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144 lines (85 loc) · 5.76 KB

File metadata and controls

144 lines (85 loc) · 5.76 KB

[v1.6.0] - 28-09-2022


  • Added support for .slider-item-show2-sm to support showing 2 slides on mobile no matter how many slides are shown on desktop #52.


  • Fixed the handleIndicators method to not execute if the indicators have been dismounted [#50]
  • Fixed an issue in the extensions js handling dragging when first or last slide was dragged long distances [#48]

[v1.5.3] - 08-043-2022


  • Fixed the css exports in package.json for src files for use in scss imports [#32]

[v1.5.2] - 25-03-2022


  • Fixed the css exports in package.json [#29]

[v1.5.1] - 21-03-2022


  • Fixed an issue with round and square navigation arrows on mobile: #27
  • Fixed an issue with autoplayer example on examples page #26
  • Included the CSS in the exports in package.json #24

[v1.5.0] - 16-03-2022


  • Added support for .slider-nav-animation-zoomout to support zooming #23. See it action]


  • Changed the autopause feature to also stop auto sliding when the touch is stoppen using touchend event

[v1.4.1] - 23-02-2022


  • Fixed and issue with touch sliding when mouse draggable is enabled [#19]

[v1.4.0] - 02-02-2022


  • None


  • CSS changed for nav arrows for better LTR support - specifically added left rules for .slider-nav
  • Changed loop of slides to also include go to end when on first slide [#16]
  • Update doc and configuration for noloop that it covers the new behavior above

[v1.3.1] - 18-01-2022


  • renamed ´slide-visible-first´ to ´.slider-item-first-visible´ that was added in 1.3.0 due to naming error.

[v1.3.0] - 18-01-2022


  • Package does not contain source files breaking imports using PM's #9


  • Changed javascript to use let instead of const according to bp.
  • Changed package to ESM type only and included source in package files
  • Changed CSS to use rem based media queries
  • Optimized CSS related to navigation buttons when placed outside the slider


  • Added support for .slider-nav-autohide to support hiding previous and next navigation arrows when first or last slide is visible #8

[v1.2.0] - 03-12-2021


  • None


  • Changed the use of zoom in css to transform: scale()
  • Changed javascript to use " instead ' consistently
  • Changed all event listeners to be passive to increase performance even further


  • Support for mouse drag option using the new swiffy-slider-extensions object
  • Added swiffy-slider-extensions for adding features not needed for core releases. Can be accessed on swiffyslider.extensions.*
  • Configure animation threshold for the intersection observer that sets .slide-visible when sliding. New attribute data-slider-nav-animation-threshold
  • swiffyslider.setVisibleSlides can now be called with a threshold overwriting the default 0.3

[v1.1.0] - 16-11-2021


  • Configurator did not start autuplay when enabled
  • Navigation in docs fixed


  • Slide animation
  • Javascript can now set visible-slide class using intersection observer
  • Different animation styles in css


  • BREAKING slider-item-shadow has been removed since it uses ::after which disables touch sliding on mobile devices

[v1.0.2] - 08-11-2021

  • Fix z-index issue with nav and indicators (#1)

[v1.0.1] - 08-11-2021

Welcome to the first release of Swiffy Slider.

This project utilizes what is available in modern browsers resulting in a super lightweight and fast slider, greatly reducing the javascript footprint and increase performance to meet todays standards.

Slide any content made in markup

  • Navigate with Touch, Keyboard, trackpad, pen and Mouse - because it is just browser scrolling
  • Setup is done in pure markup and css classes, no scripting required
  • No js loading of slides, configuration or initialization
  • Vanilla javascript, less than 1.3kb ~110 lines
  • Very low overall footprint ~4.5kb in total (css+js gzip'ed)

Swiffy Slider benefits

  • Mobile first 📱, responsive, scaleable and content resilient sliding. Ensuring painless mobile experience.
  • Lighthouse 100 points 💯 Using native browser features a unrivaled performance is ensured
  • SEO 📝 is great as the slides and their content is in pure SLURP-readable markup
  • Build designed pages 🎨 any kind of markup can be slided giving perfect design freedom
  • Web Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 🏆 make your website as accessible as needed since this is just markup

Thank you, give it a spin!