla edited this page Jan 6, 2020 · 79 revisions

This wiki page will guide you through getting neofetch working on your system.

The first and most universal way of installing neofetch is by downloading/cloning the latest release and running the Makefile.

Table of Contents

Universal Install

Latest Release

  1. Download the latest release.
  2. Run make install inside the script directory to install the script.
    • El Capitan: make PREFIX=/usr/local install
    • Haiku: make PREFIX=/boot/home/config/non-packaged install
    • OpenIndiana: gmake install
    • MinGW/MSys: make -i install
    • NOTE: You may have to run this as root.

Latest Git Master (Bleeding Edge)

  1. Git clone the repo.
    • git clone
  2. Change working directory to neofetch.
    • cd neofetch
  3. Install neofetch using the Makefile.
    • make install
    • El Capitan: make PREFIX=/usr/local install
    • Haiku: make PREFIX=/boot/home/config/non-packaged install
    • OpenIndiana: gmake install
    • MinGW/MSys: make -i install
    • NOTE: You may have to run this as root.

NOTE: Neofetch can be uninstalled easily using make uninstall. This removes all of files from your system.

NOTE: You can run neofetch from any folder on your system, all the makefile does is move the files to a "sane" location. The Makefile is optional.

OS/Distro Packages

This section lists neofetch packages that have been made for specific OS/Distros.

Alpine Linux

Alpine Linux v3.8 and up

  1. Update repositories
    • apk update
  2. Install the package
    • apk add neofetch

Android (Termux)

Neofetch is in Termux's default repos.

  1. Update repositories
    • pkg update
  2. Install the package
    • pkg install neofetch


Neofetch is available in the official repos.

  • Install the package
    • pacman -S neofetch


Neofetch is available in the official repos.

  1. Update repositories
    • sudo apt-get update
  2. Install the package
    • sudo apt-get install neofetch


  1. Install git and the git ports(8) driver
    • sudo prt-get depinst git
  2. Add the 6c36-git repository
    • sudo wget -O /etc/ports/6c37-git.git ""
  3. Sync the repos
    • sudo ports -u
  4. Add the repo to /etc/prt-get.conf with your text editor of choice
    • prtdir /usr/ports/6c37-git
  5. Install the package
    • sudo prt-get depinst neofetch

Or alternatively use the port:

  1. Download port
    • wget -O ~/work/neofetch/Pkgfile ""
  2. Build the package
    • fakeroot pkgmk -d
  3. Install the package
    • sudo pkgadd neofetch#git-*.pkg.tar.gz


Stretch / Sid (Unstable)

Neofetch is in Debian Stretch/Sid's official repositories.

  1. Update repositories
    • sudo apt-get update
  2. Install the package
    • sudo apt-get install neofetch

NOTE: Debian stretch repo only contains version 2.0.2.

NOTE2: The third party bintray repo has been deprecated, if you want to stay up to date with neofetch on Debian stable, then you need to manually install newer packages from unstable or download neofetch directly from git repository since it's contained in single file.

Fedora / RHEL / CentOS / Mageia

Neofetch is in Fedora's official repositories starting from Fedora 27.

  • sudo dnf install neofetch

Alternatively, you can use a third-party repo:

NOTE: If you are using RHEL/CentOS, change dnf into yum.

  1. Make sure you have installed dnf-plugins-core
  2. Enable COPR repository
    • sudo dnf copr enable konimex/neofetch
  3. Install the package
    • sudo dnf install neofetch


  1. If you're using RHEL/CentOS, make sure you have installed epel-release
  2. Fetch the repo file
  • curl -o /etc/yum.repos.d/konimex-neofetch-epel-7.repo
    • NOTE: If you are using Fedora, change epel-7 to fedora-23 or your Fedora version respectively. However if you are using RHEL/CentOS 6, change it to epel-6.
  1. Install the package
    • sudo dnf install neofetch

Gentoo / Funtoo

You can install app-misc/neofetch from Gentoo/Funtoo's official repositories.

To install the git version of neofetch, use =app-misc/neofetch-9999 instead.


Install it with the official recipe.

  • sudo Compile neofetch

macOS (Homebrew)

  1. Install neofetch with Homebrew
    • brew install neofetch


Install it from the official repositories

  • sudo nix-env -i neofetch


Download the files from SlackBuilds and follow their instructions.


You can find neofetch in software center under System Software > System Utilities or type sudo eopkg it neofetch.


Ubuntu 17.04 and up

Install it from the official repositories.

  1. Update repositories
    • sudo apt update
  2. Install the package
    • sudo apt install neofetch

Ubuntu 16.10 and below

  1. Add PPA
    • sudo add-apt-repository ppa:dawidd0811/neofetch
  2. Update repositories
    • sudo apt update
  3. Install the package
    • sudo apt install neofetch

Void Linux

Install it from the official repositories

  • sudo xbps-install -S neofetch

openSUSE Leap or Tumbleweed

Install it from the official repositories.

  • sudo zypper install neofetch